MGS is a game with a moral story about becoming your own person.
I guess its ok to think way, but all of that tells me that you know nothing about genes at all![]()
Btw you don't have the exact same genes as your mother, you have some. I could go on... but its better to reseach this for yourself if you are intrested![]()
Implying Solid or Liquid have the exact same genes as Big Boss? Notice how Old Snake does not look like Old Big Boss, notice how Liquid has a different skin tone and hair color...I feel like you just want to debate this when its really an easy thing to understand. I highly doubt that Kojima is a expert on genetics so I am just telling you what the game clearly says...multiple times... in all of the games.
Its not easy to find games like this, the only other deep game I played during this gen was Catherine, I can't think of any other...
I never implyed they have the same genes, I would be the retardest perso never if I did after all this time, I fact I'm implying that Solid is somewhat superior because he is different than Liquidhow did you think I said that with this ?
"I guess its ok to think way, but all of that tells me that you know nothing about genes at all
Btw you don't have the exact same genes as your mother, you have some. I could go on... but its better to reseach this for yourself if you are intrested"
I wasn't even talking about them..
I feel like you didn't understand, you don't want to or I just can't explainanyway, even if I'm talkig about opinion I used some little facts and you didn't quite understand them, so there is no point to keep on with this
So, from what I read, Henry Morgan is trying to bring real world science into Metal Gear.
That's hilarious.
If the older games dont appeal to you maybe you can check out this game. [ame][/ame]Nah, I'm bringing real life logic, its an opinion really... that Solid is "superior" because of how he is as a person, but that seems to sound like:
"I'm ignoring MGS1 post credits sequence, Solid Snake had the best soldier genes"
That is hilarious