Hot Toys -MMS167 - Captain America: The First Avenger: Red Skull Figure

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Why can't it just be a differnce of opinion?
Bcuz, as you said, it's a "buying into hype" :dunno

Just ignore the inaccuracies and enjoy what this figure does bring :hi5:
I ssuppose you want to sponsor 30% of my purchases... Sounds great! :yess:

I'll give you an account number tomorrow.
Can't wait for some $500 of yours so I could buy all the figures I want to but which aren't worth their price. Thx, you're awesome :clap

So true.I look at this figure and think 140 maybe 150, Not 200. Hot toys feels like it can charge 2 bills for a figure and you know what..........there right, because people just like the ones on facebook are ready to shell out money for anything that comes there way.

I hope you stay true to your values and pass this figure.

I´ll hapully pay whatever they want for it...
That Red Skull headsculpt looks fantastic (both do), but I can't get past the bulkiness of the jacket. Might just get the heads on ebay and bash a uniform.
Just saw a pic of John Schmidt from the actual movie. HT took major liberties not making the suit black. I wonder why?
Meh the colour of the outfit not being 100% accurate is no big deal for me especially as I'll have mind donning the overcoat.

Just ignore the inaccuracies and enjoy what this figure does bring :hi5:

That's cool i'm sure it'll be a great figure, but for me the colour is about 10% accurate (the red trim) and 90% not, and that's too much laziness for me to swallow for an authentic $200 figure
. maybe down the road.

Why is it that people who are happy with a figure and don't share your point of view contantly get called delusional or get criticized for buying into hype? :dunno

Why can't it just be a differnce of opinion?

It is just a difference of opinion, but buying a brand because its a brand without considering value or interest is deluded, at least to me.
I was myself for a good few years deluded & loyal only to HT for 1/6 until my eyes opened to excellent figures by other companies :wave

For some customers it's as if a pinky finger teaser would emerge with the HT logo and they'd exclaim "Bought!!!" or those who say "i'd pay anything" those are the deluded types i refer to.

I don't think i've used the word deluded on this board before so constantly would be in-accurate unless you're referring to other post by other members aswell :)

i'll hapilly pay whatever they want for it...

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Okay, having looked at the OMG pics the jacket isn't massively bulky, but still looks a little too much for my liking. The uniform in general just looks a little cheap to me. Still might get this guy though... hmmm...
Looks like the Red Skull HS has a fever :D
Nice looking figure but they should've left the Weaving sculpt alone. The final product is inferior.



Agreed, and that's a bloody shame because that proto was perfect. Sometimes things just need to be left the ____ alone.

I actually like the final sculpt petter. the proto looked too narrow and the fina figure has a nice rounder shape. Also while Weaving does have "\ /" kinds of eyebrows, i think the protos were too steep. Very Happy with this figure.


in terms of the suit. I really like how he looks with and without the overcoat. The RedSkull sculpt on the figure w/o has a classic comic vibe to me and it's liek once you put the coat on you get the movie version.

I know the main color of the uniform is buggins some folks due to it not being the accurate dark green, and I originally was a bit bummed that it hadn't changed but looking at OMG's pics and how much the red trim pops, I can't help but like HT decision to keep it grey

I was quoting nova when I said buying into the hype. That's not what I think. And even if someone does why do people care how others they spend their money?

Preaching in the desert here bud. Don't waste your keystrokes.
Nice looking figure but they should've left the Weaving sculpt alone. The final product is inferior.



Aye Proto was better (the larger forehead looks more accurate to the actor), I'm not fussed though because as good as that HS is I am only ever going to have this guy posed as Red Skull as we know him :)
Unfortunately yes, the proto was better. Final product is still great, but I'm wondering why they can't just replicate the damn proto.