Hot Toys- Wolverine movie line? Teased on Facebook?, page 10.

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Opinions vary.

I don't think so.

Crap to me is FF, Superman 4, DD, Catwoman.
I'd love for Hot Toys to give us a Hulk. I hope they do Spider Man 4, Captain America, and Thor too. It would be so sweet to have a whole shelf full of Hot Toys Avengers.
I'd love for Hot Toys to give us a Hulk. I hope they do Spider Man 4, Captain America, and Thor too. It would be so sweet to have a whole shelf full of Hot Toys Avengers.

Hot Toys Avengers would :rock:rock:rock lets hope it happens
Give us Spiderman first. I'd love to get both spidey version from HT, since the medi ones kinda blows.

Actually they're underrated IMO. The comic ones kick ass! But i'd love to see what HT could do with the movie versions.
Hot Toys Avengers would :rock:rock:rock lets hope it happens

:rock:rock:rock:rock Hell-to-the-Yeah!

I hope by the end of 2012 we at least have HT movie versions of Cap, Thor, Hulk, Wolverine and Spider-Man to go with our sweet daddy Iron Man.

Those six characters are must haves.

Oh, and a Megan Fox MO-CAP CG She-Hulk. Regardless if it's just a rumor, sweet lord this needs to happen!
A Logan, Gambit and Deadpool from the XMO movie :chew

Future releases of the Hulk, Thor, IM will be nice. I would take a Spidey but not necessary since the (comic) Medi versions rock. A Captain America and War Machine movie version from HT :monkey5
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I think its a pretty safe assumption that we'll get Thor when that movie comes out and that we'll get Captain America when that movie comes out. The real question will be when the Avengers movie rolls around and we know that the initial plan is to have Hulk in it....they didn't provide us with one for his own film proper....I wonder if they'd skip out in the Avengers as well.
Oh, and a Megan Fox MO-CAP CG She-Hulk. Regardless if it's just a rumor, sweet lord this needs to happen!

So......what? Is the movie crap?!?

depends on what you like. As JUST an action movie, it's ok. I you're a hardcore comics fan (raises hand) You'll love about the first 30-45 min, snd then your opinion will start to decline.
Is it a fun action movei? Yes
is watching Wolverine Hit things entertaining? Yes
Is it an awesome marvel comics movie? Not so much
is it better than X3? Not being better would be hard
Is it better than X1 or X2? Opinions vary. I thought X1 was better.

It's a popcorn movie. it's fun, i'll still go see it on may1st, and Unline GI. joe, I'll actualy buy a ticket for this one.

hulk Vs wolverine was, however, superior in every way. ( Watched them both back to back)
also, i'd just like to add that whoever had the idea for what they do to deadpool at the end must be the bastard child of stephon summers and a retarded monkey's pile of feeces.

Whooooo Hoooooooooo!!! :D

I think in a recent Sideshow Q & A they said something along the lines of not getting images of what the Hulk was going to look like to have enough lead time to make product from the film. That's probably what happened with HT. Although if HT is making Aliens and Preadator stuff from films made two decades ago, I wouldn't think there would be a time limit as to when they could get a certain character produced and put out.
depends on what you like. As JUST an action movie, it's ok. I you're a hardcore comics fan (raises hand) You'll love about the first 30-45 min, snd then your opinion will start to decline.
Is it a fun action movei? Yes
is watching Wolverine Hit things entertaining? Yes
Is it an awesome marvel comics movie? Not so much
is it better than X3? Not being better would be hard
Is it better than X1 or X2? Opinions vary. I thought X1 was better.

It's a popcorn movie. it's fun, i'll still go see it on may1st, and Unline GI. joe, I'll actualy buy a ticket for this one.

hulk Vs wolverine was, however, superior in every way. ( Watched them both back to back)

Thanks for the mini review! :)
Me too. My fiancee loves him as Wolvie and I love him in general... :lol
definitely. when the license goes back to marvel, and the do the inevitable movie reboot, I hope they keep Jackman.
Hot Toys maybe our only hope. :(

Q: I was just wondering - is Sideshow going to produce any ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ collectibles?

A: Sideshow is not currently planning any collectibles based on the film, but it is still an active topic of discussion.
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