Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Thats, fine, I am not saying you have to agree with anyone, but to act like I’m insane for thinking the game looks great, while a majority of fans also think is looks great has me a little confused. I can understand if I was saying something that nobody would agree with.
And now, everyone who likes this game is now Koji Yes-Men?
That name sounds like a 10 year old made it up
Okay buddy I'll do my best to give you my take on what's wrong with MGSV:
Right upfront, from the very start, Kojima seems to just do as he pleases (more so than ever) this time. David Hayter has publicly expressed his displeasure with being booted out MGSV via Twitter and video interviews. It becomes worse that any concerns addressed to Konami has been largely ignored. KP even has a recurring English podcast that unfortunately only mentions about the positive reactions regarding MGSV.
David himself has made an effort to largely stay away from anything MGS related since then, intentionally not Tweeting about it and instead focusing on his directorial debut. If you've been following Hayter from day one like myself, you'll know that he always mentions MGS at least several times a month.
Think the David Hayter issue is the worst thing about MGSV? Not quite. From a marketing and business perspective, instead of putting up a sales pitch, MGSV seems to make the mistake of relying on past achievements to drive itself forward. That's a huge risk for a product that obviously costs a lot of money to make.
Picture this, would you buy a Hot Toys figure if they said that it's made from new experimental plastic that's not certified to be safe? Of course not. To have consumers backing this idea up, Hot Toys not only has to validate that the said plastic is non-toxic, but also convince consumers that it adds toward the figure while justifying the price. They need to reassure the consumers.
Every Metal Gear game so far always promised the next step in the series that at least fans could get behind. Sick of MGS2? MGS3 was promised as a prequel. Want more MGS? Here's MPO for your PSP. Want a sequel for MGS2? Here's MGS4. Want more MGS without going forward in the timeline? Peace Walker. MGSV however as of now feels like a reharsh of ideas. No one asked to revisit Big Boss after Peace Walker.
Kojima never justifies
why the need of a VA change, nor does he put people at ease with the ridiculously dressed female character that seems to have no place in the type of story MGSV strives to acheive. He never explicitly defined
how would this game be released, as two games or one? There are no promises in regards to this product except that we are expected to ride along with Kojima because of his track record. That kind of business mentality is certainly bold and praiseworthy, but it could also backfire horribly, regardless of how financially successfully you were in the past.