Disney SW
Luke Skywalker
Goes into JW2 thread...
TFA - New Characters, same ANH plot. Disney went safe, for a fan base that wanted new and exciting..
JW - Park actually working for 10 years canonically, Raptors being trained, mutant dino hybrid, Dr. Wu a dino Frankenstein, the T-Rex and Raptor fight with I-Rex and Mosasaur the killing blow. Universal risked A LOT... not just another Site B subplot and cameo of Sam, Jeff or Laura. They showed you the "What if?" scenario before dismantling John's dream again by Wu's genetic power (insert Ian quite of genetic power) unleashed by his arrogance to ultimately have a hidden agenda with Hoskins and Ingen.
JW gave fans a big homage and nod to Jurassic Park. Can anyone here say that the return of the Jurassic Park Rex didn't respect the nostalgia are per se the return of Luke Skywalker?
Imagine the let down of JP fans of once again if the T-Rex was defeated and before hand we saw it sipping a huge ass baby bottle like a gerbal. And then Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) says, "Let the past die, it's the only way they become extinct again." as he looks up to a hybrid I-Rex as a Transdinohybridmarysueasaurus...
I don’t get a lot of the hate towards Jurassic World. I get it shares a lot of similarities to JP 1, and thus is measured against the only film in the franchise which will always stand apart from the rest, but in the context of stories happening after the events of the first film, I think it’s one of the stronger sequels and despite being the 3rd sequel, still managed to have some wow moments that felt a lot like experiencing JP 1 for the first time.
I don’t get a lot of the hate towards Jurassic World. I get it shares a lot of similarities to JP 1, and thus is measured against the only film in the franchise which will always stand apart from the rest, but in the context of stories happening after the events of the first film, I think it’s one of the stronger sequels and despite being the 3rd sequel, still managed to have some wow moments that felt a lot like experiencing JP 1 for the first time.
The trex vs indominus was a true highlight for the series.
Maybe if it didn't look like a PS3 cutscene.
Ah come on snake. You did t smile at all when the rex showed up?
The trex vs indominus was a true highlight for the series.
I don't know what to feel about that scene. I kinda enjoy it, but at the same time there's so much wrong with it.
Personally I thought it reeked of Hollywood aiming at the lowest common denominator. Say what you will about TLW and JP3, but at least they were well made with tons of puppets and good CGI.
The CGI in JW is incredibly over saturated. Less is more.
Didn't care an iota for any character within it.
But of all the issues I take with it, the dumb blue and green filter that makes them pop out over everything else was incredibly annoying. And it looks like in the sequel it's the same thing again. It could be why the CGI also looks so bad as well.
God, no!The trex vs indominus was a true highlight for the series.
It felt like a scene from a superhero movie.
It felt like a scene from a superhero movie.
That was exactly it.