Got a deposit in the second I heard about the KGHobby connection but it's still going to be a bit before it shows. My coworkers are really going to love it when I NEVER TAKE IT OFF.

Just discovered this today--very cool. How many of you guys ordered one? And is KGHobby the only option? Have never heard from them before today, so don't know about their reputation or reliability.
Thanks man. Good to know.I ordered mine right away. KGHobby is great. I ordered with them several times and they are legit. Shipping is super fast and they have good customer service. One time, the production of one of the items I had ordered was cancelled and they promptly returned my money.
I just got the e-mail from efx about their helmet pre-order, came here to check out people's reaction to it and saw this helmet. Now I'm debating picking this one up, its a hell of a lot cheaper. Does anyone have any prior experience with this company vs efx? I'm sure due to the price the efx helmet will be of better quality, but enough to warrant the HUGE price difference?
I have both the efx hammer and shield, but I'm really having a tough time rationalizing the $800 for the helmet, maybe this is a better option -- a solid helmet for the cost of the efx deposit.
The only eFX vs Lager comparison we can make thus far is the 1:1 Mjolnir, and eFX is definitively the better prop by a substantial margin, but Lager's is priced appropriately.
Personally I think the eFX Mk7 helmet is way overpriced, but if you absolutely need something with screen lineage, then could be for you. For me this is a no-brainer, Lager's Mk43 gets my money because of price and motorized faceplate. I don't find screen lineage a huge premium for IM helmets considering the replica world has been working on a wide variety of unlicensed IM helmets for the past several years and has gotten to the point where you can't even tell the difference anymore.
Cool thanks for the info. Lineage and cosplay ability doesn't bother as much as accuracy and quality. I like having my replicas as display pieces that look and feel like they are the real deal -- if its not made from the molds I couldn't care less. I'm not a fan of the shiny face plate on the efx one either. I'm leaning towards this version.
Hard to say b/c nobody has done an in-hand review of the Lager helmet yet, but I would guess that the eFX one will FEEL better, since it's fiberglass whereas Lager's is PVC. eFX will probably feel heftier and have an overall better build and paint quality than Lager.
The reivew is done by China Collector, in mandarin.
Generally, his feedback is good, but pls do not expect perfect painting. It still come with some minor scratches, and the gold color is not shining. But it is still a good piece.
The reivew is done by China Collector, in mandarin.
Generally, his feedback is good, but pls do not expect perfect painting. It still come with some minor scratches, and the gold color is not shining. But it is still a good piece.
This does look super cool. Does anyone know if there is an actual button to turn the lights on by themselves when the helmet is already closed? Or do the lights only turn on if the helmet is opened/closed by the magnet ring? I think there may be based on the video, but not totally sure.