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Just a little side by side with the HT and SSC PF. It should be noted that the exclusive PF will have a more accurate shield displayed on his other arm. It looks like both companies did a fantastic job.


Why does it look like the PF shield is almost flat while the HT looks like it has the correct depth to it.

Is is just the angle. :dunno

It's amazing what HT was able to pull off at that scale. :clap
This may well be the only Cap figure I need to own.The detail in that costume is sick. I have to say, as stoked as I was, and am, for the '89 Bats, I am just as excited for this figure. Now that's saying something, since I've been waiting for a proper Keaton batman for 22 years.
Either way, they'll both be centerpieces of my 1/6 collection.
Why does it look like the PF shield is almost flat while the HT looks like it has the correct depth to it.

Is is just the angle. :dunno

It's amazing what HT was able to pull off at that scale. :clap

It's the angle. Shield in person looks sweet.

I love the BD shield but not sure how often I'll use it since the way to display cap you'd never see it. Probably will go with that pose in the pic above more often than not.

HT ability to pull of the shield is impressive even more so since it's no longer a metal shield.
I like to revisit this tread just to be reminded how awesome this figure looks. I can't wait to have it in hand.

This may well be the only Cap figure I need to own.The detail in that costume is sick. I have to say, as stoked as I was, and am, for the '89 Bats, I am just as excited for this figure. Now that's saying something, since I've been waiting for a proper Keaton batman for 22 years.
Either way, they'll both be centerpieces of my 1/6 collection.

:exactly: I was about to post something similar.

The detail is fantastic.
Haven't seen the movie yet but the figure looks amazing. I'm a Cap fan anyway so this is a must have for me. Looks like they did a pretty good job on the costume.

I have kept up with him in the comics until recently and I like the idea behind him but quite frankly I don't trust a company like Marvel aka Disney to do proper justice to a traditionalist conservative leaning hero since their agenda is the opposite. I will rent the movie on good ol netflix when it comes out. If I like it then I'll be pleasantly surprised and admit I was wrong. Other than Iron Man 1 I haven't liked any other marvel hero movie they've done so since it only takes like 2 months for a movie to hit dvd as opposed to the old vhs days of waiting multi months for release I think I can hold off a little longer.
Haven't seen the movie yet but the figure looks amazing. I'm a Cap fan anyway so this is a must have for me. Looks like they did a pretty good job on the costume.

You should go see it, the movie is well worth watching. I was very surprised that Marvel/Disney didn't cloud Cap's ideals with Hollywood left-leaning views.
You should go see it, the movie is well worth watching. I was very surprised that Marvel/Disney didn't cloud Cap's ideals with Hollywood left-leaning views.

I'm shocked. That's exactly what I expected. I did have hope though when I saw in the trailor "real heroes are made in America." Hell considering what we are bombarded with on a daily basis by the media and every other "left-leaning" powerful outlet is exactly the opposite that phrase in itself surprised the ____ out of me. I have heard good things about it and will see it, but I personally really think movie theaters are a waste. It costs almost the same to see the movie once as it would for me to buy the DVD and watch it as often as I wished. Thanks for the info sam. I'll def give it a watch.
Seriously? You're worried about the Hollywood liberals ruining Captain America? Did you expect him to go around performing abortions? :lol
No man. Captain America doesn't take place in a blue state. :rolleyes2 No seriously. I'm not looking to start a political war here, although that is a specialty of mine. Lets leave it at this. I don't like alot of modern movies because of the content, the way it is portrayed, the complete classless acting of today's "actors", etc. There are some of course I do like, but overall I prefer older movies as well as shows. That is my personal belief. You guys can feel as you wish and I'm not attacking you. I'm glad from the research I'm doing plus what sam said it appears overall this movie wasn't impacted very much. I will eventually see it and I truly hope I enjoy it.Now that the interlude is over.....I like the mix of the classic suit along with a 1940s touch that still has a modern flare.
I like to revisit this tread just to be reminded how awesome this figure looks. I can't wait to have it in hand.


Anyway, yeah he does look amazing! So excited aboout this one! I do really hope they eventually announce the Red Skull too. Only time will tell I suppose.
Anyway, yeah he does look amazing! So excited aboout this one! I do really hope they eventually announce the Red Skull too. Only time will tell I suppose.

They can't do a Cap without a Red Skull. That's like an unofficial law or something. I too hope we have the infamous villain at some point! He'll look great next to my other German WWII Figures. :yess: