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My exact same list. although i'm thinking it'll be closer to 600! I'm guessing $150 per figure.

Well, given the materials, I'm guessing $150 for Batman's, and clothed figures like Joker at $125. So ya, close to $600. Unless license fees differ, a Joker figure shouldn't cost any more than Cannibal Jack Sparrow who had 2 different heads and real feather items. Batman's suit is going to be more elaborate, particularly if they work hard to make it look good and be articulated well. Davy Jones wasn't treated much the way of articulation so his price came in decent but I think Batman could be up there because Bats needs to be articulated, particularly a Begins suit based figure if they're looking for redemption over the first release.
Cool thing about the Joker is, if you remove his jacket and tie, swap the head with a possibly alternate "Goon mask" Joker head.... and no need for the extra figure. So they might just go that route.

Two Face is a perfect 2 in 1 figure. Batman could be done that way as well if they really wanted to.

I'm really down for anything. I'm sure I will buy it all. Well, maybe not a Rachel Dawes figure. I'd probably just pull a Joker and toss her off a building. :lol
I hope they don't do a Rachel - offhand I can't think of a single 1/6 scale female figure that's been any good, other than Sideshow's Leia's.

As for Alfred I think he'd work simply because Michael Caine is such an iconic figure in his own right. It would be kind of like the Batman lines equivalent of the SR Jor-El figure. Plus sculpts based on older actors have a higher than usual chance of being mindblowingly good.

Talking of Michael Caine, wouldn't it be great if after Dean and Brando Hot Toys did a figure of him in his Sixties heyday? Maybe in a suit like he wears in the Italian Job along with overall and helmet (and one gold bar!) as accessories...
If they did a Rachael I'd want the Katie Holmes version. I wouldn't touch a Maggie doll with someone else's hands.
I'm all for some DK figs but I think the new BM suit is atrocious so I'm not interested in it at all. A nicely done Joker, Two Face and Gordon would :rock
I think it's a given HT will make a 2 in 1 TDK. Wayne Body and outfit to go with the TDK Bats. It will obviously differ from the SR Fig, but I believe HT will figure it out. Maybe an interchangeable BW head to swap onto the TDK fig.
I guarantee if they do a Bats 2 in 1 it'll be packaged like the Supes one. Full Batman in box with removable outfit probably done the same way in the side tray, suit, BW head, hands and shoes. The exact formula could be reused on this one.

I have a real strong feeling that we'll get a Jim Gordon as well.
If the BB figure HT did is any indication as to how they'll do a DK Bats then I doubt they'll do a two in one. Making all that gear removable and still looking good would be too difficult I would think.
I just don't see how 2 in 1 can work in the sense of having a suited Wayne and a Batsuit Batman in the same package. The Batsuit should be made solid pieces of rubber and such that can't be removed, if they made it so it could come off, I don't think the overall look would be very nice. A well made, comforming rubber suit is the way to go. I'd imagine a Wayne/Batman 2-pack, but not 2 in 1, or a 2 in 1 where it's swappable heads from cowl to Wayne's portrait but that's it. I do hope somehow we get a Wayne in suit or street clothes figure.
I'm gonna assume if a 2 in 1 was offered that they'd create the suit like their rubber skins that can be removed from the TrueTypes with a little force and still maintain its shape effortlessly. The suit will be molded pieces that slide over the "wayne" body. This is why I think they'll do it with the BB designed suit so those who have the original have a harder, truer version while the secondary version is still circulating.
You guys aren't listening! :lol

TDK Bats
Bruce Wayne (Blister maybe like CK)

2 in 1 re-release would not be like SR, obviously. Can't put a business suit over the Batsuit. I think it's a given we will see some form of a 2 in 1.

Bruce Wayne Business suit and swappable Wayne head (no body)
TDK Fig with swappable Wayne head.

So, we would need to purchase an additional body to have both Bruce and TDK figs. And we could swap the Bruce head with the TDK Fig.

It would still be cool to have an unmasked TDK fig to swap with either a Wayne fig or a TDK for posing.
The simplest thing for HT to do is just release a Batman and then just release a Bruce Wayne separately. Thats what I prefer, I could care less about a 2 in 1.
Some may not feel that way if they use the BB suit as a 2 in 1. Different Wayne suit.

Everyone would grab that.
The simplest thing for HT to do is just release a Batman and then just release a Bruce Wayne separately. Thats what I prefer, I could care less about a 2 in 1.

It all comes down to their predictions of the market. If they think they could successfully sell Wayne separate from Batman, they'll probably do it that way, more money, but if they're concerned, they'll add to Batman just to make him cost more. I think with Supes, the way the costume and disguise works, the 2 in 1 served to also allow you to recreate the open shirt with the S beneath and all, I'm not sure they'd even consider doing Batman such that there's a pack with one body and mix and match parts, not their style, that's kinda like an Ultimate Batman and they don't do that, they split up stuff that could/should be together and make you spend more money.
One thing is for sure, HT prides itself on the unpredictable. One could always have said its not their style to do a 2 in 1 Figure because they never did it before. Then they did, so there is no "HT style" to base anything on.

Alternate Identity Characters do serve this 2 in 1 purpose IMO. I think HT will figure out a way to do this, maybe as a re-release. They may revisit the BB suit to accomplish this and I think it could work. Having an unmasked Batman Figure is always a sought after item. We'll see...
Well, I'm basing their "style" on the ugly precedent they're setting with their Predators lately. I'd love for them to break it and do something that favors collectors, but they're casting themselves in an ugly light lately in terms of them as a corporation, and I hope they do something to get out of that light, but I'm not holding my breath waiting. Their products are fantastic, but the non-collector friendly image they're projecting lately is unsettling.

Anyway, moving on from my opinions on them, I just can't wait to see more products form them for TDK, very exciting, and maybe with some luck, if the busts will come so close to the release, maybe the figures will have been planned ahead to be out in time, that'd be awesome cuz I want them bad now and haven't seen the movie, that want's only going to escalate after.