Super Freak
I don't think anyone's coming down on people for commenting on the neck or body proportions or the hat, even to the more casual fans those jump out. It's the really fine detail stuff like his eyebrows are a milimeter too thin or his smile is just a bit too wide or his tie is teal #3 instead of #4. Also, i would say those really fine criticisma only really become annoying if they're presented with the snobby, how dare anyone try to sell that to me, they have to be utter morons to mess this up, entitlement attitude.
Attitude is really the key to me, i only get pissed when people talk like ungrateful brats.
I can spot flaws and discuss them as much as anyone, and i like to think that most times it's in a mature, intelligent manner. I just hate people that act like they're entitled to everything.
I'm with you on that -