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How do you guys remove the pegs?? I'm oozing blood from under a thumb trying to pull one out! :( Soak in hot water?

  1. Remove hands with pegs from the figures arms.
  2. Heat up hand/peg with a hair dryer. (I skip this step out of laziness, but it will make the removal much easier.)
  3. Use a pliers to pull the peg out of the hand. Pull slow, steady, and straight. When you do this (if you're right handed) you will have the hand (peg out) between your left thumb and forefinger. The pliers will be in your right hand. The peg has a ribbed texture that is very easy to grip with the ribs on a pliers - they fit together perfectly. It's almost as if Hot Toys had this in mind... :idea Make sure you have a tight grip with the pliers so you don't slip off the peg. Then, again, pull very straight and slow. It'll pop of without breaking... I hope.

If it were to break that would be a fluke thing, and that's why they provide the extra pegs. :peace

I don't mean to be pedantic with these detailed tutorials, it's just that it's hard to convey simple stuff like this without the benefit of a visual.
Okay, here's my right handed tutorial on how to fix the long black sleeve on the figures left arm:

  1. Take the left hand off.
  2. Pull on the red sleeve with your right hand so that it is longer than the black under-sleeve. And I mean pull it well beyond where the forearm ends. Like half an inch.
  3. Squeeze the forearm with your left thumb and first finger, holding both sleeves together, with the outer red sleeve stretched past the black under sleeve.
  4. Let go of the red sleeve with your right hand.
  5. Using your left hand, slide the sleeves together up the forearm a bit so that the red sleeve meets up with the end of the arm.
  6. Don't let the black sleeve slide back down or you'll be back to square one. To prevent this, use your right thumb and forefinger to hold the red sleeve tight to the forearm. You can then release the sleeves with your left hand.
  7. Use your left hand to massage the black sleeve up the arm. This step is very over simplified here, and will require some experimentation. You will most likely switch hands at some point. Just make sure you don't let the black sleeve slide back down prematurely. One tip is that if you hold the figure up to the window or a bright light you can see through the red sleeve if you pull it away from the body a bit - revealing the placement of the black sleeve. You want it to slide up to/over the shoulder joint.
  8. After doing all that, you will most likely find that the black sleeve is still too long. Repeat 1 - 7 until the desired result is achieved. I like to have the black sleeve a little shorter than the red sleeve, allowing me to pull the red sleeve down over the wrist joints.

The reasons I feel this is better than cutting the sleeve are as follows:

  • The black sleeves are most likely the same length on each arm. If you cut one, they are no longer the same length.
  • The sleeves serve the purpose of concealing the joints. In most cases, if the black sleeve is showing at the wrist, it is not covering (more accurately - smoothing out) the shoulder joint well, leaving it looking lumpy. Cutting the fabric at the end fixes one problem, but not both.
  • If you cut the sleeve, your figure is no longer mint.

I don't agree with this cause it's a pain in the ass. :) (but i do think it's cool you went through the trouble to try and help)

It's a piece of black body suit trimming it 1/4 inch is no big deal. My shoulder looks fine, and i trimmed mine at the wrist. Mint? If you're not gonna sell your figure who cares. This figure is too fragile(broken webbing etc) for this process IMO. (your mileage may vary.) IMO, why go through all of this when it can be over in 2 seconds with a simple trim and your figure will look tons better without having to risk anything will all this "massaging". Myself and others have trimmed it with no issues.

But anyways, i don't know if this is an issue that can be rectified in the future with the black SM. Seems like the people at the factory just got make sure it's on right same with the mask being off center. Real fragile figure, and the suit is complex lots of little quirks can rise up on this spectacular figure.
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I don't agree with this cause it's a pain in the ass. :) (but i do think it's cool you went through the trouble to try and help)


It's a piece of black body suit trimming it 1/4 inch is no big deal. My shoulder looks fine, and i trimmed mine at the wrist. Mint? If you're not gonna sell your figure who cares. This figure is too fragile(broken webbing etc) for this process IMO. (your mileage may vary.) IMO, why go through all of this when it can be over in 2 seconds with a simple trim? Myself and others have trimmed it with no issues.

Different strokes for different folks. There's no way I could ever bring myself to cut the fabric unless there was absolutely no other option. As I'm probably not the only one, hopefully someone will find my post helpful. :)

And I truly never felt like I was stressing the suit. So I also didn't have any "issues". ;)

But anyways, i don't know if this is an issue that can be rectified in the future with the black SM. Seems like the people at the factory just got make sure it's on right same with the mask being off center. Real fragile figure, and the suit is complex lots of little quirks can rise up on this spectacular figure.

I guess it's just personal preference. When i tried to "massage" the suit back up the arm i was sweating it bigtime. (and it just wasn't working) Not worth the risk IMO.

More pics guys can't get enough!

These are all my ____yy pics





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Does anyone have ideas/suggestions for the best way to make it look like Spidey is web swinging through the air? I'd like to have him positioned up and to the right of my other Marvel figures in my Detolf. Thanks.
seriously, ecko...2 or 3 shots will do. i don't think we need 10 pics of the same pose with different lighting.
and i see you posted the same thing in the mark vi thread. awesome.
Don't Look At It Then . You Mad Bro?

Seriously, this board sometimes :lol

Recipe for How to Make Something Out of Nothing:

Step 1: take something that could easily be ignored

Step 2: instead of ignoring it, get narky about it

Step 3: post your narkiness for all to read

Guaranteed to serve 1.