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This is how I have him on display... He's standing on my back wall speaker in my home theater room. Well apartment theater room?!
Spidey got a new neighbour :yess:

this isnt directed at anyone in particular but some people need lessons on posing figures lol... they put them in positions that arent natural at all
Is it because of the companies Marvel sold their movie rights to? and because we'll never see them teamed up with other great Marvel characters because of said film contracts?? :slap
Well, no :lol The reason Marvel sold those licenses off back when they were in financial straits first was because they were the most desirable. Wolvie and Spidey have been Marvel's biggest stars going back to the '80s. Hulk, Iron Man, and Cap were 2nd tier characters in terms of popularity to those guys, and though the success of the recent movies have no doubt boosted interest in those other guys, I don't think they'll ever have the appeal of Spidey and Wolvie. They're just such original, compelling, and influential characters. I agree that it sucks that we won't see all those guys in the same movie, but Marvel made their own bed back when they sold those rights away.
I wanted to upload some pic's of my spidey, not the best but trying. Its hard doing action shots!!









Cool pics, nice idea but it really does highlight the difference in quality, Spidey looks like a real person!