HT 14" Predator full spec and hi-res pics

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"You whiney nitpicking Little Biches GOTTA PROBLEM WITH ME?" :lol

I received my Predator this afternoon and I thought I might share this pic with you guys ;
Hope you'll enjoy it coz this figure ROCKS HARD :rock


Great pic. Let's see more please. :D
Great pic. Let's see more please. :D

Ask and you shall receive :D


@Devil 666: The forearm and leg armor parts are not sculpted onto the body. You can disassemble this figure just like the other Preds ;)

Thanks for the comments guys! I'll try and take some other pictures of this bad boy!
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I received my Predator this afternoon and I thought I might share this pic with you guys ;
Hope you'll enjoy it coz this figure ROCKS HARD :rock
Dude, that pic is absolutely fantastic. What an incredible figure. Take more please! :D

Question: can you confirm that the laserpack is non-removable? Thanks.
Nikholax said:
@Devil 666: The forearm and leg armor parts are not sculpted onto the body. You can disassemble this figure just like the other Preds ;)

Guess Sage Yautja and Alice called it:


Hey, now this pic proofs that the gauntlets are not sculpted together with the forearm.

After seeing those last few pics I can finally tell that the guantlets aren't sculpted onto the forearms just like I originally thought. I know a few pages back there was a pic of P1 with AVP gauntlets on, but Devil_666 made the comment that it could very easily just be an entire forearm swap.

I know a lot may not even care, but it makes me a bit happier to know for sure now. In pretty much every pic prior to that last set where you could get a good view of the left gauntlet you could see that the hinge of the elbow lined up with the little square towards the wrist of the gauntlet.


On that last batch you can clearly see that it doesn't.


So either they are indeed separate pieces of armour, or HT has developed some new swivel joint hidden inside. I doubt it's a swivel joint though, because there are several photos where you can clearly see the netting on the left arm pulled under the gauntlet.


The netting under the gauntlet was what made me initially think they would be separate pieces way back when we saw the first teasers.

Good eye Sage Yautja and Alice! And nice pics Nikholax!!!! :joy
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Wait... aren't you the same guy who loves Medicom's Alien figure that is all of 12" tall? If you're such a Medi-fan, why do you care about scale all of a sudden??


Don't be silly.

I've always said the Medicom alien is off-scale, and disappointingly so. But I've also said it's a stand-alone piece, because even if it where 1/6 scale, it wouldn't look good next to HT's figures, mainly because it has such a completely different feel.

The HT pred obviously should go with the other HT preds, but being off-scale means it won't look as imposing. Heck, it won't look imposing even when displayed next to Dutch. So in this case, yes, I do care about scale.

And what is this Medi-fan crap?
I have more SST, HT and DML figures than Medicom. Jesus you are so obtuse with your issues against people who can appreciate things Medicom does and criticize things other manufacturers do.

Again, stop being silly.

There, I put a laughing face to make it alright, so you don't have to say "oh, don't take it so seriously"...
The HT pred obviously should go with the other HT preds, but being off-scale means it won't look as imposing. Heck, it won't look imposing even when displayed next to Dutch. So in this case, yes, I do care about scale.

He does look imposing next to Dutch. Have you not seen any of the comparison pics?
I received my Predator this afternoon and I thought I might share this pic with you guys ;
Hope you'll enjoy it coz this figure ROCKS HARD :rock


Awesome pics man, please post more!
Can't wait to have mine in hand!

This is going to be one fantastic summer! Ducth, Billy, P1 pred, Godfather, Darth Vader, Utapau Clone trooper... man, all I need now is news of HT's alien!
I received my Predator this afternoon and I thought I might share this pic with you guys ;
Hope you'll enjoy it coz this figure ROCKS HARD :rock


That's the best picture of the Predator. Period. Were it not for the joints, it'd look just like the real thing.

I'm seriously torn about cancelling this fig.

And no, not because of the height thing.

I've never held on to any of the Hot Toys Preds. I just don't know if I'll hang on to this one either.

I'm in the same boat as you Sabres. Although I think (hope) that the fact that it represents the coolest (imo) predator from the coolest (again, imo) film, might make him far more appealing and "sell-proof". Even then, I see him holding (or increasing) value much better than the other preds due to its greater popularity. ;)
Looks great to me and will look imposing in any collection. This is a must not cancel piece to me.
I'm in the same boat as you Sabres. Although I think (hope) that the fact that it represents the coolest (imo) predator from the coolest (again, imo) film, might make him far more appealing and "sell-proof". Even then, I see him holding (or increasing) value much better than the other preds due to its greater popularity. ;)

Dude, you guys have to get this!
This is probably the best representation in action figure format we'll ever get of the second greatest monster of all time (first being Giger's Alien, of course :D)!
Don't pass up on this opportunity!
Dude, you guys have to get this!
This is probably the best representation in action figure format we'll ever get of the second greatest monster of all time (first being Giger's Alien, of course :D)!
Don't pass up on this opportunity!


I have the good fortune to work in the Industry and have had numerous opportunuties to see Stan's Lifesize Pred in the reception area at Silver Pictures. I'm telling you Guys, this is the ONE to own. It's a magnificent piece of work, an amazing stand alone and I bet Stan would have have been very proud of it.

Good luck finding this Classic for under 300 in a couple years. :D
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