Most people who missed are not going to see the approach as "fair". But this is the way of collecting limited items, most especially in cases like this where the demand far outweighs the supply. Everything being complained about here is the Iminime Cowboy thread all over again (so sorry to repeat myself for those that were there). Bottom line is no matter what the product is... statues, prop replicas, figs, books, sneakers, clothing, so on & so on, if there are say (in this case) 3000 pieces and 6000 takers... then folks will have to come up empty handed
As far as the allocation, I don’t think that SS is the one to blame (if you’re looking for someone to blame). HT dictates where these are going so it’s their call. They spread their 800, 600 & 500 thru the Asian markets of their choice and sent whatever they did to America; of course that means to SS (I still assume that there are 3000 total like the AV. MK VI and SS got 1100). I know that it’s easy to be mad if you were zoned out but look at the big picture. If you were a company like HT, how would you handle it? (and not by making it a full regular release because of course that would solve the problem, but that’s obviously not what they wanted to do; and I’m sure there are reasons behind that)
HT obviously spread this thru their largest markets. Could they done it differently and still kept it limited? Probably. Maybe make 500 more and drop (i.e.) 150 in Europe, 150 in Australia, 100 in South America and 100 in Canada? Africa? IDK. But we all know that HT isn’t allergic to making money and they LOVE to milk this IM license so I think that you have to assume there are reasons that we aren’t privy to why they didn’t.
As far as SS’ PO method… I can’t be mad at that. You have to keep your eyes peeled when you are chasing limited collectibles of any nature. It’s your job to stay sharp, not Sideshow’s. Smartphones do come in handy for this stuff, bottom line. There is a whole country of millions here all doing their own thing in their own time zones. SS can’t cater to the country’s median ideal time for PO. If you want something like this you have to keep your eye on it and fit it into your day somehow.
I’m glad that someone said that even Amazon’s site crashed over a certain offering. If they’re not safe then no one is. This is probably a big reason that SS decided to take the approach that they did. Even the biggest companies sometimes can’t handle that type of insane Black Friday squeezing 5000 raging elephants thru a tiny door type traffic.
I’m not trying to argue, just offering blunt truth