Hot Toys -MMS167 - Captain America: The First Avenger: Red Skull Figure

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Would you consider this the correct 1/6 scale? I'm watching another bike that looks the same but it's $185 or so, and I would much rather get a cheaper one if it's generally the same.

The bike is looking a little small to me. I'm not familiar with those bikes but if they're sized anything like today's then it should be higher.

Like you already said, the uniform is slightly bigger than it ought to be.
In any case, those bodies are great replacements for other bodies that might be *too expensive* on the secondary market.
And because you asked about holding poses, the legs are incredible tight and will hold to any pose, as will the arms. The only small issue are the shoulders. There's a double joint in them and the first joint is just a ball-joint. It's not as tight out-of-the-box as i would like. But if you have saran wrap or similar, you can get a couple(Or more) layers of that and put it on the ball before re-attaching the arm, and it will tighten it right up.
The following figures are on Dam bodies:

Thanks for the info brother :hi5:. Gonna give these a try
^^^ I had that feeling too, which was why I'm afraid to pull the trigger.

This one here looks the same right, a tad too small?
I'm not too familiar with those old school bikes so I don't know if they sit lower than today's average. It might not be horrible because when I first looked at the 1st pic I thought that he had both feet planted and was squatting while still not even touching the seat. I see now that one foot is on the ground and the other on the bike. Slightly better than I first thought but still probably a little undersized.

The bike itself looks good and he looks good fully sitting on it though
^^^ You have good eyes. I thought he had both feet on the motorcycle. Here's an actual pic from production:


The bike from luke's pictures definitely looks more like it since it doesn't have back seat portion. But I still can't tell about the size. The angles of perspective are confusing me. :google


Luke's looks like the nicer quality of the two by far. I think the ZY seems bigger because the seat is jacked up. Looking at the movie still the screen used bike does seem to sit a little low; maybe the Luke's is still a touch undersized but it doesn't look ridiculous or anything. That's actually a pretty damn cool piece! The ZY is pretty meh
Did anyone ever spot a black version of his uniform?

In the movie, it was a very dark grey/green. HT just seem to have gotten the colour a bit light. I think there are people who have had success dying the uniform darker.
But with there being 51 pages in this thread, i am loathe to start going back through the thread to see if i can find pics...
in the movie, it was a very dark grey/green. Ht just seem to have gotten the colour a bit light. I think there are people who have had success dying the uniform darker.
But with there being 51 pages in this thread, i am loathe to start going back through the thread to see if i can find pics...

51 pages!!!!