Hot Toys - The Dark Knight

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Next week huh? That means if HT keeps to their scheduling we could have these in theory in hand by September/October. :rock
Wait. Hold that thought. Back peddle. Resume panic attack. I have it on good authority the Hot Toys Dark Knight figures will be unveiled next week.

That said, it could be the week after, you know how these things go. So flip open your wallets. Pre-orders are about to surface.
And were is going to be pre-ordered. @ Sideshow?
Normal channels like Toys2 and ABC Express are a given but the interesting wild card will be Sideshow. They've been touch and go with the HT imports.....not everything gets done and sometimes its a good wait for it if they do.
I already submitted a production blog question to Sideshow asking if they would be importing that Dark Knight figures. I submitted that within the hour of Hot Toys officially announcing they had the license, so hopefully they answer it soon.
Sideshow does NOT distribute DC licensed figs. Look for Toys2 and the usual Asian Dealers.
Sideshow does NOT distribute DC licensed figs. Look for Toys2 and the usual Asian Dealers.

And Sideshow DID NOT have the GI Joe stuff last year (one of Hasbro's OWN lines, like Sideshow licensing the Dead out to Hasbro!). Things change. Never give up hope until we get an offical word.
Just in case Sideshow do not distribute the good are Toys2 to deal with?I'd like to hear some good reliable news here people.
Toys2 is amazing to deal with, the shipments usually arrive early but also their customer service is top notch. I can't tell you how many times I've had to change an order, cancel an order, change CCs and they've done it all with kind words and quick actions. Never had an issue with them and will continue to use them as my primary HT source.
Toys2 is amazing to deal with, the shipments usually arrive early but also their customer service is top notch. I can't tell you how many times I've had to change an order, cancel an order, change CCs and they've done it all with kind words and quick actions. Never had an issue with them and will continue to use them as my primary HT source.


They are great to deal with! Absolutely no worries with them.
What about the actual ordering?Do they give adequate time to get your act together to order the items?

I never have my act together, but if something is up on their site, you can order with no problems. They don't give notice when something is going to go up for pre-order.
They don't give any notice but the stuff hangs there until sold out. Someone always runs in here and announces they are selling. Be aware though if they sell through and then reoffer, the 2nd offering is always at a higher pricepoint.
I never have my act together, but if something is up on their site, you can order with no problems. They don't give notice when something is going to go up for pre-order.

They'll tell me. :D Seriously, once HT announces, it will all flow very quickly from there...

I would expect to see the 12" HT TDK announcement sooner rather than later.
They'll tell me. :D Seriously, once HT announces, it will all flow very quickly from there...

Back before the first Superman and BB figures went up for sale, didn't they give you a heads-up after contacting them?
Back before the first Superman and BB figures went up for sale, didn't they give you a heads-up after contacting them?

Yep, been ordering from them for years and turned a lot of freaks onto their site so they know me well.

I've gotten a heads up on several figs... again, once HT announces it will be available very quickly on their site, within a week I would guess.
Yep, been ordering from them for years and turned a lot of freaks onto their site so they know me well.

I've gotten a heads up on several figs... again, once HT announces it will be available very quickly on their site, within a week I would guess.

That's how I learned about them! :duff

I'm definitely ready to pull the trigger on some DK figures.
If Sideshow isn't able to import these, then I will definately go with Toys2.

I don't suppose there is some discount or coupon or something for a first order is there?