Super Freak
I totally agree. And there's many, many people that think Bespin Luke is THE Luke.
But Jedi Luke is the fully-realized Luke -- being the ultimate thing he is destined to be. I like Commander Skywalker. Somewhere in the middle. Some powers, but not all powerful. Still the underdog.
I've never said it on here, but that's precisely what I consider ESB Luke to be: Commander Skywalker. If I were to have one Luke, Bespin is the one I'd have for the very same reasons you stated.
I find it hard to quantify the sculpts that look "off" but my list is close to SilverStar's.
From best to worst. (In terms of head sculpt likeness, not overall figure quality obviously).
TFA Han - 9.5
RO Chirrut - 9.5
ANH Leia - 9.5
ROTJ Luke - 9
RO Jyn - 8.5
ESB Luke - BD - 8.5
TFA Finn - 8
ESB Luke - Clean - 8
ANH Han - 8
TFA Luke - 7.5
ANH Luke - 7
TFA Rey 7
ANH Kenobi - 6.5
Nearly the same as mine indeed.

I though that Rey looked way closer than Han or ANH Luke..
After seeing the Jnix head sculpt, Han is one of the worst IMO.
I'm the outsider when it comes to the stock HT Han sculpt, in that while most dislike it, I actually really like it. TonTon's is the best Jnix Han sculpt I've seen; generally, I've never really been overly impressed with it myself.
While Rey isn't terrible at a 6.5-7 ranking for me, it still looks a little odd to me. Her eyes look a bit wide and it almost seems like she has the black oil eyes from X-Files. The expression is just a little peculiar to me as well. Overall it's a good effort, but I expect it'll probably be a better portrait with TLJ figure(s).