Hot Toys - MMS196 - The Avengers: Battle Damaged Mark VII (Movie Promo Edition)

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Yeah I kinda agree with you on that but honestly man the base is AMAZING. pics really don't give it justice and at the end of the day that's what your really paying for, that and how limited this MVII is. I was there all 5 days, I had a blast. did you make it out?

Cool man! Yeah I was there on Thursday and Friday. And on Friday I met Howard Chan...he was just standing off near the Hot Toys display booth and got a picture with him. :lol I wanted to ask him some questions but his english was very limited.

And you're right about the base, I was very impressed with it.
Cool man! Yeah I was there on Thursday and Friday. And on Friday I met Howard Chan...he was just standing off near the Hot Toys display booth and got a picture with him. :lol I wanted to ask him some questions but his english was very limited.

And you're right about the base, I was very impressed with it.

Yeah it is, and yes I agree for $300 I was hoping to get a better BD mark VII but honestly as a stand alone piece with the base its still looks pretty good to me, so for me its a keeper. And I would love to keep the regular mark VII but honestly I could use the money lol, I got the galactus maquette coming in here very soon :)
Ok so I was at SDCC this last week, talked to one of the guys who works in product production of the sideshow products. He was really cool and gave me some great info about a lot of sideshow products coming out. Anyway from what hes saying that Mark VII BD that was at the comic con is pretty much what the final product is gonna be, being so close to release he says its highly unlikely that HT didn't send them the final one everyone is going to be getting. IMO the pics don't do it justice, its pretty bad @ss once you see it in person. I honestly was on the fence on this one but after seeing it yeah its a keeper for me, especially with the base. But of course to each there own. LOL im sure there is going to be a wave of complaints here very soon.


anyone who hates it, please feel free to cancel so my waitlist converts!!! :clap
For those considering cancelling, this figure is selling for $600-800 on ebay. If you're not happy with it when it comes, sell and get your money back +. Also, this figure has a waitlist that is probably hundreds if not thousands long. So if you cancel, the next person on the waitlist will have their order converted. So there could be some members here and around the world happy if you cancel. :wave:dunno


anyone who hates it, please feel free to cancel so my waitlist converts!!! :clap


We now return you to our regularly scheduled program!:wave
Its what the SS guy told me and to me it kinda makes sense but take from it what you will, I'm only sharing the love with the info I got.

i'm close to converting so i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i get the email! :pray:

i've already decided i will not pay aftermarket prices so if doesn't convert, i'll have to live without it.
so is it the final version or not? people saying yes, people saying no. i'm confused.

That's the confusion, some people are saying it is the final version and others (like myself) are saying it's just a regular mark vii with BD parts.

Personally, it noticeably different than the prototype shown by Hot Toys and other events. The one displayed at SDCC was too clean looking, in my opinion.

I'm saying Hot Toys wouldn't do that, and we'll get one that was shown in other events with a higher amount of BD.

We shall see in September....hopefully :lol
This display piece at SDCC does throw a lot of confusion in the mix. I am not worried either way as I am sure I will enjoy it none the less. I want to point out that this may not be the actual piece we get though, as all of the display pieces we have seen so far have yet to be displayed with the extra head and or hands, which leads me to believe that this is still a proto. Once they have the actual piece displayed with all of the parts that come with it I will believe it is the actual product we will be getting.
There were a lot of different versions of characters already shown looking better at other shows. I don't really get why, but the MK XLII looked better before SDCC.. Like an actual figure. At SDCC it looked like a quick prototype just like Gemini. Solid with messy paint. Hot Toys never look like that.
I'll say this right now to stop people who have a preorder from panicking(Or worse, cancelling).

The one shown was a MKVII. BD parts from the standard MKII, and given a BD base, and some extra airbrushing.
These things are like hens teeth. The original proto is in Toy Hunters.
So they sent the thing that was seen at SDCC.

Don't despair.
This will be the jewel in the crown of all your IM collections.
And it will be worth the wait.
I'll say this right now to stop people who have a preorder from panicking(Or worse, cancelling).

The one shown was a MKVII. BD parts from the standard MKII, and given a BD base, and some extra airbrushing.
These things are like hens teeth. The original proto is in Toy Hunters.
So they sent the thing that was seen at SDCC.

Don't despair.
This will be the jewel in the crown of all your IM collections.
And it will be worth the wait.

I'm not at all concerned, nor would I ever consider canceling my order. I was fortunate enough to get a waitlist conversion so this baby is going to find a nice home with me.
I'm not at all concerned, nor would I ever consider canceling my order. I was fortunate enough to get a waitlist conversion so this baby is going to find a nice home with me.

For sure.
Me neither.
And no "I talked to someone who assures me this IS the final version" will make me believe that a MKVII with weathering is the BD one.
I certainly do not plan on canceling anything. I have always been happy with my HT figures and anything IM right now is hot. I myself believe that the actual product we will be getting though was not what was shown at SDCC. We will all know for sure soon enough.
I certainly do not plan on canceling anything. I have always been happy with my HT figures and anything IM right now is hot. I myself believe that the actual product we will be getting though was not what was shown at SDCC. We will all know for sure soon enough.

Almost everyone is almost always happy with every HT figure.

Unfortunately, there is this maddening feeling that comes out in every single figure thread that THIS is going to be the figure that HT really screws up. That this one is going to look like crap.

Of course later realizing it was the lighting in the pic, or someone improperly futzing during set up at a con!:cuckoo::slap

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After realizing how big the base is I'm trying to imagine what kinda box we are going to get. I'm hoping it'll be similar to a DX style of box or something unique... :dunno
Why are people panicking..? Do people not remember the prototypes of the regular Mark VII?

Relax, every one of you who are panicking will be drooling when this figure releases.


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I'll say this right now to stop people who have a preorder from panicking(Or worse, cancelling).

The one shown was a MKVII. BD parts from the standard MKII, and given a BD base, and some extra airbrushing.
These things are like hens teeth. The original proto is in Toy Hunters.
So they sent the thing that was seen at SDCC.

Don't despair.
This will be the jewel in the crown of all your IM collections.
And it will be worth the wait.

Do you have a link or anything to confirm this or is this your opinion?
I'll say this right now to stop people who have a preorder from panicking(Or worse, cancelling).

The one shown was a MKVII. BD parts from the standard MKII, and given a BD base, and some extra airbrushing.
These things are like hens teeth. The original proto is in Toy Hunters.
So they sent the thing that was seen at SDCC.

Don't despair.
This will be the jewel in the crown of all your IM collections.
And it will be worth the wait.

Agree with everything you're saying Bar except the underlined part :lol