Hot Toys - The Joker 1989 - Jack Nicholson

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Thank ya! Got a couple of him that I was really pleased with. I admit after seeing this I'm tempted.
Thank ya! Got a couple of him that I was really pleased with. I admit after seeing this I'm tempted.

Not much of a Batman collector? Now I'll have to take a look at the "Show your Shelves" section to check out your collection.
That's life though. Everything that was once new and great will look old and dated. Very few things have a timeless look.

cellphones can easily take me out of a movie nowadays...the tech has moved so forward anything from 5 years ago is so noticeable and dates the movie instantly...thank god Batman wasnt using one! :)

I like the atmosphere in 89 better than Returns and i like the rough qualities of the 89 suit over the Returns.

i was excited to see the BR suit when Returns was coming out and I liked it...and its still cool, but I prefer the 89 suit cause in my minds eye batman is supposed to be built and the 89 suit delivers in that area. on another note, i cant believe the pants are even an issue :slap i understand there are some OCD issues out there, but 99% of people outside this hobby would look at this and go "holy ___T that looks amazing" and to respond to those people with "yeah but the pants arent screen accurate" is crazy...just enjoy it.
Not much of a Batman collector? Now I'll have to take a look at the "Show your Shelves" section to check out your collection.

Yeah, I like Batman but never collected him much. I have the TDK Batman and the TDK Joker (custom head). Thats it I believe. Oh man I haven't messed with that thread in forever. :lol A lot of that I probably don't have anymore. :lol
Anyone seen this?

They're preordering for the Joker here, and Iron Monger. I didn't know anyone was doing that already, unless I've just been oblivious to the posting around here. I felt like I was pretty thorough on that. I'm not familiar with this store maybe this is normal?
Anyone seen this?

They're preordering for the Joker here, and Iron Monger. I didn't know anyone was doing that already, unless I've just been oblivious to the posting around here. I felt like I was pretty thorough on that. I'm not familiar with this store maybe this is normal?

Just hoping to capitalize off of initial excitement and fanboy impatience.
They do say the pricing is pending vendor approval. Sounds like that could give them a lot of leeway. Nam is probably right, as usual.
Thank ya! You all getting this figure will be pleased. Hell it was so nice I think my Dad might get him. :lol
That's life though. Everything that was once new and great will look old and dated. Very few things have a timeless look.

I always did wonder why in the early/mid 90's the 89 Batman film was so dark. To hide any flaws. It was nearly like the Doom3 game, the film was so black on CRT TV's. You could only really watch it at night. Couldn't see a damn thing in it during the day, unless it was a daytime scene.

Strangely enough Returns was a lot brighter than the 89 film. Probably because the suit was better. 89 Biker Batman.

Well, that, and Burton is just a "dark" kinda guy. In spite of some comic-styled foppishness, I really believe it was his intent to create a cinematic equivalent of Miller's take on Batman in the comics. Darker. Grittier. Chaotic and riddled with organized gangsters. And imperfect. "It's not a perfect world we live in..." He was really striving to set Batman apart from what the mass public associated the title with: the "Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-naaaaa Batmaaaan!" of the 60's. It wouldn't be realistic, but it wouldn't be fare for just the kiddies anymore either. And it worked. BTAS was informed to a fair degree by the Burton films and Batman as a dark, brooding, gruesome character would carry on through the 90s and give rise to stories like "Batman: Year One" and "The Long Halloween", obvious inspirations for Nolan - funny how it all builds! HT Nicholson Joker will be a pop-culture touchstone, as will '89 Bats. Don't see "SuckerPunch" being in quite the same league someday...
[ame=""]‪Who Made Who Scene - Batman Movie (1989) - HD‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

The pant color looks accurate to me. Watch this clip.
It's not so much the colour, it's the pattern that is just plain wrong. No two ways about it.

Will it stop me from buying it? Hell no!

Do I hope the change it to the right pattern? Of course. Do that and sort the brim on the hat so that it's wider and the figure is damn near perfect.
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