Justice League Movie (Nov 17th, 2017)

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Don't worry, the next trailer, we'll see Supes alive, and by the 4th trailer, the whole movie will be spoiled.
besides the mall the movies have nothing in common, even the message in both movies changes. characters motivations are different, Snyder added a lot that was never there.

it might be a remake but it barely resembles the original.

I only like Man of Steel. That's it.

I'll say this, visually, DOTD looks better than BVS and JL.

BVS and JL lack color.

Ironically, Civil War and a lot of the MCU films look plain and ugly because they lack some dark colors, so everything looks flat, like the airport scene.

Snyder is going the opposite direction with the gloominess and grey and dark blue colors.
I only like Man of Steel. That's it.

I'll say this, visually, DOTD looks better than BVS and JL.

BVS and JL lack color.

Ironically, Civil War and a lot of the MCU films look plain and ugly because they lack some dark colors, so everything looks flat, like the airport scene.

Snyder is going the opposite direction with the gloominess and grey and dark blue colors.
BvS has more color than the latest Marvel movies.

JL looks pretty bad, I agree, the DP change really hit this one.

And there's even more CGI than ever and that's not helping.
So, I just now realized that, after all this time, I haven't posted anything in here about the trailer, yet. I've seen it several times, now, and...I don't know. I'll just start with what I didn't like.:lol Aquaman doesn't look bad, but I'm not digging his characterization. For me, at the end of the day, Aquaman is still a king, and there should be an element of regality to him. I get that he was also a part of man's world, but, if I'm being honest, it seems like they're playing him as a bit of a brute and an oaf. Him taking the bottle and leaving the knocked out sailor or whatever on the table reminded me a lot of Thor's introduction in The Ultimates and I'm not sure I like it. To me, Aquaman seems like he has a tiny *****. It's textbook overcompensation. WB and DC are so focused on the public' perception of Aquaman as a joke or a meme that they're trying to make him this ultimate badass, edgelord, and, in doing so, they're just making him into an entirely different kind of meme; a meme with a tiny *****.

Batman. Batman, Batman, Batman. I have and will continue to defend BvS until my dying day, but this was...jarring, to say the least. One of the points I liked about BvS was that Batman seemed to have become a bit more optimistic and heroic, and I liked that it was setting him up to be more heroic in Justice League, but...the transition doesn't seem natural. It's like Snyder just flipped a light switch; "welp, Superman's dead, Batman's inspired, he's gonna be all gung ho, 'rah rah' superhero, now, putting his team together and acting as it's leader, but it almost seems like Snyder's betraying all the groundwork he set up in BvS. I'd like Batman to be a bit more reluctant about his role in all this. He's trying to honor Superman and trying to be a better version of himself, but he still doesn't feel like he deserves to be a part of the Justice League. It's just a bit of a stretch to me that he can go from unrepentant murderer to quipping, heroic "I'm rich" Batman who is leading everything. Then, too, maybe I'm just a little biased because in so many incarnations of the JL, Batman has been the reluctant one in the background and not the leader at the forefront. I also think the whole lighthearted Gordon exchange was kind of ****ed up, all things considered, too. Gordon's just like all buddy buddy with him, like "good to see you're back to being a hero again, hey, remember how you were leaving trails of bodies in my streets? It seems like you're doing a lot better, now, and I can feel better about myself because I'm not aiding and abetting a known killer."

Cyborg. Mother of God. Why? My instinctual response is to say "**** you, Geoff Johns. Look at what you've wrought," whenever Cyborg is considered a member of the Justice League, but, in this case, I guess I'd have to say "**** YOU, GEOFF JOHNS! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE WROUGHT!" Cyborg was going to be an uphill battle, anyway, because I'm a bit of a purist. I have no problem with the League's line-up evolving as the films progress, but I have to say, as a kid, when I dreamed of a Justice League movie? It was the original seven, all the way. Clark, Bruce, Diana, Barry, Hal, J'onn, and Arthur. That's my Justice League. Even growing up with the DCAU JL with John and Hawkgirl and loving it, when I think "JLA," I think The Brave and The Bold #28; those seven fighting Starro, front and center. It's just instinctual.

With that in mind, Cyborg. Mother of God. I try to be reasonable, I do, and I can forgive bad CGI on occasion, but this is just...wow. My buddy was talking about the piss poor job they did with Doomsday, and I was like "yeah, but that was, like, twenty minutes, at the tail end of the whole thing," considering Snyder's saying Vic's going to be the "heart" of the JL story, he's probably going to be there quite a lot, and he's going to be distracting and awkward as hell. I mean, it's bad. You look at stuff like skinny Steve Rogers or Brad Pitt as old Benjamin Button and you're pushing the uncanny valley hard, but you still have the fact that theyre human to fall back on, and it kind of helps mask the effect. With this, though, it is visibly jarring. His head has that same weird "floaty" quality, but no human body to fall back on in order to mask it. It says a lot that, perhaps, the only time he looked semi-decent in the whole damn thing was when he was wearing the hoodie. Like, holy ****, WB. How? You have some serious work to do between now and November. That's all I can say, but not really, because we both know you won't do ****, and we'll spend the whole movie looking at a CG model that's janky as hell and taking us right out of the whole damn thing. So, thanks, Geoff Johns. Then, too, considering Snyder's proclivity for bad to "meh" CG, I can't imagine MM would've turned out much better.

Flash looks cool. Yet again with the Henry Allen in prison thing, though, and, yet again, I'm like "**** you, Geoff Johns. Not everybody has to be an orphan," but, yeah, Miller looks good, the suit looks good in action, and the speed effects looks cool, so, no complaints there.

Wonder Woman looks hot as hell, as always, and I realize that sounds like I'm limiting her merits to her appearance, but, I don't give a damn. Gadot's attractive as hell, she fits the role, she seems to play it well, and she balances sexy and badass pretty damn well, too. She's a Wonder Woman that dudes can look at and think "damn, she's awesome," and she's a Wonder Woman that little girls can look at and think "damn, she's awesome.":lol

The secrecy in these trailers makes me laugh, though. Like Superman, for instance. It's just puzzling to me that Zack snyder comes out of the gate, last year, at SDCC with a pic featuring the JL line-up with Supes right there, front and center, but now they're trying to keep everything "under wraps," like, why the hell did you show him, then, anyway?:lol I don't know. Maybe that's unfair. I just think it's comical is all, but the one I can't understand is Steppenwolf. Like, you kind of need to start introducing him to the audience if he's going to be your big bad. This isn't Darkseid we're talking about, here; this is a dude that's typically been portrayed as one of his henchmen. That kind of makes me wonder if, maybe, Darkseid won't be playing more of a role in this than we thought. My initial interpretation was that we'd get Steppenwolf coming to Earth to seek out the mother boxes in Part I, getting his ass handed to him, and then Darkseid coming on down to kick some ass in Part II, but it looked like Wonder Woman was leading some Amazons into battle on Apokolips against all those Parademons and that got me curious. Like, if they're on Darkseid's home turf, how are they not going to encounter Big Man, himself?

I know most people would probably hate it, but I would love Snyder if he pulled a bait and switch and turned this movie into an "Empire." JL kicks Steppenwolf's ass, the movie's a ton of fun, everyone loves it, and then...Darkseid comes out. Wonder Woman watches in horror as the sheer number of Parademons overwhelm the Amazon forces she's led into battle, as her sisters are overtaken and slaughtered, Darkseid rips the mother box from Cyborg's body and leaves behind Vic's human husk that we saw in BvS (which could still be repaired, as similar **** has happened in the comics), and you're just left with a cliff hanger of Batman or Flash or whomever as a fugitive on Apokolips trying to stay alive and save his friends who've been captured, and setting up the big battle between Darkseid and the JL in the sequel.
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I'm cautiously optimistic. Some of the visuals looked cool and at least nothing made me cringe (like "I thought she was with you.")

jye what's your dream superhero movie or did you already get it with the first Avengers flick?

My dream superhero movie was the Hulk tv show.....


Yeah I was all about Avengers growing up then Fantastic Four then Xmen then Batman and then the Superfriends cartoon.

My body is ready.


I think.... I think I'm looking forward more to Guardians or Thor than this...

That's how meh this trailer is.

Like.... Woah.

Think of Thor 3 as the Beverly Hills Cop movie but in reverse.

It was beauty killed the Gaspar....


Deep down you know Snyder is a hack.

Take away the good graphic novels and comic panels he copies away from him, and all you have left is Sucker Punch.

Hack or not 300 is still bad ass.

That it was Hoth Han Solo :lol


.....just when I thought I could like that film.


Don't worry, there's always the director's cut with the extra 20 minutes of Lois Lane scenes.

Great write up batfan.

But your anger, consume you it will as it did kara's apprentice.

But you're right Batman's transition is pretty glaring but that started at the end of BvS.

But we still don't know yet if that will be the case he still might be a reluctant partner.

Unfortunate about trash talking Aquaman, also jarring lol.

But comic books will never be perfectly translated to the cinema so try to get some sleep tonight lol.

More geeks around here would benefit being more like Evilface. :lol
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