Hot Toys - The Dark Knight

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I was thinking an evil Judge Reinhold:



haha, curse the name "Judge", hilarious.
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I'm with you Sachiel and plasmid. From here on in it can only get better. I don't see the point of pointing out what may or may not be inconsistencies. It isn't going to have any bearing on the outcome. It's all too high brow for me. They could have done this, they could have done that. Fair enough if we had Hot Toys official proto pics to disseminate against every appearance of the Joker in the film, then yeah, it could be called a discussion.

The moulding isn't a problem. Check out McFarlanes Edward Scissorhands. His hair is wild, and it's sculpted. So that isn't an issue. Granted, it's an 18 inch figure, but it's still doable.

Dude, why are you so down on us discussing how these pieces look? We're all pumped for TDK and excited over HT making products and just commenting on what we see as it comes, take a chill pill or stop reading this thread if it bothers you so much.
Dude. Get real. I have chill pills, and I take them regularly as clock work.

How what pieces look? I have no interest in the busts. Who made you king of the thread anyway??? Why don't you take your own advice? What?? Can't handle a comment that doesn't reflect your own? You seem to be the one whose heated. Go get a prescription yourself, if you think that's the what will get you through this.
I don't care about the little inaccuracies. It looks like Joker to me. They will be mine. I gotta support HT in hopes that they'll continue with a Two Face bust and maybe even a Ra's or Scarecrow. Cross your fingers and pull out your wallets!

2008 rocks so hard...except for oil prices.

oil prices are peachy for me.. benefit of living in the middle east:lol:lol

I don't blame you for deleting that post Maulfan. How about we take a leaf out of Dr Milano's book? Sound fair enough to you?
The Joker looks alright... Just not liking the hair as much. Too close to the head. It needs to have a little more volume. Even in the scenes when he isn't getting kicked around, it's thick. I think that is what is knocking that likeness. That and the face paint.

But DAMN, look at that Bale likeness in the back! MILES ahead of what they did on their Batman Begins figure. :rock

I don't blame you for deleting that post Maulfan. How about we take a leaf out of Dr Milano's book? Sound fair enough to you?

It's all good here :duff

But DAMN, look at that Bale likeness in the back! MILES ahead of what they did on their Batman Begins figure. :rock

Not only the Bale likeness, but the cowl has that fat, panther feel they were going for in the movie, which as nice as Tak Bats is, the lack of that detail is a bit saddening and that look is gone in the new suit. I'd like to see them revisit that suit just to see what they do now. Though for me, if they do both TDK suits, I'll only get one, with Tak already, that'd be too much money so it'll come down to which figure draws me most.
I have no doubts they will. TDK HT figures are the worst kept secret for them along the lines of Predator I. I bet that we see previews and orders for at least TDK Batman and Joker before the film's release.
The busts look good enough, they don't blow me away. I just hope the 1/6 figures are Superman 2 in 1/ Jor-El quality. Those are the most realistic looking human faces I've ever seen in 1/6 scale.
I'm sure the 1/6 figures will be superb. As nice as I think the TDK busts are, as a general observation of HT's 1/4 busts, they're not anything better than a 1/6 figure, sometimes even a little lesser, which is surprising for scale, but for a bust that costs the same as a Gentle Giant mini bust, is of larger scale, and has better paint apps, I think they're great for what they are. I think it's just HT's way of taking a stab at something different to make money but they're going to continue to give 1/6 their best as it has a strong following and is really their flagship product type.
Have to agree with you on that MF... the busts are the big money winners for them, but like Sideshow learned its better to diversify the product as they increase their business. The busts are definitely nice for the money and I could see these early ones becoming scarce if the series is successful.
I'm expecting Joker and Batman to price like Rambo, around $50 and I'll get them both. The best part of HT's busts is their being plastic with articulated heads, gives you a little way of making it YOUR bust instead of having it be just like others. It's a small point but one that actually appealed to me when the Rambo one came out. I'm glad they made Joker's coat and Batman's cape hang low like they did, the only negative I have with HT's bust line is the superfluos stands, they really hurt the overall look to put a bust sky high with a long tiny stand beneath it.
The stands are superfluous? I don't think that's a valid complaint. Unsightly, but not superfluous. I do think they are a bit plain. Why not have Batman's base look like a part of Wayne Manor or some other gothic-esque building? I dunno what they could do for Joker's base/stand though, maybe a stack of cards or something.
Whatever the hell comes of these I'll say one thing for sure, I'll be heading the Toys2 route if not PreOrdering from an Asian eBay seller on these.....