Hot Toys MMS48 - Predator 2 - Predator Elder pics and spec

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Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

**** breathing heavily ****

give that predator 2 elder to me for $400

**** breathing heavily ****
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

They will never make one ever again thats the why hot toys works?I know we dont mess with or predators that much but can he sit flat on a chair?I got a credit card to buy him thats why i posted this.I probably going to buy him i just hate the to release something i have to have.Predator that is.The value has only gone up on him will that stop ever

STOP right there.... :horror

Save your $$$ until you can buy one outright....slippery slope you're wanting to step on there...:lecture
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

I didnt want to sound broke,its not a problem.I waited a year and this thing boosted 200$.I dont want to wait to long and it become1200$.I have half now and plan on selling this throne and cast it.But i want the elder to sit on it for promotion reasons for pictures and the love of the figure.


The queen skull is going over the head of the throne
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Well then, do what you must... have you thought of making a throne for Wolf like in the movie... that would be nice..
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Well then, do what you must... have you thought of making a throne for Wolf like in the movie... that would be nice..

No, i did like the screen that folded down.But i got to think out of the box as far as something original.Its in my nature.Can he sit like the p1?
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Surprisingly none of them expect the p1 sits right.Most of the armor gets in the way and the wolf predators cloth is plastic and doesnt bend.The lost predator just sits weird and the guardians armor is a problem.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Yes, he can sit fine as his armor is the same as P1.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Yes, he can sit fine as his armor is the same as P1.
Thank you toyrewind i had a hard time getting that answer.I must own this figure now.I will keep the thread going with the new figure.
thanks again.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

I can understand why this guy will sell for a lot of money. I for one are one of the unlucky people who got into collecting these works of art really late in the game. So for people like me wanting to get this figure, we dont really have any other choice but to pay a hefty price. I think I got him for a pretty good bargain and yes I could probably buy 2, maybe 3 figures for what I paid for this guy but, eh I think he is well worth the price. Look at him by Predator 2, just amazing figure's....cant go wrong with this one if you want a highly detailed predator that is a work of art :)... IMHO of course
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

I can understand why this guy will sell for a lot of money. I for one are one of the unlucky people who got into collecting these works of art really late in the game. So for people like me wanting to get this figure, we dont really have any other choice but to pay a hefty price. I think I got him for a pretty good bargain and yes I could probably buy 2, maybe 3 figures for what I paid for this guy but, eh I think he is well worth the price. Look at him by Predator 2, just amazing figure's....cant go wrong with this one if you want a highly detailed predator that is a work of art :)... IMHO of course
yes he is an amzing figure
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

that is what i want on my elder avp face man
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

All Elders.....:yess:

Really? One seems smaller than the other, and it's hip joints seem overly pronounced compared the the stock Elder.

It honestly looks like a P1 body repainted into an Elder's with a P2 Elder head and armour on it:dunno

Still cool none the less man.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

There diffently elders, i dont see the p1 at all in the body or size.