Staten Island here, specifically midland beach, (posting from cell phone) it's pretty damn horrible here, houses collapsed down the block from me, I live right on a slight hill(my house and neighbor on each side) every other house on my block got hit bad and lost power, cars floated down a few block, most houses on the block have full basements and first floor, my house only got about knee high in my basement(where I live) had pumps going and bailing water out all night, finally stopped for a bit. We've never been hit this bad before, at one point there was people running up my block soaked asking for dry clothes, their houses were swallowed up in ten minutes they said. Had those big army trucks(the ones with that canvas top) going down hylan blvd, with cops on top calling people to get in.. It's really nuts over here. I don't know if you guys saw on the news in Clifton a tanker washed up on the island(prob on If anyone wants to know about a specific block in SI ask me I've been in contact with many. Very thankful it wasn't worse.