I agree, krec. And again, the ignore function proves to be a fail, because I can still see the quotes from an attention-starved reptile who loves to mention my name on occasion.
Kiefer was chosen primarily for his star appeal, and to provide motion captures for Big Boss's face - period

. Noting was ever mentioned about his voice being distinct in any way. According to Kojima, Big Boss will be talking less in MGS V, and expressing more with his facial features (which is where Kiefer's role comes into play).
I have to say, I think some of you guys are putting way too much faith in Kojima, in that you actually believe that he cares about his western audience. The botched localization of MGS 2 is proof enough of the contrary. And in addition, David Hayter mentioned, that during his tenure in working with MGS, he rarely ever communicated with Kojima. I even remember back in 2008, that there were two separate midnight launches for MGS; David Hayter and the rest of the English cast were in LA, and Kojima was in Times Square. It's like the Great Lord Koji didn't even want to be associated with them. His behavior so far, has lead me to believe that he has probably never even listened to the English voice works in his own games.