Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Only ones of the series I haven’t played are AC3 and Revelations. The rest are just subpar games in my opinion. The voice acting is horrible, and the core mechanics work great but the A.I. is so broken. Whats the point of sneaking if you can just kill a whole village in hand to hand combat? And now the story seems to be getting weirder with some glowing woman gods or something. I’m done with the series. I only bought Black Flag because the PS4 had nothing.
The voice isn't that bad. Ezio sounds cool and how you can't get anything but immersed in the story is beyond me but to each their own
I have never been able to beat one of the Assassins Creed games because I just loose interest. The free running is poorly designed and the story is dumb IMO. Some how I always end up with a copy of the newest one tho without ever spending money on them a single time.
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The voice isn't that bad. Ezio sounds cool and how you can't get anything but immersed in the story is beyond me but to each their own

I thought his voice was horrid as well. The new Assassin’s voice is really good though. I thought it was the consensus that the games have good gameplay terrible stories. If there is some Metal Gear Solid 2 underlining message, please tell me it, i might be interested in the story if I know.
AC1 wasn't very good and Altair was boring. He only become interesting in the Ezio sage but i can't really blame ubisoft for having those short comings in the first game, it was the start of a intricate series and its actually mental they pulled it outta the bag and made 2 and brotherhood as good as they did

I didn't like AC1 that much at all and when AC2 came out i refused to play it. Even when brotherhood came out and my friends were all raving i still gave it the cold shoulder. Wasn't until i was at a friends and seen it first hand did it intrigue me again so i guess you can say its amazing what Ubisoft actually did with it

If you've only played 1 and are making your judgement from that. Go play all of the Ezio saga (yes even revelations) Truly great story telling and character development

To me Ezio's story is the best. You seem him grow from a boy into a man, from someone motivated only by vengeance, to someone who actually wants to do some good in the world. If you are only going to play one piece of this story, I would suggest his. AC2, AC:B, AC:R. The series peaked, at least in my opinion with Brotherhood.

Connor's story was kind of a retread of Ezio's except he lacked the personality that drove Ezio's story. I still like AC1, but the gameplay got better after it. I have not played 4 yet. i was holding out on that one as I wanted to play Liberatrion first. I am very interested in Aveline's story. Plus I want to play the dlc in AC4 for Adewale's story. i think it's interesting perspective to take former slaves, and train them to be assassins, but that they are using their skills to try to help their people. Plus, it's always nice to see diversity.

The voice isn't that bad. Ezio sounds cool and how you can't get anything but immersed in the story is beyond me but to each their own

I couldn't agree more with what you guys have mentioned. The one thing that attracted me to Assassin's Creed was the depth of intrigue involved in the storytelling. The series is like a very complex mystery novel and each game would take you one-step closer to "the truth" of everything.

Obviously, AC 1 would have been a much better game if Ubisoft had expanded on Altair's personality a bit more. In fact, he didn't really have any sort of defining personality to speak of, and I felt as if I was playing as the lifeless mannequin of "some dude", just for the hell of it. AC 1 was extremely unpolished to say the least - both in gameplay and in story, and I would have completely given up on Assassin's Creed, if the series wasn't redeemed in so many ways by AC II. Unlike Altair, Ezio actually had a personality and a quest for revenge that made you care about the character.

AC Brotherhood then came along a few years later and expanded so much on AC II, with side-quests and mini-games that truly gave it a Sandbox-like experience. The addition of a unique type of online multiplayer was also huge leap for the series - in a market that was already saturated by run-of-the-mill COD shooters.

As for the storyline of Brotherhood, it was so amazing to see Ezio evolve from the cocky, punk kid that he was in AC II, to "Maestro" - the leader of Assassin's Order. And he really comes into full form of his experience and wisdom in "Revelations".

I didn't really like AC III for reasons that I've already mentioned in the respected thread :lol. But, the Ezio trilogy (AC II, Brotherhood, and Revelations) are highly recommended - especially to fans of MGS who enjoy games with highly complex storylines, and stealth gameplay (which you would find in the multiplayer sessions).

But, of course, AC isn't a series for everyone. But, if you have the patience to really trudge through the story, you'll appreciate the series for what it is.
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Altair had no personality for a reason, he was part of a creed and it was in a time period and era of the creed that forced a sort of monk style on the members.

But I agree, it's been Assassins Creed for pages, how 'bout that umm... 'Ground Zeroes'.
Altair had no personality for a reason, he was part of a creed and it was in a time period and era of the creed that forced a sort of monk style on the members.

But I agree, it's been Assassins Creed for pages, how 'bout that umm... 'Ground Zeroes'.

Yea, agree with you on the Altair thing. But yea let's stop talking about those horrible broken games. We should be getting more news, the game is almost here
Thought I clicked on an AssCreed thread. :lol

AssCreed > KieferCreed

Altair had no personality for a reason, he was part of a creed and it was in a time period and era of the creed that forced a sort of monk style on the members.

But I agree, it's been Assassins Creed for pages, how 'bout that umm... 'Ground Zeroes'.

Well, the only monks who didn't talk were the ones who had a vow of silence :lol. I thought that Altair was just this stiff, one-dimensional character with old-man angst. He really had some character growth in Revelations, though.
Well assassins creed is extremely relevant, since alot of the new changes are inspired by that franchise.
From how it looks it is working out, similar to RE4 taking inspiration from MGS and made the best RE game (IMO)

My only worry is the open world feeling empty and getting boring for me very quick like most sandboxes do to me
Well assassins creed is extremely relevant, since alot of the new changes are inspired by that franchise.
From how it looks it is working out, similar to RE4 taking inspiration from MGS and made the best RE game (IMO)

My only worry is the open world feeling empty and getting boring for me very quick like most sandboxes do to me
...what? Re4 was inspired by MGS?
Is it just me who noticed in the old Phantom Pain gameplay trailer that Snake and Ishmael or whatever were both Kiefer Sutherland? No one has ever pointed it out but Big Boss says a word under his breath and its Kiefer's voice
Is it just me who noticed in the old Phantom Pain gameplay trailer that Snake and Ishmael or whatever were both Kiefer Sutherland? No one has ever pointed it out but Big Boss says a word under his breath and its Kiefer's voice

Yup we did notice, don't remember any particular theories formulated about it though, but, my favorite theory is that we're playing as Frank Jaeger instead of Big Boss.
Well, to me, it's possible that Big Boss is suffering from schizophrenia in the hospital - as a result of brain damage from the horn in his head, and the guy with the bandaged face (aka. Ishmael) only exists in his mind :lol. I think it would make sense, since both Big Boss and Ishmael are voiced by Kiefer.
Also, I would love to see Frank Jaeger make a return. But, not as a Big Boss doppelganger... that's just too much of a strange twist for the character.
I think like Solidus said, has to do with some PTSD, and a mix of Mantis in play. But I’m pretty confident Ishmael is a fragment of Big Boss’ imagination. If you watch the trailer closely there are a few references that make it clear.