For those of you that have him, are the legs loose on yours? My vaders legs go side to side with little effort at all, but are tight going foward to back.
Vader with my modded Disney premium Krennic
Mine is like that also. Easily moves out to the side but tighter when moving forward and back. When I'm posing him while he's standing it tends to move outward. Once posed and standing though it's alright.
Haha and thanks SilverStar17
Well has anyone had a waitlist convert? I'm about to plunge in a new sealed mms388 for 300.00 it hurts lol
Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk
Well has anyone had a waitlist convert? I'm about to plunge in a new sealed mms388 for 300.00 it hurts lol
Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk
For those of you that have him, are the legs loose on yours? My vaders legs go side to side with little effort at all, but are tight going foward to back.
Do some of you guys have small scuffs on the helmet. I tried taking pictures but my phone is pretty ******.View attachment 313692View attachment 313693View attachment 313694
Anybody else other then indyMOS and I? Wanna know if this is a widespread problem or not. Loose joints really bother me.
was able to get him from a local spot and boy does he impress. i only own one other hot toys figure and thats dx 2.0 joker and this vaders massive prescense overshadows my joker. i wish he had a bit more flexibility but thats hard to achieve with his suit. all in all hes a great figure. maybe one day we'll get a hot toys revan
love mine but slippery slope kinda want ANH ver as well now. has anyone tried the light up saber arm on RO ver(with anh glove to match on opposite hand)?
the slight indents on mask under the eyes on RO ver are suppose to be there correct?