Super Freak
I got a PS for xmas one year that came with the demo. It was the best game I had ever seen. It referenced movies I already liked and the voice acting was crazy. Snake instantly replaced CPL Hicks as my childhood role model .
This was the most intimidated I've ever been by a boss battle. As the elevator is going up all I'm thinking is "how in the **** do they expect you to fight this thing!?"
When I played Ocelot's torture chamber I instantly gave up by accidentThe worst. Makes you want to restart the whole game.
I think Metal Gear is one of the only games that still acts as though it's a game, like the colonel actually asking you to press the action button and so forth. Cant think of another game like this off the top of my head
THE Big Boss.
THE Big Boss.
It's looking real nice, I usually skip Play arts cause they have many things I don't like, but I have to say, Solidus is freaking cool.
I've practically left PAK figure collecting, though. A few of us were talking about it last night in the MGS collectibles thread. Personally, I find the PAK figures are just too expensive right now - especially considering that they're mass produced, and tend to be riddled with manufacturing defects (and sloppy paint apps) out-of-the-box. The new Big Boss figure from Ground Zeroes is selling for $100. Compare that to the similar "Sneaking Suit" figure, that retailed for a mere $39 at MSRP, back in 2010.
Solidus and Raiden (from Rising) are definitely my favorite figures out of the bunch, though. I absolutely love those two.
Damn can't watch, work PC blocks it. What does he say Ryan?