Hot Toys - The Dark Knight

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Clean Joker is best for me, since despite being absolutely bat-^^^^ insane...Joker has ALWAYS presented himself very cleanly.
Hope the 1/4 quality will translate to 1/6 scale figure!! Hooray Hot Toys!
I have no idea. Do you have a link to the blog you mentioned?

The only thing that makes me think it is real is the amount of skin texture the Joker has. HT has really been paying attention to details like that with their figures lately.

Btw, welcome to the forum, zijian!

Here is the blog.

here is the real product shot
Yeah, the hair in that newer, better lit pic shows the hair is too neat. But like I said, it is still going to be hard to achieve that look in plastic.
Yeah, just not digging it at all... looks kinda fat-faced, or something. But definitely off in the likeness to me.

I think the hair being so close to his face is creating the fatter look, Heath's hair/wig hangs from his head in about 90% of what we've seen in the trailers but for the jail clips.
I don't care about the little inaccuracies. It looks like Joker to me. They will be mine. I gotta support HT in hopes that they'll continue with a Two Face bust and maybe even a Ra's or Scarecrow. Cross your fingers and pull out your wallets!

2008 rocks so hard...except for oil prices.
If the 1/6 looks like that, I'll be very happy. If not, I hope it looks better. ;)

I think it's a pretty good likeness. Just watching the trailers, he looks very different between some shots. Some the make-up obscures his face, others Heath is noticeable.

Also, I think the reason why we've gotten 'nice' looking hair on the Jokers probably has something to do with molding. So that nothing goes screwy. I like it anyways.
I'm with you Sachiel and plasmid. From here on in it can only get better. I don't see the point of pointing out what may or may not be inconsistencies. It isn't going to have any bearing on the outcome. It's all too high brow for me. They could have done this, they could have done that. Fair enough if we had Hot Toys official proto pics to disseminate against every appearance of the Joker in the film, then yeah, it could be called a discussion.

The moulding isn't a problem. Check out McFarlanes Edward Scissorhands. His hair is wild, and it's sculpted. So that isn't an issue. Granted, it's an 18 inch figure, but it's still doable.