Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Like I said, I didn't want to start anything :lol. But, I found it quite alarming that you're making strong comparisons on Hayter and Sutherland, when you were too young to see the entirety of 24 on TV, and you were just a toddler when MGS 1 and 2 were released.

But, whatever. It's an open forum, and you're entitled to your opinions, regardless.

I didn't make any strong comparisons, but you're entitled to that opinion I suppose.
But with that Kind of thinking then people are age can't have Star Wars discussions, most superhero discussions etc...

Batman and Superman have been around long before our parents probably, we can't be taken serious when talking about them?

I think MGS is a different kind series altogether, in regards, that each game follows canonically from a strict timeline with a single creator and development team. In addition, superhero movies like Batman and Superman are interpreted differently for each generation. Personally, I'm old enough to remember the Burton Batman movies, but not the stuff from Adam West.
I think MGS is a different kind series altogether, in regards, that each game follows canonically from a strict timeline with a single creator and development team. In addition, superhero movies like Batman and Superman are interpreted differently for each generation. Personally, I'm old enough to remember the Burton Batman movies, but not the stuff from Adam West.

I do remember the Adam West stuff :yess: cause they aired reruns Sunday mornings 'round these parts.
But you can't assume someone acts a certain way based on their age. Just because I didn't play them when they were new doesn't mean I didn't play them in the correct order of release.
Ah I see. I guess that makes sense but for me at least, I don't think age means someone can't be just as knowledgeable about something or have the same appreciation.

everyone's opinion is valid here :lecture
But you can't assume someone acts a certain way based on their age. Just because I didn't play them when they were new doesn't mean I didn't play them in the correct order of release.

Ah I see. I guess that makes sense but for me at least, I don't think age means someone can't be just as knowledgeable about something or have the same appreciation.

And I respect both of your opinions. But, let me try to clarify my position, so you don't think I'm a total dirtbag :lol. David Hayter fans grew up with him when he voiced Solid Snake - and for many of us, he played the role as one of our childhood heroes. The same can be said about Kiefer's portrayal as Jack Bauer.

It's true that someone could get caught up on all of the MGS games and all of the seasons of 24. But, it's not the same kind of thing, like those who have experienced MGS (and perhaps even 24) at first hand. Like I said, everyone's entitled to their opinions. But, personally, I think I have more of an affinity with those who grew playing these games - whether they agree or disagree about David Hayter's ousting in MGS V, or on deeper matters concerning the future of this franchise. With that said, pturtle and I have had some extraordinarily insane arguments in this thread :lol. But, at least I know where he's coming from, regardless if we'll never agree on certain things.
And I respect both of your opinions. But, let me try to clarify my position, so you don't think I'm a total dirtbag :lol. David Hayter fans grew up with him when he voiced Solid Snake - and for many of us, he played the role as one of our childhood heroes. The same can be said about Kiefer's portrayal as Jack Bauer.

It's true that someone could get caught up on all of the MGS games and all of the seasons of 24. But, it's not the same kind of thing, like those who have experienced MGS (and perhaps even 24) at first hand. Like I said, everyone's entitled to their opinions. Personally, I think I have more of an affinity with those who grew playing these games - whether they agree or disagree about David Hayter's ousting in MGS V. pturtle and I have had some extraordinarily insane arguments in this thread :lol. But, at least I know where he's coming from, regardless if we'll never agree on certain things.

Me and you have actually never disagreed with Metal Gear Solid though. The only thing I've said that seemed to annoy you was me saying Kiefer was in better shape :lol

You can't say you're a bigger fan because it's not a competition.

I love David Hayter, I have him on twitter and I respect him both as a writer and as a voice actor.

And it's not like I did a speed run of every MGS and called it a day. So just don't tar me with other people just for my age. It's just the same as any other prejudice view like racism, sexism, yadda. I'm not a child.
Also I'm not trying to argue further :lol

I respect your views on MGS and have yet to disagree with anything you've said about MGS. I would actually rather Hayter had done the voice as long as he'd gave it a serious tone.
Me and you have actually never disagreed with Metal Gear Solid though. The only thing I've said that seemed to annoy you was me saying Kiefer was in better shape :lol

You can't say you're a bigger fan because it's not a competition.

I love David Hayter, I have him on twitter and I respect him both as a writer and as a voice actor.

And it's not like I did a speed run of every MGS and called it a day. So just don't tar me with other people just for my age. It's just the same as any other prejudice view like racism, sexism, yadda. I'm not a child.

It wasn't my intention to sound prejudice, and if it came across that way, then I apologize. My point is, that you were very young when most of the MGS games were released and when 24 was showing on TV. So, given your age, I found it alarming when you said "Hayter = Solid" in addition to past comparisons that you made of Kiefer as Big Boss. The first thing that popped into my mind, was that you're way too young to really be familiar with either Hayter or Sutherland.

In any case... whatever :peace
And I respect both of your opinions. But, let me try to clarify my position, so you don't think I'm a total dirtbag :lol. David Hayter fans grew up with him when he voiced Solid Snake - and for many of us, he played the role as one of our childhood heroes. The same can be said about Kiefer's portrayal as Jack Bauer.

It's true that someone could get caught up on all of the MGS games and all of the seasons of 24. But, it's not the same kind of thing, like those who have experienced MGS (and perhaps even 24) at first hand. Like I said, everyone's entitled to their opinions. But, personally, I think I have more of an affinity with those who grew playing these games - whether they agree or disagree about David Hayter's ousting in MGS V, or on deeper matters concerning the future of this franchise. With that said, pturtle and I have had some extraordinarily insane arguments in this thread :lol. But, at least I know where he's coming from, regardless if we'll never agree on certain things.

Yea that's why I said I can see where you are coming from. It's like me and the Sopranos. I always regret not watching it when it was coming on every Sunday. I ended up getting into it 2 years ago and it's my favorite show of all time, but I regret now being into and appreciating it when it was hype. Certain feelings and appreciation can play into being apart of an era.
Also I'm not trying to argue further :lol

I respect your views on MGS and have yet to disagree with anything you've said about MGS. I would actually rather Hayter had done the voice as long as he'd gave it a serious tone.

It's cool, man. I couldn't care less if people agree with me or not. I'm just on this thread to chill and act like an occasional ****** :lol.

Jack Bauer's tone doesn't fit Big Boss at all. Just wait until he starts screaming :slap.
I'd have kind of liked Richard Doyle for Big Boss actually, it would have made a lot more sense. That is assuming Doyle can make his voice sound younger.

Or maybe Hayter for Ground Zeroes and Doyle for Phantom Pain, I mean it is a 9 year gap.
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I'm in the minority here but I wasn't very fond of Doyle's Big Boss
voice. He seemed
To have a bit
An accent that Big Boss never had.
He did have a bit of an accent. Doyle is just the choice that makes more sense since he's already voiced older Big Boss. In all honesty I'm fine with all 3 Big Boss voice actors, I just dont think the transactions into the different voices was done particularly well
Yea they weren’t. As long as Kiefer does a good job and the game is good i’ll be happy.
Same here. Hoping Kief does a good job of Big Boss and I'm fairly confident he will.

Hopefully Hayter will be back to play Solid in a Metal Gear/Metal Gear 2 remake. Although it's fairly possible Phantom Pain could stretch into being Metal Gear from Big Boss' perspective