Hot Toys: Prometheus - MOVIE SPOILERS!

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Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

I do too think he looks kind of cool. Unique at least. We are lead to believe that Rapace and Fassbender are out 2 main protagonists so human figure speculation wise they are musts. But, anything can happen between the start of the movie to the end. Maybe a character we have barely seen that we will go nuts for.

I like the spacesuit design so I hope they are able to get that right. The Fass is a must.:yess:
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

Yeah I like figures of characters that are _______s. Looking forward to McFarlane's Shane Walsh figure.
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

This movie is going to be so EPIC! Always loved Ridley Scott's Alien better than James Camerons take.

So great that Hot Toys picked up the license. I cannot wait!
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

would be nice if HT did bring out the space suits,,im thinking it would go rather nice next to my Kane :)
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

So I'm curious on people's perspectives. I asked this of my brother recently.

Obviously, we know Ridley Scott wants to distance PROMETHEUS from ALIEN because he feels Twentieth Century Fox has essentially killed the "interest and mystique" of the Xenomorph from the terrible AvP movies (cool creatures...but let's be honest, the movies sucked and had more bad than good) and essentially turning the Xenomorphs into a typical Halloween monster.

Anyways, it's clear from the advertising that only fans/longtime movie-goers are going to notice the link between PROMETHEUS and ALIEN.

Now step back and look at this from an advertising/money-making aspect:

Do you all think that FOX should continue broadcasting the trailers and such as is? Or that they should explicitly and somewhat indirectly hint that this is a "pseudo-prequel" to ALIEN with the idea that it can perhaps generate more money/interest/etc. while the film is in theater?

Because I believe to the general movie-going public, most of which I feel are familiar enough with the ALIEN creature, are not so much keen enough to pick up that PROMETHEUS is actually linked to the original Ridley Scott film.
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

Absolutely can NOT wait to see what Hot Toys have in store for us as far as Prometheus goes. Very excited about the movie also. Hot Toys seem to be almost getting better and better with each and every product they release.

what do you guys think are the chances that Hot toys will revisit and remaster the Alien Big chap figure? the original big chap from hot toys was considered pretty much a disaster as far as accuracy is concerned. It would be awesome if they re-released a new and improved version of the big chap taking sculpting inspiration from the superbly accurate Yoshihiko Sano bust and statue


Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

It would certainly give guys like me who missed out on this the chance to pick one up, I'm hoping so.

Absolutely can NOT wait to see what Hot Toys have in store for us as far as Prometheus goes. Very excited about the movie also. Hot Toys seem to be almost getting better and better with each and every product they release.

what do you guys think are the chances that Hot toys will revisit and remaster the Alien Big chap figure? the original big chap from hot toys was considered pretty much a disaster as far as accuracy is concerned. It would be awesome if they re-released a new and improved version of the big chap taking sculpting inspiration from the superbly accurate Yoshihiko Sano bust and statue


Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

Absolutely can NOT wait to see what Hot Toys have in store for us as far as Prometheus goes. Very excited about the movie also. Hot Toys seem to be almost getting better and better with each and every product they release.

what do you guys think are the chances that Hot toys will revisit and remaster the Alien Big chap figure? the original big chap from hot toys was considered pretty much a disaster as far as accuracy is concerned. It would be awesome if they re-released a new and improved version of the big chap taking sculpting inspiration from the superbly accurate Yoshihiko Sano bust and statue



That's what I'm hoping -- actually I have a feeling Neca will benefit from this first, seeing as how Kyle Windrix was very praising of this sculpt - he has another crack at his sculpt since it will be released as a new 79 Alien (vs being called a re-release as it has been re-released twice before) ...
The only difference - if Hot Toys were to redo it - since they supposedly go for movie accurate- would be the horizontal bands around the wrists, probably the peeling skin texture, the paired fingers in that "live long and prosper" position...with the extra thumbs, of course...and let's not forget the elbow spurs !

I can't believe that even the revoltech figure is more signature of the Big Chap than Hot Toys in terms of silhouette and detail -- especially around the head
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

I hope so too. Hot Toys seem to favour revisiting older figures they have previously released to improve upon, so the chances could be quite likely indeed that they will revisit the big chap and make him much more accurate. The sano piece is imo the most accurate alien piece out there hands down.
If they did revisit the character and it looked like the yoshihiko sano pieces I would definitely buy at least three of them. Two to take out of the box and one kept in the packaging.

Imagine being able to display a fully articulated version of the statue above along with the new Prometheus figures all from Hot toys.

EDIT ---

I agree, even the revoltech seems to be more accurate to the original alien than the first attempt by hot toys of the big chap.

on another note, i sincerely hope Tankman does use the sano piece as the inspiration behind the new 1979 Alien he is working on. The 1/4 Predator neca released was absolutely fantastic.

also looking forward to seeing what neca have in store for us as far as Prometheus goes.
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Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

I hope so too. Hot Toys seem to favour revisiting older figures they have previously released to improve upon, so the chances could be quite likely indeed that they will revisit the big chap and make him much more accurate. The sano piece is imo the most accurate alien piece out there hands down.
If they did revisit the character and it looked like the yoshihiko sano pieces I would definitely buy at least three of them. Two to take out of the box and one kept in the packaging.

Imagine being able to display a fully articulated version of the statue above along with the new Prometheus figures all from Hot toys.

Indeed! I'm definitely hoping that the new Prometheus creature designs are worth their salt in terms their role in the film -- that'd definitely determine whether or not they become classic movie monsters or just your run-of-the-mill rubber suits whom no one will be able to distinguish from Friday of next week...

At some point I think I may have even suggested to Roswell if they have the license, to rerelease the Sano sculpt as a solid PVC style snapkit like Kotobukiya's figures...

I'd prob'ly want to buy 3 as well!!
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

What are the chances they will make a Charlize?? She's the only one I'd want, except for that one hot guy... :lol
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

haha a charlize would be great! wonder how many figures hot toys will be releasing from Prometheus. anybody hear anything?
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

Charlize's character is an important one and she's supposed to be athletic, meaning she'll probably be the protag -- I always thought Noomi was the lead, but maybe she's supporting...

Likely they'll do the Space Jockey w the bio suit...

other than that, 3 seems to be the magic number...another creatur and a human? and the Fassbender android?
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

At this point Space Jockey is a definite for sure, I'll be keeping a keen eye for that who knows maybe the Giger Alien will show up even if for 30 seconds in this film renews hope Hot Toys will re-release it.