Nuka Cola Kidd
Super Freak
What I meant by "slowing down" is adding more QC during the production run...more samples along the way instead of the initial check at the beginning of the run.
What do you mean by "making a figure more than it should be"? Cost-wise to the consumer? Good luck...everything along the production line costs more these days. I've no problem with that as long as the end result is a great figure on my shelf...there's always the choice not to buy....
How have "greedy collector impacted HT's decline"? They're offering more figures from more varied licenses, are able to raise their prices and still maintain intense demand....where's/what's the declne?
Not tryin' to start something here, just wondering where you're coming from...
This is coming from looking at HT from early 2008 to now, and just how much they've changed is all.
What I meant more by "making a figure more then needs to be," is well, take the Black suit Spidy for example. Why does it come with a big ass Sand Man? The figure would be the same without it,and would sell all the same. Does including it lend itself to a bigger price tag? Yes. Thor, with the rock mound (who really uses it anyway??) Same thing. Remember the days when they just came with black stands and a few accessories and we were still happy? Collectors now expect a figure to have some kind of sculpted base or added "wow" factor. But thats okay with HT cause they can continue to jack up the price.
Collectors expect HT to include everything these days while still wanting the price as low as possible. And then when somethings wrong they throw a fit. That's something that didn't really happen until recently.
And then I just look at this figure, and have to ask why is it so much? Looking over at Bank Robber Joker, two heads (equally as sculpted as this) around the same amount of clothing, and way more accessories. Back to this: why is it so much? Because HT knows our ********* will still buy it.