You know, people have to realize that some are disappointed and will complain. I'm dissappointed as well. What WE don't need is people who got it telling us that well......tough **** for you, especially when ones who get it have to come on the board and say.......Oh I got two, or three or five. Or, well, I didn't really want it, I'm going to flip or trade it. Just keep that too yourself. No need to brag about it and fuel the fire.
Some of us can't sit by the computer all day waiting for a pre-sale. In the old days there was a set time for it, or it would happen when the newsletter launched. Now, it can be anytime. Some of us have more to do in our lives.
So us the too bad for you speeches.
Thank you.
I agree, I couldn't believe how many we're proud to shout out and publicize that they are unscrupulous swine.

. I don't see a big deal in flipping regular releases for reasonable markups because most of those have a huge PO period to get in. If you miss the 4-6 month PO period then you missed the boat and may have to pay the piper. That's part of the game as I see it. But when things are limited it puts a whole different spin on things. Then your taking away from someone who was there from the get go and extorting them. I would never dream of doing that with a custom piece like we see from artists here with small runs of 10-100. This is a little different because the run is quite larger but it's just dissapointing to see how many opportunist got in. I can see a few guys here and there but it feels like 1/4 of the people in don't even want the fig for their collection. And I can even see a few getting flipped at this ES, but for something reasonable like around $475. These guys going $600 and better on the Bay are straight up ruthless
That was my point about smartphones before. I understand that some people aren't technologically savvy but they can't blame anyone for that. Keeping up to speed with today's tech is important for MANY aspects of life, let alone collecting. I know that there are people that are stuck in their old school ways but you can't blame anyone else for letting the evolution of tech pass you by. Again, not trying to start a fight with anyone but this is sound advise. It's the mode and tone of today's world.
Smartphones or other mobile devices may be the greatest tool in collecting today (primarily when your talking about limited stuff). You can set up alerts to your email from this forum to tell you every time someone posts in a specific thread... you can set up alerts to your phone every time you get an email..

...boom... No one (and who can?) has to be in front of a computer all day
This was up for 3 hours, not 3 minutes. Anyone who had their eyes peeled and were set up properly could've got this despite time zones or probably 95% of work/family situations. Hell even some people who were zoned out found a way to make it happen
As far as people not getting their emails after subscribing, I think that there may have been a cap to those alerts and the folks that subscribed late didn't get notified.