Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Wow this all sounds just too good.


Everybody loves this game :love nice

Thats how I feel, I don’t if it’s journalists who are fanboys or are they telling the truth. I going to buy the game regardless but I hope it turns out good.

People that played the game love it, people that don't complain about the length, what does that tell you? :lol so far everything sounds good but I may stop reading or looking vids about it, I want to play it and experience it on my own and see how good this really is


"The Shotgun in Ground Zeroes is beastly. Its a portable version of Satan's Sphincter, shooting small bits of nuclear diarrhea"

:rotfl I always loved the MGS3 shotgun, this seems to be just as good as the M37
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After all the videos I've seen and pre-reviews from those videos I'm still a bit to the defensive with this. I don't want to justify their new business model just because is Metal Gear and is well done (well, that's Kojima's JOB after all)...they still defend the length of the game. I mean, come on, it doesn't feel like a fully-ended product, all those extra missions are there to give us a FEEL of a fully produced game. Let's remember that all those missions take place on the very same setting, how many times we will be revisiting Camp Omega?. It's still in it's core-mission, very short. Think of other Metal Gears. Kojima should be compared with his previous creations and not look at this like if it's a precious jewel. And if the length of them is not on par with other games then, iMho, he es not doing a good job at all. Fancy graphics and mechanics do not justify the lack of length of the game/demo that is GZ. I do not want that the press keeps praising it creating hype among us because in the future, it might become a trend.
Stop spoilling Kojima, srsly. He is not doing anything extraordinary by giving us a taste of what it should be standard quality considering current gen. I'm very pissed on Kojima's management of things. And I believe the press is overreacting just because is Kojima. Or just because is Metal Gear and you can talk bad about it.

Im a huge fan of mgs but thanks to castlevania and deus ex I'm not using the fan-goggles anymore with Kojima, he relies too much on his reputation and stuff, maybe I'll believe in him once again if he starts developing a new IP or something.

I apologize if this post bother anyone, but I felt the need of let it out :C
After all the videos I've seen and pre-reviews from those videos I'm still a bit to the defensive with this. I don't want to justify their new business model just because is Metal Gear and is well done (well, that's Kojima's JOB after all)...they still defend the length of the game. I mean, come on, it doesn't feel like a fully-ended product, all those extra missions are there to give us a FEEL of a fully produced game. Let's remember that all those missions take place on the very same setting, how many times we will be revisiting Camp Omega?. It's still in it's core-mission, very short. Think of other Metal Gears. Kojima should be compared with his previous creations and not look at this like if it's a precious jewel. And if the length of them is not on par with other games then, iMho, he es not doing a good job at all. Fancy graphics and mechanics do not justify the lack of length of the game/demo that is GZ. I do not want that the press keeps praising it creating hype among us because in the future, it might become a trend.
Stop spoilling Kojima, srsly. He is not doing anything extraordinary by giving us a taste of what it should be standard quality considering current gen. I'm very pissed on Kojima's management of things. And I believe the press is overreacting just because is Kojima. Or just because is Metal Gear and you can talk bad about it.

Im a huge fan of mgs but thanks to castlevania and deus ex I'm not using the fan-goggles anymore with Kojima, he relies too much on his reputation and stuff, maybe I'll believe in him once again if he starts developing a new IP or something.

I apologize if this post bother anyone, but I felt the need of let it out :C

:goodpost: :exactly:

Well said, and that's how a lot of us feel. Konami (or as Ryan Pliskin had coined the term, "Conami") is advertising a very short chapter/demo of MGS V as a full-fledged game.

Also, I suspect that the few "journalists" who posted their reactions of MGS V on Twitter were being vetted by Konami's PR. Konami has a very stanch way of censoring press reviews of their games - as in the case with MGS 4 back in 2008. So, I find it odd that they're now shifted policy, and done a complete 180 on this - so to speak. Something just doesn't smell right.

The one thing that I can't stand are the blind fanboys who give Kojima a pass on everything, like he's this genius who's incapable of making errors in judgement. Although, I don't think that applies to anyone here, as we've all been pretty vocal on this issue with GZ - even those who plan to get it on release (quite surprisingly).
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Basically, none of us will know anything officially until we play it. People were saying MGR was a 2 hr game, and it is way longer. I do not believe GZ is a full length game by any means, but I do have some expectations of this game. I trust you guys on this forum more than I trust game journalists. Overall though, I want this game. I hope GZ and MGSV both live up to the hype around them.
Basically, none of us will know anything officially until we play it. People were saying MGR was a 2 hr game, and it is way longer. I do not believe GZ is a full length game by any means, but I do have some expectations of this game. I trust you guys on this forum more than I trust game journalists. Overall though, I want this game. I hope GZ and MGSV both live up to the hype around them.

I think you can probably speed-run MGR in less than an hour, if you're extremely skilled at the gameplay.

Personally, I'd like to advise people against getting GZ early. Not only for the price, but also because I'd absolutely hate to see paid demos (per se) becoming a trend in industry if GZ becomes extremely successful. But, of course, it's your money, and your decision. I wouldn't fault anyone who decides to get this early.
I think you can probably speed-run MGR in less than an hour, if you're extremely skilled at the gameplay.

Personally, I'd like to advise people against getting GZ early. Not only for the price, but also because I'd absolutely hate to see paid demos (per se) becoming a trend in industry if GZ becomes extremely successful. But, of course, it's your money, and I wouldn't fault anyone who decides to get this early.

I agree that paid demos would be horrible, but I just don't see that many devs or publishers being able to get away with it. Kojima is one of the few, and even(if this is what GZ turns out to be) he is taking some serious heat. I could see it being tried with CoD and Battlefield, in fact I'm surprised they haven't done it already. But their audience seems built in for them to attempt it. Ubisoft, at least in my opinion, doesn't have the capital to take the hit if it backfires. Bioware can't afford the backlash, and EA knows it. RockStar could try, they have the capital with gamers. They don't put out games all that often, and when they do they are very well received. I think they could, but like Kojima, it would burn a great deal of good will. The industry is in a state of flux. Microsoft learned the hard way that gamers will take hard stances if they feel like they are being taken advantage of. I think that sent a strong message throughout the industry. What it means for the future is still up in the air.
I'm sure Kojima just want the fans to relax and think the game is gonna be awesome, all this is happening thanks to Game Informer :lol

I really don't think the journalists or anyone that works reviewing video games has the last word on anything, they just get paid to say what they think. Big deal... :dunno I personally respect more the opinion of people that has been in this series since 98 or 87

I'll give the benefit of the doubt to this game until the very end, for me nothing in certain until I get to play it :lecture so far I like what I'm reading
After all the videos I've seen and pre-reviews from those videos I'm still a bit to the defensive with this. I don't want to justify their new business model just because is Metal Gear and is well done (well, that's Kojima's JOB after all)...they still defend the length of the game. I mean, come on, it doesn't feel like a fully-ended product, all those extra missions are there to give us a FEEL of a fully produced game. Let's remember that all those missions take place on the very same setting, how many times we will be revisiting Camp Omega?. It's still in it's core-mission, very short. Think of other Metal Gears. Kojima should be compared with his previous creations and not look at this like if it's a precious jewel. And if the length of them is not on par with other games then, iMho, he es not doing a good job at all. Fancy graphics and mechanics do not justify the lack of length of the game/demo that is GZ. I do not want that the press keeps praising it creating hype among us because in the future, it might become a trend.
Stop spoilling Kojima, srsly. He is not doing anything extraordinary by giving us a taste of what it should be standard quality considering current gen. I'm very pissed on Kojima's management of things. And I believe the press is overreacting just because is Kojima. Or just because is Metal Gear and you can talk bad about it.

Im a huge fan of mgs but thanks to castlevania and deus ex I'm not using the fan-goggles anymore with Kojima, he relies too much on his reputation and stuff, maybe I'll believe in him once again if he starts developing a new IP or something.

I apologize if this post bother anyone, but I felt the need of let it out :C

Here's the thing, this isn't bring treated as a full game, which is why you can buy it release day anywhere from 20 to 40 dollars. The fact that this isn't 60 dollars pretty much confirms that.

The people who have played and beat it have said nothing but good things, so why should we all not be excited?

I don't think anyone here is excited because Kojima's name is attached to this, we are excited because it's Metal Gear and so far it's been getting nothing but compliments from people who played and beat it.

People pay more for DLC than this game cost, and there's many options on how much you want to spend. If ZOE was
Being released tomorrow I wouldnt give a damn, I don't know what's the obsession with Kojima.

From a business stand point it makes sense what Konami is doing and we have the choice whether we want to buy the game or not. I payed 60 bucks for both NBA 2k14 and Battlefield 4 and both of those games have been broken since release. If I pay 20-40 dollars for a well made game that has a lot of replay value then what's the problem?

I'm not saying you shouldn't still be on the defense when it comes to this game but the whole fanboy goggles and Kojima this and Kojima that really has nothing to do with it. Most of us are really excited Because the gameplay undoubtedly looks great and it's the next part in a highly rated franchise that isn't going downhill like other series.
Here's the thing, this isn't bring treated as a full game, which is why you can buy it release day anywhere from 20 to 40 dollars. The fact that this isn't 60 dollars pretty much confirms that.

The people who have played and beat it have said nothing but good things, so why should we all not be excited?

I don't think anyone here is excited because Kojima's name is attached to this, we are excited because it's Metal Gear and so far it's been getting nothing but compliments from people who played and beat it.

People pay more for DLC than this game cost, and there's many options on how much you want to spend. If ZOE was
Being released tomorrow I wouldnt give a damn, I don't know what's the obsession with Kojima.

From a business stand point it makes sense what Konami is doing and we have the choice whether we want to buy the game or not. I payed 60 bucks for both NBA 2k14 and Battlefield 4 and both of those games have been broken since release. If I pay 20-40 dollars for a well made game that has a lot of replay value then what's the problem?

I'm not saying you shouldn't still be on the defense when it comes to this game but the whole fanboy goggles and Kojima this and Kojima that really has nothing to do with it. Most of us are really excited Because the gameplay undoubtedly looks great and it's the next part in a highly rated franchise that isn't going downhill like other series.

Some SSF members from the U.K have mentioned that that PS3 version of GZ is retailing for 30 pounds. That's $50.15 USD. Of course, it'll retail for slightly cheaper prices in the states, but that's a moot point. If Konami (and others) keep insisting that this isn't a full game, then wouldn't logic dictate that it shouldn't be priced as one? :huh

And like I said before, I don't trust those early "reviews" online - when in the past, Konami has been notorious for censoring feedback of their games from the press.
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I agree that paid demos would be horrible, but I just don't see that many devs or publishers being able to get away with it. Kojima is one of the few, and even(if this is what GZ turns out to be) he is taking some serious heat. I could see it being tried with CoD and Battlefield, in fact I'm surprised they haven't done it already. But their audience seems built in for them to attempt it. Ubisoft, at least in my opinion, doesn't have the capital to take the hit if it backfires. Bioware can't afford the backlash, and EA knows it. RockStar could try, they have the capital with gamers. They don't put out games all that often, and when they do they are very well received. I think they could, but like Kojima, it would burn a great deal of good will. The industry is in a state of flux. Microsoft learned the hard way that gamers will take hard stances if they feel like they are being taken advantage of. I think that sent a strong message throughout the industry. What it means for the future is still up in the air.

I think KojiPro has been overshadowed by other developers in recent memory, especially those at Naughty Dog, Rockstar, Ubisoft, and the others that you've mentioned. There was a time when Kojima was too "big to fail" - but, that was when he was still "pioneering" cinematic games (so to speak). I don't think he's being held to a high standard anymore - given that some folks have had a lot of time to mull over GZ's price, and they're still not perturbed by it, in the least. The blind fans on Facebook are evidenced enough.

I think you're right, that we can't really predict how the industry will react to things. But, I can only hope that two-hour games (that can be completed in a five-minute speed-run) don't eventually become a regular occurrence.

I’m starting to get scared those weird clone/Frank Jaeger theories might come true.

Not sure that points to him being Grey Fox. I am guessing the secret is he knows about Liquid, Solidus, and Solid. He has been training and grooming Solid from the time he got a hold of him.

I don't know. I just don't see the whole Grey Fox thing being real. It's just too out there, even for this series. But I am excited, and eager to see what the story is overall. I have always loved Big Boss.
I think KojiPro has been overshadowed by other developers in recent memory, especially those at Naughty Dog, Rockstar, Ubisoft, and the others that you've mentioned. There was a time when Kojima was too "big to fail" - but, that was when he was still "pioneering" cinematic games (so to speak). I don't think he's being held to a high standard anymore - given that some folks have had a lot of time to mull over GZ's price, and they're still not perturbed by it, in the least. The blind fans on Facebook are evidenced enough.

I think you're right, that we can't really predict how the industry will react to things. But, I can only hope that two-hour games (that can be completed in a five-minute speed-run) don't eventually become a regular occurrence.

I guess I do not care about speed run info at all. As was said in the other thread, someone speed ran Skyrim in just over 2 hrs. I have invested 98hrs as of my last save, and I still haven't beaten the game. I will never do a speed run, so I could careless about that type of data. And remember the MGR thing? People were going off the game time or save data, which did not include cut scene length.

At this stage it is all about the wait and see. We are about a month away, and once this is in the hands of gamers, we will have a far more accurate picture than we do now.
Anyways, this excerpt from the article made me laugh :lol. Big Boss is transforming into a Jack Bauer clone - got it! :slap

Sutherland said that the character will be a bit like Jack Bauer in 24, stating that he’ll be “a little edgier, and a little more angry about his history.”

"Where is the bomb?!"
"Where is Metal Gear?!"
"Tell me Camp Omega is?!"
"Where is Camp Omega?!"
"Where is Paz and Chico?!"
"I'm ex-U.S. Special Forces Agent Punished Snake. This is the longest night of my life."
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The way I see it is, regardless of the recent tweets and comments, if the only way you can justify the length of the game being worth the price is by saying you have to do the side missions and replay the game in various ways then it's not worth the price tag.

A lot of members here my do that just out of pleasure but not everybody is that sort of gamer.

I for one like to play games in depth but I've never platinum a game. If that's the only justification it's a poor one

I’m starting to get scared those weird clone/Frank Jaeger theories might come true.

I want to see BB go evil, but I also want to play as Frank....

Anyways, this excerpt from the article made me laugh :lol. Big Boss is transforming into a Jack Bauer clone - got it! :slap

"Where is the bomb?!"
"Where is Metal Gear?!"
"Tell me Camp Omega is?!"
"Where is Camp Omega?!"
"Where is Paz and Chico?!"

Sounds more like Batman to me :lol