Hot Toys -MMS167 - Captain America: The First Avenger: Red Skull Figure

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I couldn't be bothered moving them all to another shelf, so i just took the two in the grey tunics.
Both on $10 Dam Toys bodies with long pegs.


Those do look good! I have to give this a try. If this is the body with the wide hips I think that this is the one people were suggesting a while back for Rainman's Anton. I'm mostly savvy with HT bodies so excuse my barrage of questions.

Do they have nice stiff joints that could hold a pose on their own? I'm not a stand guy so I stay away from the looser bodies. Are the HT foot pegs completely compatible? Meaning is it a snug fit or do you have to do cotton ball/hot glue/blue tac tricks? Are you using a HT neck plug or do you have to use a DAM specific for a tight fit?
Because of the nature of the outfit and the Slim body that it's custom tailored for, it'll be tough finding another body that will work well. That's the deal when outfits are tailored for specific bodies. When it's a larger body there is some wiggle room that allows the possibility for a couple of different options to work, but when the outfit is made for a skinnier, shorter body there really aren't many(any) options to go up. Similarly, you couldn't fit clothes that are made specifically for a larger body on a smaller one.

I partially retract this statement. Usually this is the rule of thumb when outfits are more fitted but in this case, even though the base body the outfit was made for is essentially a Slim, the outfit is bigger on the body then I first realized. There's wiggle room to fit "the right" larger body in there to heighten it while still making it look natural. Plus the high boots disguise where the pants end so you don't end up with high-waters like you would in another situation
Those do look good! I have to give this a try. If this is the body with the wide hips I think that this is the one people were suggesting a while back for Rainman's Anton. I'm mostly savvy with HT bodies so excuse my barrage of questions.

Do they have nice stiff joints that could hold a pose on their own? I'm not a stand guy so I stay away from the looser bodies. Are the HT foot pegs completely compatible? Meaning is it a snug fit or do you have to do cotton ball/hot glue/blue tac tricks? Are you using a HT neck plug or do you have to use a DAM specific for a tight fit?

Like you already said, the uniform is slightly bigger than it ought to be.
In any case, those bodies are great replacements for other bodies that might be *too expensive* on the secondary market.
And because you asked about holding poses, the legs are incredible tight and will hold to any pose, as will the arms. The only small issue are the shoulders. There's a double joint in them and the first joint is just a ball-joint. It's not as tight out-of-the-box as i would like. But if you have saran wrap or similar, you can get a couple(Or more) layers of that and put it on the ball before re-attaching the arm, and it will tighten it right up.
The following figures are on Dam bodies:










Hahaha, lovin' that Coulson in spandex

Lol. The grief i got on twitter about that one!!!
I got a retweet from Clark Gregg(Bless his heart), and all *his*(crazy) fans sent messages about how Coulson would *never* wear Cap's uniform like that...
I had to send them all the pic of Fury wearing the same uniform, and tell them that because Coulson was now director, i thought i would homage that image.
Man, I've been on the fence for this figure ever since he came out. I convince myself I don't need him in my collection, but still I always see him up at my sellers shops and I start wondering if I shouldn't add him afterall...
Remember when HT came w/ a ton of accessories and various options/outfits for a larger number of poses/displays? :monkey3
Man, I've been on the fence for this figure ever since he came out. I convince myself I don't need him in my collection, but still I always see him up at my sellers shops and I start wondering if I shouldn't add him afterall...

My advice would be to get him. I was also back and forth on whether or not to pick him up but I finally did after a year of going back and forth and I'm really glad that I took the plunge. You won't be disappointed.
Would you consider this the correct 1/6 scale? I'm watching another bike that looks the same but it's $185 or so, and I would much rather get a cheaper one if it's generally the same.

very nice display, I love the background there.
TFA Cap looks crosseyed :lol
Also just me but I would switch the Red skull head with Johann and have Red Skull punching Rescue Cap's shield, thats just me though but I like what you have there, actually I'm tempted to open mine and do that :lol