Hot Toys - The Joker 1989 - Jack Nicholson

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It's not so much the colour, it's the pattern that is just plain wrong. No two ways about it.

Will it stop me from buying it? Hell no!

Do I hope the change it to the right pattern? Of course. Do that and sort the brim on the hat so that it's wider and the figure is damn near perfect.

Well, Nam was pointing out earlier that the eyebrows are 1mm too thin, and the right side of the smile could be 1-2mm too low. Not to mention the green hair, which appears to be #66CC66 where it really should be more of a #009966. But, that guy's as OCD as it gets. :peace
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Well, Nam was pointing out earlier that the eyebrows are 1mm too thin, and the right side of the smile could be 1-2mm too low. Not to mention the green hair, which appears to be #9999FF where it really should be more of a #009966. But, that guy's as OCD as it gets. :peace

Well, Nam was pointing out earlier that the eyebrows are 1mm too thin, and the right side of the smile could be 1-2mm too low. Not to mention the green hair, which appears to be #9999FF where it really should be more of a #009966. But, that guy's as OCD as it gets. :peace

LOL you don't have to be OCD to notice something went really wrong if Joker's hair was #9999FF.
Here's what it should look like


Exactly. I've never seen that large and flat of a pic of Nich Joker's pants before. I wonder if that's what beto used to get his custom pants pattern. I bet HT makes the change.:wink1:

Exactly. I've never seen that large and flat of a pic of Nich Joker's pants before. I wonder if that's what beto used to get his custom pants pattern. I bet HT makes the change.:wink1:

That's because I put it together for a Scottish weaver for my 1:1 joker pants
All I can say is WOW. Nice detail and everything, hopefully they include all his gags. Looks like we may be getting a fitting figure for the best film Joker.
Let's be realistic. It's been posted by SS that the forum buying public makes up about 3-4% of the buying public on standard releases. Let's assume that HT's is double that so about 8%. The folks of FB are usually the same ones on the boards but let's say it adds another 2%. So we are supposed believe that HT will take what 10% of the buying public says...

Yes, because that's a healthy sample size. Most fans don't post on the forums - but that doesn't mean that they won't happen to share the opinions of those that do. It's a good bet that, if a good fraction of the posters have an issue, then a good fraction of the non-posters do as well. You can't assume that, just because 90% of the fanbase doesn't post, it automatically means that that 90% don't have issues with the figures.

Furthermore, you may argue that there is selection bias in that sample - but if so, I think the selection bias is skewed towards those that spend more, not less. I think chances are that those who post on forums - those who take the hobby seriously enough to partake in the community - are the customers that buy more figures. So they're the more interesting and lucrative market for Hot Toys.

Even playing Devil's Advocate and saying that HT did browse these forums, the comments here are so unconstructive and literally run the course of simple trolling and bashing that I"m sure they are long gone from here just like SSC stopped coming in here years ago for anything product related.

I'm sure they've learned to skim through the garbage and find the decent posts. After all, much of the rest of us have learned to...

The fact is that most companies would LOVE to be able to see the thoughts and comments their customers have regarding their products (both praise AND criticism - and probably more of the latter, since it's much more useful). It's free marketing research, directly and voluntarily contributed from the customers they're trying to sell to. Why would they turn down the opportunity to see what their customers think of their latest product and previews (to fine-tune them in order to try and sell a few more), especially when it's all collected in a few centralized locations? The would have to be stupid to not keep regular tabs on the forums, especially regarding their newly announced figures...
I always thought the 'love story' part of 89' Batman was a bit weak. Not that it was ever important to me or that love stories are important to Batman generally but how it plays out in the 89 film is really rushed through and seems to get overdramatic really quickly like as though Vale and Wayne were together for months or over a year.

"Why won't you let me in?" etc etc No relationship gets that angsty so early on. Or is it just me?

Yes! Absolutely! Thank you! The weakest element of this movie is the "love story." I roll my eyes and groan during those scenes whenever watching the movie.

It starts out fine - but then, after one dinner and one night spent together, suddenly they're in love? She feels like she should know his deepest, darkest secret? And he's somewhat fine with that?

That's not how it works.

"I've loved you ever since I met you?"

Ugh! No you didn't! You thought he was a weirdo the first time you met him! And understandably so!

Overdramatic and rushed are the perfect words to describe it. Hollywood's crowbarring of romantic plot threads and female leads at its best.
Apparently in every Batman movie post West, he reveals his secret to anyone who opens their legs.

"Wanna eat at the Y Brucey?"

Nolan's movie isn't any different considering he basically hands Rachel his identity. Though for growing up together, she sure didn't recognize that both Batman and Bruce have the same speech impediment.
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