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Not sure exactly what you mean but Trump openly retweets messages from neo nazi groups such as 'white genocide'. He's hiding in plain sight.

Yes Gibson trashed BvS and the genre in general. This is one of the most bizarre rumours I've seen.

Right now I'm more concerned about the Batman movie than a SS sequel. Some confirmation of another solo Superman movie would be nice to.

Would you care to show these neo Nazi tweets by Trump? And none of those fake ones please. Your insane if you think Trump's a Nazi. There is no evidence of that. GTFOH with that liberal bs talking points. If a conservative doesn't agree with the left then they are a racist. Grow up. How many times did Trump say he doesn't want or support David Dukes endorsement? Many times. Only group rioting and attacking people are the far left loon liberals.
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Are you referring to David Duke? He disavowed David Duke long ago and any white nationalist group that mentioned his name at their rallies post his election. He also never tendered an invite to any of them to the WH, the way BLM was tendered an invite to the WH over the summer after clamoring for the murdering of police officers. Feel free to PM if you'd like to discuss this, so as not to pollute the thread.

Ah ok, I thought I recall Gibson saying something along those lines. That being the case, I don't imagine Gibson would be all that invested in the project being those are his sentiments towards the genre.

Yeah, I'm more interested at this point in another Batman film than another SS film. I thought SS was decent, but it was definitely the weakest of the three films thus far in my opinion. Hasn't MoS 2 already been confirmed? I know it was scrapped for awhile, but I thought it was announced again?

More alternative facts...:welcome1::wave Kellyanne!
Would you care to show these neo Nazi tweets by Trump? And none of those fake ones please. Your insane if you think Trump's a Nazi. There is no evidence of that. GTFOH with that liberal bs talking points. If a conservative doesn't agree with the left then they are a racist. Grow up. How many times did Trump say he doesn't want or support Da I'd Duke? Many times. Only group rioting and attacking people are the far left loon liberals.

When did I say he was a nazi? I said he retweeted tweets from neo nazi accounts.

He's deleted most of them now, a late attempt to cover his tracks. I suppose you'll find a way to defend his numerous misogynistic comments and boasts of sexual assault. He's not a conservative, that is an insult to decent conservatives the world over. He's a bigot and most of his own party think so. Great leaders don't preach division and put up barriers, they knock them down.

If WB can't find someone competent to direct this movie who doesn't have Gibson's history they have more problems than I thought. Why is it even in the works when they are doing Gotham City Sirens? Surely that's somewhat of a sequel.

When see the Joker, Deadshot and maybe some of the others again I'd rather it be as part of a Batman or Justice League movie.

Has the unreal toys wired cape been released yet? Just this YT video.

Looks pretty good, better than the stock cape for this SS Batman maybe.
I feel like he said some ****ed up ****, but I'm in the camp who thinks he's a damn good director, and, as others have mentioned, on the scale of Hollywood ****ed uppery, saying racist and horrible **** while drunk, while disgusting, isn't quite on the level of being a kiddie ****er. Has he ever apologized for saying all that ****, by the way? That's what I'm curious about.

I feel like I'm watching a Rated R movie on public television... at 4pm in the afternoon...
To be fair, the guy's whole platform was pretty much built on dividing people.:lol

lol exactly, divide and rule.

I wonder if Affleck has any idea how popular his figure is. He should listen to fans and not critics when deciding whether to continue as Batman.
To be fair, the guy's whole platform was pretty much built on dividing people.:lol
well now he's uniting people, his fractured opposition that were apathetic towards Hillary and didnt vote or voted 3rd party. They'll all vote for any Dem just to get him out.
What odds of HT doing a 1/4 scale Batfleck. Was the Bale Batman the last DC figure they did that for?
well now he's uniting people, his fractured opposition that were apathetic towards Hillary and didnt vote or voted 3rd party. They'll all vote for any Dem just to get him out.

The irony...he is "Making America Great Again" by motivating average Americans to rise up and oppose intolerance and religious bigotry!
It's called wrong place, wrong time. The arguing over whether suicide squad is **** or not was preferable to this. :lol

to you but obviously others feel strongly about our current political climate, enough for it to spill over into a Batman thread on SSF. You mentioned "rallying" not whether this was the "time or place" which is not according to the rules of the website but that wasn't your original contention.