Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Oh man, I'd rather not spoil it for you but basically it's Adam weekly Google hangout chat with the fans on gaming related discussions. He finally (in front of at least 2 MGS fans on the chat) discloses just how much he dislikes the series. I think I spotted one guy who was speechless by hi total disgust for Kojima. :lol

Adam is a smart man. He's my favorite gaming personality/commenter/host EVER and his opinions, while sometime not popular, are always rational, honest and evoke the current state of gaming. Him finally coming out MGS is a quite shocking indeed (since during X-Play he was forced to narrate the "perfect score" for MGS4) but totally understandable.

Solidus mentioned that Adam pretty much disclosed a lot of the issues guys like us are having with MGS right now. And there this thing about eggs that I'd rather you find out yourself, Pliss. :lol

Wow, really sucks I can't watch it now. It's pretty telling that a guy of his status is even irritated with where the series is right now. I think probably a lot of people in the industry think the same, but probably have their hands forced to give them nothing but praise. MGS is a lot like GTA where they're always "critically acclaimed." That's another series that has either lost it's way, or just doesn't translate to this generation of gaming at all.
Wow, really sucks I can't watch it now. It's pretty telling that a guy of his status is even irritated with where the series is right now. I think probably a lot of people in the industry think the same, but probably have their hands forced to give them nothing but praise. MGS is a lot like GTA where they're always "critically acclaimed." That's another series that has either lost it's way, or just doesn't translate to this generation of gaming at all.

Well, he probably shouldn't have done it during a live chat because you can see the guys going "ooh!" on how much guts he had to to call out Kojima. :lol The exact same thing happened before few months ago with David Ellis, Halo 4 designer who dared to say it out loud:


Adam's been with the gaming industry since 1998's Gamespot TV and later X-Play, I remember the musical skit where the show bashes the long cutscenes of MGS and idea behind The Patriots, it was hilarious and I cried laughing. :lol
People need to realize, just because it came out of Kojima's bunghole doesn't make it immediately Gold. His stories aren't modern anymore, they seem to be regressing to cheesy 80s B movie level. I love 80s cheesy film, but it doesn't work the way he's doing it.
People need to realize, just because it came out of Kojima's bunghole doesn't make it immediately Gold. His stories aren't modern anymore, they seem to be regressing to cheesy 80s B movie level. I love 80s cheesy film, but it doesn't work the way he's doing it.

Adam Sessler on Kojima's writing: "He's laughing at all of us. He's going "OMG they bought it and they think I'm saying something" " :rotfl

True, I love the cheese factor and obvious 80's mentality and so often lowbrow approach of MGS, hence why I have gripes and concerns about MGSV. It's taking itself waay to seriously for it's own good. I love Kojima, but there's no denying that he's a narcissist with too much power.
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I really wouldn't doubt this is true at all. :lol

I'm eager for you to see the video once you get home (though I'll be asleep by then) so you can delve deeper into what he said. :lol

Also, I found the thing about the eggs and I can safely say that I'm disgusted and embarrassed at the same time. :lol Disgusted that Kojima would even make such lowbrow comments and embarrassed that this is the same guy that I'd summon the word "genius" to defend him when I was younger. You'll know what I mean once you watch the video.
I'm eager for you to see the video once you get home (though I'll be asleep by then) so you can delve deeper into what he said. :lol

Also, I found the thing about the eggs and I can safely say that I'm disgusted and embarrassed at the same time. :lol Disgusted that Kojima would even make such lowbrow comments and embarrassed that this is the same guy that I'd summon the word "genius" to defend him when I was younger. You'll know what I mean once you watch the video.

I felt the same way about him 15 years ago. Now, it's embarrassing to think I ever thought that way.
I thought that too but are you really that surprised? There was little to give away given what we have seen in the reveal trailers.
Most likely the game/demo will be beefed up with cutscenes.
If it doesn't end with the coma then it's doing it wrong. Imo Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes should have been half of MGSV each, all it means is that GZ is essentially a £30 demo that leaves you wanting to play the actual game instead.
If it doesn't end with the coma then it's doing it wrong. Imo Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes should have been half of MGSV each, all it means is that GZ is essentially a £30 demo that leaves you wanting to play the actual game instead.


Konami has become another milk farm like Capcom.
Yeah, after rading those, I feel way less excited now. i was going to use MGS:GZ and Infamous:Second Son to justify a PS4 purchase. But now I am very tempted to just wait a while longer.