I'm late to the party, I just saw IRON MAN and it rocks!
Perfect casting as well, like it was mentioned above, the character of Tony Stark had to be done perfectly since he was carrying the show and Robert Downey Jr. was PERFECT. It was one of those situations where I was almost disappointed when he became Iron Man because he was so funny and charismatic as just Stark. I was NEVER bored with this flick and there was never a minute where I wish they'd speed things up.
The suit was done by Stan Winston Studios and the effects between that and the CGI were seamless...it was perfect through and through.
I definitely rank this straight up there with the TOP superhero movies (Spider-Man 1 & 2, Batman Begins, Batman, Superman, X-Men 1 & 2 are among those I consider the best).
Army of the Ten Rings....MANDARIN for the sequel anyone?
Both Howard and Paltrow did perfect for their roles as well. Paltrow is hot in her own unique way and Terrence Howard is a true talent, you could really see him as the calm, rational side to Tony's wild ways...probably why Stark and Rhodes are such good friends. Nice fan call-out with Rhodes looking at the Mark 2 suit and stating "Maybe next time." A few people in the crowd laughed at that.
Jeff Bridges was the cool, collected villain in the movie. I actually begun to think that the terrorist leader was going to become Iron Monger at one point. Great casting once again.
I'm glad SLJ showed up as Nick Fury! I remember reading the rumors that his scene had been cut but I'm glad it was there! I know they based the Ultimate Fury on SLJ and it looked like he stepped right out of the Ultimates comic book.