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I had a lot of faith on that franchise, AC1 was certainly groundbreaking, but everything fell apart with every sequel, I no longer care one bit about it.

How was AC 1 groundbreaking? :lol It was heavily criticized for its clunky gameplay mechanics and lack of mission variety. Some reviewers even complained that Ubisoft spoiled the game right in the beginning, by revealing Desmond in the Animus (to which, I agree).

The "Ezio trilogy" from the AC II games felt much more polished in comparison. I also found Ezio to be a more interesting protagonist than Altair - who didn't really have any personality to speak of, in AC 1.
How was AC 1 groundbreaking? :lol It was heavily criticized for its clunky gameplay mechanics and lack of mission variety. Some reviewers even complained that Ubisoft spoiled the game right in the beginning, by revealing Desmond in the Animus (to which, I agree).

The "Ezio trilogy" from the AC II games felt much more polished in comparison. I also found Ezio to be a more interesting protagonist than Altair - who didn't really have any personality to speak of, in AC 1.

The sole concept of the gameplay and the execution were groundbreaking and the story itself also was.

Clunky controls? What? What kind of noob would call those controls clunky? They were perfect, that's one of they things I don't criticize about AC :lol

Then again, I liked KZ2's controls even before the update :lol
The sole concept of the gameplay and the execution were groundbreaking and the story itself also was.

Clunky controls? What? What kind of noob would call those controls clunky? They were perfect, that's one of they things I don't criticize about AC :lol

Then again, I liked KZ2's controls even before the update :lol

I think you need to replay AC 1, my friend :lol. It was a pain getting Altair to swing his sword at times, because of how slow and unresponsive the controls were. The rooftop parkour was equally horrible - compared to how fluid and enjoyable it was in the other AC games. I can't count the number of times I wanted Altair to jump somewhere, and he'd go off into a different direction an plunge to his death.

I'd say that things really become "ground breaking" when you start playing AC II and AC Brotherhood - and see the revelations of the plot. The "Truth" video in AC II just boggles the mind.
I think you need to replay AC 1, my friend :lol. It was a pain getting Altair to swing his sword at times, because of how slow and unresponsive the controls were. The rooftop parkour was equally horrible - compared to how fluid and enjoyable it was in the other AC games. I can't count the number of times I wanted Altair to jump somewhere, and he'd go off into a different direction an plunge to his death.

I'd say that things really become "ground breaking" when you start playing AC II and AC Brotherhood - and see the revelations of the plot. The "Truth" video in AC II just boggles the mind.

Perhaps I do, I only played it once at release :lol but I certainly don't remember any frustrating moments...
Perhaps I do, I only played it once at release :lol but I certainly don't remember any frustrating moments...

Yeah, I guess results may very for each person. But, I remember cursing at Altair in every possible profanity I knew of. I then figured out that you can spam the counter-attack button (I think it was X?), to insta-kill every single enemy in the game :rotfl.
Did any of you sherlocks discover who hideosutherland or kojimakeifer was? i can see he felt the effects of the bannhammer
Clearly someone who has more time on his hands than us! Odd place to troll, he must of been quite passionate in his hatred. Well, back to the inner squabbles:lol
Well, we do get a lot of heated arguments in the thread. Not to start anything, but I'm one-hundred percent sure that it was one of the regular members in here - since the troll accounts were so focused on harassing several specific individuals as soon as they signed up. No one's sure who it is, but it was extremely cowardly and in poor taste to hide behind fake accounts like that. If anyone has an issue with someone else, they should at least have the cojones to say it to them in a discussion, or take it to private messages.
We don't know who exactly, but there isn't only a short list of members that would fit the bill.

And Gasper is on PSN, we added each other a ways back. AC1 was interesting when it first came out, but even then I thought it was boring and the combat was extremely clunky. I thought ACII was amazing, but gave up on the series after that since Brotherhood could not hold my interest.
I'd say that things really become "ground breaking" when you start playing AC II and AC Brotherhood - and see the revelations of the plot. The "Truth" video in AC II just boggles the mind.

ACII was incredibly fun but I had enough of it by the end of the game. Got too repetitive.

And that end twist ending out me off the story, which was the part I liked the most!

How has the story progressed from AC2, better or worse?
I had a lot of faith on that franchise, AC1 was certainly groundbreaking, but everything fell apart with every sequel, I no longer care one bit about it.

I got into the AC games late, picking up 1 and 2 at the time 3 was released.
Man I hated 1 and 2. Couldn't care less about the storyline but 3 and 4 actually moved me. I was happy to finish both but the story really got to me and I thought they ended really well. The character story, none of this other nonsense that's going on in the real world.
The biggest pain in the arse for me was playing AC1 then picking up AC2 and thinking "Dafuq goo un hyer?"
What the hell happened to that person and dafuq is this potato doing with this carrot on the way to the fair?

In fact I think I put it down during the first cutscene as it was "having a laugh".
End Quote.
The Desmond storyline was amazing. Ezio had the best character story, Altair was my favourite Assassin and I cant even be bothered to finish ACIV, seems like another 'DLC game'
AC1 wasn't very good and Altair was boring. He only become interesting in the Ezio sage but i can't really blame ubisoft for having those short comings in the first game, it was the start of a intricate series and its actually mental they pulled it outta the bag and made 2 and brotherhood as good as they did

I didn't like AC1 that much at all and when AC2 came out i refused to play it. Even when brotherhood came out and my friends were all raving i still gave it the cold shoulder. Wasn't until i was at a friends and seen it first hand did it intrigue me again so i guess you can say its amazing what Ubisoft actually did with it

If you've only played 1 and are making your judgement from that. Go play all of the Ezio saga (yes even revelations) Truly great story telling and character development
The Desmond storyline was amazing. Ezio had the best character story, Altair was my favourite Assassin and I cant even be bothered to finish ACIV, seems like another 'DLC game'

Of course he will have the best story he had three games.
To me Ezio's story is the best. You seem him grow from a boy into a man, from someone motivated only by vengeance, to someone who actually wants to do some good in the world. If you are only going to play one piece of this story, I would suggest his. AC2, AC:B, AC:R. The series peaked, at least in my opinion with Brotherhood.

Connor's story was kind of a retread of Ezio's except he lacked the personality that drove Ezio's story. I still like AC1, but the gameplay got better after it. I have not played 4 yet. i was holding out on that one as I wanted to play Liberatrion first. I am very interested in Aveline's story. Plus I want to play the dlc in AC4 for Adewale's story. i think it's interesting perspective to take former slaves, and train them to be assassins, but that they are using their skills to try to help their people. Plus, it's always nice to see diversity.