Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Liquid is genetically superior to Solid, end of conversation

The game creator said so whatever you or anyone else 'thinks' doesn't matter, even real life logic :lol This is a fact

I can't actually beleive some of you are trying to say otherwise

This thread just seems like a few members will disagree and argue the toss with anyone from the people that don't have the same opinion

It's pretty obvious that this thread is split down the middle with it's members, some i've never seen before in ANY mgs thread before a couple of months ago, despite having been here longer than i have

I'm dubious, not mentioning any names or anything but its rife with it in here. Regardless of whether you feel or think one way or anther about anything, the facts are what matter
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Liquid is genetically superior to Solid, end of conversation

The game creator said so whatever you or anyone else 'thinks' doesn't matter, even real life logic :lol This is a fact

I can't actually beleive some of you are trying to say otherwise

This thread just seems like a few members will disagree and argue the toss with anyone from the people that don't have the same opinion

It's pretty obvious that this thread is split down the middle with it's members, some i've never seen before in ANY mgs thread before a couple of months ago, despite having been here longer than i have

I'm dubious, not mentioning any names or anything but its rife with it in here. Regardless of whether you feel or think one way or anther about anything, the facts are what matter

Thank you.:clap

I honestly thought Henry either didnt know or forgot and was simply trying to help him out. I guess that makes me an *******
I don't mean to fan the flames, but I think what Henry means is:

Despite Solid having the recessive genes, and having being called "the inferior one", which he is not questioning that, at least doesn't look like it.

Depending on how you see the game and the characters, you can see the irony (or whatever) in Solid (the inferior) defeating Liquid (the superior), ergo, you could consider Solid as the superior basing solely on his actions and personality traits (again, depending on your take on the game).

Just another thing, I'm not a geneticist or anything, but recessive/dominant genes don't always produce a superior/inferior individual.

People just prefer to see Solid as the inferior because underdogs are more relatable, and because he was called so in the after credits, but truth is, according to Darwin, Solid would be the superior one :lol

This specific point has spawned discussions like these all over the MGS forums, even amongst MGS vets.


So I did explain it well it seems :clap

Well the underlining theme to MGS1 as we all know was that you "can't be chained to fate, to be ruled by your genes." It's hard to say Snake ever was considering he never knew of his origin and Liquid obviously did from a very young age. Maybe things would of been different for Snake if he had all that negative reinforcement that Liquid had.

And vice versa

That is exactly what I think, maybe I should've said that too

Thank you.:clap

I honestly thought Henry either didnt know or forgot and was simply trying to help him out. I guess that makes me an *******

In the very first commet I said IMHO, I guess you don't know what that means... if you thought I was trying to teach you instead of explaining how I think then thats you, others did understand me :dunno Yong also thinks the same was as me, I recomment you too see the vid he made about Eli being Liquid maybe he explained it better than me.

I think soldier genes are clearly not related to superiority, thats it, simple as that, why I think that? Because Solid Snake achieved far more than Liquid during the series, Liquid died Snake was still alive and saving the world. Who is "superior" or the" better man" that depends on how you see it Just like Gaspar said, playing the games all I saw was Solid being a badass during the rest of the series. Anyway, its over, its better to agree to disagree and move on :peace
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I just cant help but feel your not understanding what anyone is saying tho. I get that you think Solid is superior because he was indeed the better man but in the series when they are referring to being Superior or inferior they are referring to the soldier genes because that was what they were made for.

Liquid had the better Solider genes. Thats simply all there is to it. Liquid is superior in that sense and that's the only sense that they ever are referring to. Sure Solid won but he HAD the inferior Solider genes. Sure hes a better person but he is still the inferior one in terms of the soldier genes. Thats all I was trying to get at and all I want you to understand.

I thought it was a pretty good discussion until you started on about how I dont understand genetics and started making confusing caparisons that only furthered us from the topic at hand. You and Potato Turtle should chill out a little and realize its not you verse the world and nobody comes here to pick fights with you guys/gals. Everyone just wants to talk about Metal Gear.
The conversation escalated at this

You need to understand that you are made of genes. They have everything to do with what you think or anything that your body can do, yes your brain is made of genes aswell everything you think is related to them in some way or another

When your mom and dad made you it was already enconded what you can do or what you can care about or do during your entire life, of course the environment is important too... you wouldn't be the same if you were born in the jungle. But much if not everything of what you are is enconded in your genes, seriously... I'm studying genetics, its what I do for a living

Bottom line, I'm saying that Solid is who he is because of his genes, his genes allowed him to be awesome and defeat Liquid and BB, end of the story. That was thanks to his genes, so IMHO he is superior because of that.

If Liquid had a better "killer instinct" because thats related to a recessive gene then its ok. He was superior if you consider that superior. But Solid proved to be superior after all, thats how I see it. I hope I explained myself well

I hardly see how this relates and that first line is a direct jab at me personally. Me and my mother have the same relationship as Snake and Big Boss (see MGS4) Big Boss could not have children so Liquid and Solid are basically genetic mutants born from a woman's womb with Big Bosses DNA.

I don't mean to be insulting but I honestly had a hard time understanding some of your posts because they were missing words or grammar issues. I know this isn't a spelling bee and I honestly am not trying to call you out on this I just want you to understand where I am coming from.

The post you are quoting is in response to the above post. And when I quoted this post the underlined area was not even there you edited it in later.
Now that I didn't know, that explains a lot. I am really sorry I didn't know that. I was just trying to explain how I feel about it, something silly about a game its nothing personal

And that's fine. You could probably even debate that piece of information about Les Enfants Terribles because it is delivered in the most confusing game in the series and there is a lot of room for speculation.

Glade we worked this out.
Liquid is genetically superior to Solid, end of conversation

The game creator said so whatever you or anyone else 'thinks' doesn't matter, even real life logic :lol This is a fact

I can't actually beleive some of you are trying to say otherwise

This thread just seems like a few members will disagree and argue the toss with anyone from the people that don't have the same opinion

It's pretty obvious that this thread is split down the middle with it's members, some i've never seen before in ANY mgs thread before a couple of months ago, despite having been here longer than i have

I'm dubious, not mentioning any names or anything but its rife with it in here. Regardless of whether you feel or think one way or anther about anything, the facts are what matter

Nobody here is trying to argue on purpose, and like I said before, if you can read what Henry wrote, they are pretty much saying the same thing just flip it. You can look at it both ways and I actually never did until he wrote that. Anyway I agree with consensus Solid is genetically inferior, just wasn’t any need to start attacking Henry for how he interrupted especially when what he said does make sense.
Yes agreed.

Agreed here too. The one thing that MGS2 did for me is impress the **** out of me in the Gfx department. I remember being just amazed as all hell,such a beautiful looking game till this day. But yeah everything after the tanker chapter is such a **** up:lol. All I remember is running back and forth,back and forth blah!

Yea man, if the story wasn’t as good as it was, that game would have been absolutely terrible, but MGS2 also has some of the greatest moments in gaming history in my opinion. I remember actually turning my ps2 off when the patriots were telling me to :slap

One of the creepiest moments of gaming ever.
Nobody was attacking Henry. It wasn't until both Henry and myself dissolved the debate into an argument that others joined in.
Yea man, if the story wasn’t as good as it was, that game would have been absolutely terrible, but MGS2 also has some of the greatest moments in gaming history in my opinion. I remember actually turning my ps2 off when the patriots were telling me to :slap

One of the creepiest moments of gaming ever.


For me one scary moment back then was Psycho Mantis pranking me for playing Castelvania :horror things I'll never forget
Nobody was attacking Henry. It wasn't until both Henry and myself dissolved the debate into an argument that others joined in.

During the debate, some other guy and Solidus came in and did his usual “dude you only come in here to cause arguments” routine for having an opinion. But anyway you guys settled it now, forget it.
I havent really kept up with this since the whole sutherland lark, has it been said how many hours ground zeros will be?

We were speculating that the campaign might last for 2 or maybe 4 hours (4 hours seem to be wishful thinking though, the game is supposed to be very short)

But nothing officially confirmed yet
I havent really kept up with this since the whole sutherland lark, has it been said how many hours ground zeros will be?

Nope, but I can’t see it being around more than 4 hours for the main campaign and side ops could add several extra hours. If you read my post a couple of pages back it shows in order probably how the missions will play out.
I havent really kept up with this since the whole sutherland lark, has it been said how many hours ground zeros will be?

I doubt they will honestly. I cant see it going well for them unless they say its a 12 hour game. People are already heated about having to buy two different games so if they say it a total of 4 hours people will be pissed even tho there is probably a multitude of reasons to replay like people to recruit, things to collect (hopefully dog tags return) and such.