Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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There's tons of those guys all over ebay for everything you could imagine. They just run false auctions. Must be in the thousands. But their prices are so ridiculously low -- impossibly low -- that anyone who bids almost deserves to get scammed and learn a life lesson.
there is a seller scam on ebay selling this luke figure for like a total of 24.00 I have been in talks with timscent88 about this nonsense. so hopefully the listing comes down soon he has since sold another one. hope no one on here bought one of these fakes.

Yeah he just contacted me. He said more than one is copying him. :horror

He’s on it with Ebay. That Ebayer is toast and he probably will never be able to post again . Ebay has gotten extremely strict and sensitive with selling policies in the last few years believe me I been contacted by them about the constant policy updates and they really back us collectors up of any shannigans when it comes to purchasing.

What a dumb a## , that person is, and now they might get fined for more of the cost of the figure itself :lecture
There's tons of those guys all over ebay for everything you could imagine. They just run false auctions. Must be in the thousands. But their prices are so ridiculously low -- impossibly low -- that anyone who bids almost deserves to get scammed and learn a life lesson.

This particular one says they have ( 0 feedback ) , first off sellers who don’t have feedback are tagged ( no feedback acquired yet ) in an official auction .

Please guys be cautious
Yeah he just contacted me. He said more than one is copying him. :horror

He’s on it with Ebay. That Ebayer is toast and he probably will never be able to post again . Ebay has gotten extremely strict and sensitive with selling policies in the last few years believe me I been contacted by them about the constant policy updates and they really back us collectors up of any shannigans when it comes to purchasing.

What a dumb a## , that person is, and now they might get fined for more of the cost of the figure itself :lecture

well I`m just glad I helped a seller out. I have never done business with him but hate to see some one get there stuff miss used like that by a crook.
I took a shot on one of those 24 dollar figures for my threezero guts, since i had not been 1/6th shopping in a very long time, i figured maybe someone missed a zero when setting the buy out price or it was a scam.

Payed w PP in the scam case so i had PP and ebay that would refund me in case i got nothing, and sure enough the seller never responded to any communications or inquires, so i contacted ebay and requested them to refund the transaction. Took about a week to get that whopping 25 refunded, and ordered the figure off thinkgeek since it was one of the few places that had it on sale vs the resellers wanting like 300 for the figure.

But that scam apparently crops up everytime there is a semi popular 1/6 figure on the market.
well I`m just glad I helped a seller out. I have never done business with him but hate to see some one get there stuff miss used like that by a crook.

He’s the best..and the fastest to ship on initial release HTs. not even a week to ship to you with a new HT that releases in the same week .

Been doing business with him for years. You don’t believe me, ask Dean Knight
sorry you had to find out the hard way that`s why I posted it one here so hopefully no one got burned. I know it was not much but a fake auction like this if it`s to good to be true it sure is.
This particular one says they have ( 0 feedback ) , first off sellers who don’t have feedback are tagged ( no feedback acquired yet ) in an official auction .

Please guys be cautious

All the ones I've seen say "0" feedback. These guys have ID names like 5648394658... and ab9975536... they're just generated. A thousand get shut down but maybe a few hundred survive.

They thrive on guys like cerebus23. They get their money and duck out before ebay protection bites in. Its such small amounts that ebay just eats it.
This is better than the Inigo, IMO — that sculpt is nice though, and Shortround is selling a SilentSurfer painted one in the sale thread, which is probably as good as that one gets. But for the price, you could have this whole figure.

Do you have the Yunsil outfit or other parts? The Yunsil outfit has such a great cloak but overall could still likely benefit from parts from this one so I would buy this either way. :lecture :lol

I’m strongly considering the SS Jedi Luke to supplement this Hot Toys one.

No, I was tempted to get the Yunsil outfit, but I knew eventually Hot Toys would release a Jedi Luke. I bought the sculpt cause Hot Toys are known to be hit
or miss sometimes and I really liked the Inigou sculpt. I have just been so busy so I never got a chance to paint it.

Yeah, I saw Shortround's for sale, and if I was without a doubt, prefer that sculpt, I would buy it in a heartbeat as it is painted by SilentSurfer.
But I really dont know which sculpt I prefer now, and like you said, for that price, I could get the whole figure.
tempting though cause you're right, if you want the inigo scultpt, its not gonna get better than that.

I know you can make it work for you Remy. I have always admired your work . I like doing customs myself but painting from scratch has always been my downfall when it comes to HS. That and sewering :thud:

Thanks for the compliment buddy.
Love your work as well friend. :)
I took a shot on one of those 24 dollar figures for my threezero guts, since i had not been 1/6th shopping in a very long time, i figured maybe someone missed a zero when setting the buy out price or it was a scam.

Payed w PP in the scam case so i had PP and ebay that would refund me in case i got nothing, and sure enough the seller never responded to any communications or inquires, so i contacted ebay and requested them to refund the transaction. Took about a week to get that whopping 25 refunded, and ordered the figure off thinkgeek since it was one of the few places that had it on sale vs the resellers wanting like 300 for the figure.

But that scam apparently crops up everytime there is a semi popular 1/6 figure on the market.

That sucks buddy..but yeah, beware of Thinkgeek as well, i’ve heard stories
He’s the best..and the fastest to ship on initial release HTs. not even a week to ship to you with a new HT that releases in the same week .

Been doing business with him for years. You don’t believe me, ask Dean Knight
I think I remember you mention him on one of these threads about preordering it might have been on here. I have seen him on there a lot so I`m not concerned at all.
He’s the best..and the fastest to ship on initial release HTs. not even a week to ship to you with a new HT that releases in the same week .

Been doing business with him for years. You don’t believe me, ask Dean Knight

Yeah Timcent is great. His business model is amazing too from a financial standpoint.

Has almost exclusive early access to a worldwide market often weeks, even months before other major retailers get their stock.

More power to him tbh. Delivers on his end and I’m betting does very well for himself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah Timcent is great. His business model is amazing too from a financial standpoint.

Has almost exclusive early access to a worldwide market often weeks, even months before other major retailers get their stock.

More power to him tbh. Delivers on his end and I’m betting does very well for himself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Which is why scammers copy him from time to time because they know people trust him and has a huge clientele. Makes perfect sense
Not necessary

Pretty easy mod


Cut into parts


No need to put in a custom thread. Pretty much can be done in minutes

Yes but there are some people or mods that complain about others posting pics and talking about modding their figures on the main thread of the figure. Particularly those who don’t want to mod theirs and like to keep them stock. I’ve seen it happen before. Just a suggestion.

Thanks for being dismissive though. And your welcome for the answer to your question.

Pretty easy google search

Hot Toys Luke bodies



Custom thread wouldn’t be the worst idea for a major figure like this. Keeps it in one place for others curious with tinkering down the line. TM’s isn’t gonna be the only mod. Different bodies, then when Sideshow’s hits there’ll be different outfit options. Easier to have a thread with 30 pages (if that) devoted to it than one with 264 and counting.
Custom thread wouldn’t be the worst idea for a major figure like this. Keeps it in one place for others curious with tinkering down the line. TM’s isn’t gonna be the only mod. Different bodies, then when Sideshow’s hits there’ll be different outfit options. Easier to have a thread with 30 pages (if that) devoted to it than one with 264 and counting.

Don’t I know it..if I try anything different on mine i’ll post there :wink1: Alread got some ideas. TM just opened the floodgates
That sucks buddy..but yeah, beware of Thinkgeek as well, i’ve heard stories

Thinkgeek? Any 1/6 I've got from them has been packaged well and arrived in less than a week. Heck, they honored my mispriced 3Z power armor which I snagged for $150.

I had a guy who started listing Timcent photo auctions shortly after I bought from him. He intentionally messed up the label so my item was undeliverable and got rerouted and returned to sender, trying to buy time until I ran out of coverage. PP claimed that one fast and reported it. Apparently, I was NOT the only one hammering down on that, eBay said.