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All this talk about Evil Bay is having me worried about my order.

I don't want to get into this situation but I would like to input that my cousin has a shared Bay account as well with his dealer for electronics, which he acquires from international borders. It's not the biggest stretch and not the first to be heard of.

no one is forcing someone to buy from TITR, if any thing i commend him for cashing in on it.

You seem like a cool enough cat, Master, so I'm kind of puzzled. You would commend flipping? I hope I'm misinterpreting your sentiment.
:rotfl:rotfl It's FIVE actually. :rotfl 1 2 3 4 5
Not to mention I got two from SSC myself. Again, not my personal listings for those.

Not 1 2 - 10

Nice of you to double the actual number in favor of yourself.

Oh actually it is now ironmischeif for the other 5 sales did a little housecleaning with e-bay while you were away this evening! :lol

Nice way to cover the other 5!
since TITR is the devil now what did he do wrong? im not going through who knows how many pages to see. i consider myself to have two trains of thought, what would be nice and the reality. for example i would like a video game to come with all content, but as a realest i know that these companies are businesses and buy doing day 1 dlc, online passes ETC, they are doing doucebagggery stuff but they know people will buy it. Why does no one complain about corporations buying land, then flipping them to make profit? or someone buying a house renovating it then raising the price to make profit? its a buyers market when the job is to make money.But at the end of the day its a Collectible, and if i was in the same position as TITR i would do the same. If you dont like what i said then move on with your life. there are bigger problems in the world than a damn collectible.
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The real problem here is selling what you don't have in hand and 10 at that. Acquiring 10 would be really tough and I would question if that many were really coming in. Selling rare items for a profit is not an issue. Hoarding those rare items and trying to hide it just doesn't do you any favors with the collecting community.
Well then get educated or shut the **** up. So you are commenting on stuff you have no idea about.

Showing the smarts there mix.

Okay, hokie, that's a little unnecessary. Mix, just go back a few pages and read through them. It takes all but five minutes.

Man... Just thinking about this thread is upping my heart rate. :lol
I posted a couple of days ago that's its just one figure and people need to let it go and got flamed for it:dunno I can see not much has changed and no one is talking about the figure itself:(

But yeah, the flipping thing doesn't equate to a huge profit here. There are other collectibles you could focus on if that were your goal. . .
All this talk about Evil Bay is having me worried about my order.

I don't want to get into this situation but I would like to input that my cousin has a shared Bay account as well with his dealer for electronics, which he acquires from international borders. It's not the biggest stretch and not the first to be heard of.


So, you got registered today, all your 6 posts are in this thread, and you are reinforcing the fact that two people, sharing an ebay account, is nothing unusual because you 'happen to know' someone as well?

Shady coincidence.
only TITR is not my friend, i skimmed over and didnt see a problem. explain whats wrong then.

I personally don't care if he is a broker, a baker or a candle stick maker. I also don't care if he bought 20, and if he sells them for 12 grand a piece.

What is wrong to me is that anyone would try to sell **** they don't have yet, and don't know when they will get, and expect people to pay the whole amount.
Wait until you have the product and then sell for as much as gets you hard...:lecture

Only most licensed retailer only require a 10% deposit. Why would a pay some dude on EBay the entire amount and hope for the best.

Besides the fact that it is against EBay sellers policies.

Does this help clarify what's wrong?:slap.....:lol