Super Freak
I doubt Kojima is doing this for shock value. A big part war comes rape, and a lot of other monstrosities. Seems like this game is trying to show the true ugly side of war and being a soldier.
That's a good point, it actually justifies the inclusion of a rape scene, as long as it isn't playable or anything, can you imagine?

It is pretty honest and somewhat responsible, showing you the consequences of war and not just the entertaining part of it for the sake of a game, as long as it's handled in the most tasteful way possible.
Point is, MGS is a cheesy, derivative spy flick and it always has been, and I love it. The sudden change of tone is not only jarring but also risks robbing MGS of it's charm. I've said it before, it makes more sense for Koji to reserve such thematic elements for a new IP instead.
Good counterpoint, the tone of you regular MGS is completely incompatible with that sort of things, even more so after PW, if they do this, for later in the game or before, show us one of those Japanese weird humor bits, it's going to be completely anticlimactic and even disrespectful, it is a pretty risky thing to do indeed.
EDIT: Just read the whole article

It's just a tape huh? That seems a lot less risky now, it still needs a careful and tasteful approach though, but don't think it should harm the game's tone at all, but I still can't expect the same kind of humor with that tape around.
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