Super Freak
Ubisoft has a lot of control with the AC movie. It doesnt seem like its going to be a new story at all from what is said. Also, AC and ACII had good stories /imo/.
They are laughable and not fun to play but hollywood will make there own story Fassbender will be a new character we haven't seen.
Really? Thats a lot better.
I think Ubisoft's level of control over the film will be very good. Plus they have to protect their main brand. A bad film will negatively impact their games, which is the cash cow for them. I am excited for the AC film, but I hope Fassbender is not playing Altair. He would make a great older Ezio. The charm, is all there. But if i had my way he would be a completely new character or maybe Edward Kenway from the newest game.
I would love an MGS movie, but the story is so complicated, I do not see them ever attempting a live action one. I could see Kojima doing an animated film like the DC animated movies. Way more freedom, and less risk to his brand.
You didn't know Fassbender was it ?
Yea I knew he was, I didn’t know he was playing a new Assassin, in a original story. That would be much better than sticking with the games story.
With Byran Singer back I can’t see it disappointing. He hasn’t made a bad superhero movie yet in my opinion. By the way Plissken did you see the Bent Bullet viral video? Love everything I’m seeing in this new film.
This thread....
As far as MGS movies are concerned, I want this:
First Trilogy
Movie 1 - MGS
Movie 2 - MGS2
Movie 3 - MGS4
Second Trilogy
Movie 1 - MGS3
Movie 2 - PW+GZ
Movie 3 - TPP
You didn't know Fassbender was it ?
Assassin's Creed might actually be the one good video game movie ever released. The universe in AC leaves so much room for artistic creativity, with all of the different timelines, and different Assassins.
I thought Fassbender was pretty good in The Centurion.
He's great in 12 years a slave.
Yup, he deserves an Oscar this year but he won't get it. Best movie the year easily
Thats true, I forgot those were coming out. I can’t see the Assassins Creed movie being good though. The games stories are terrible.
I had a lot of faith on that franchise, AC1 was certainly groundbreaking, but everything fell apart with every sequel, I no longer care one bit about it.