And I respect both of your opinions. But, let me try to clarify my position, so you don't think I'm a total dirtbag. David Hayter fans grew up with him when he voiced Solid Snake - and for many of us, he played the role as one of our childhood heroes. The same can be said about Kiefer's portrayal as Jack Bauer.
It's true that someone could get caught up on all of the MGS games and all of the seasons of 24. But, it's not the same kind of thing, like those who have experienced MGS (and perhaps even 24) at first hand. Like I said, everyone's entitled to their opinions. But, personally, I think I have more of an affinity with those who grew playing these games - whether they agree or disagree about David Hayter's ousting in MGS V, or on deeper matters concerning the future of this franchise. With that said, pturtle and I have had some extraordinarily insane arguments in this thread. But, at least I know where he's coming from, regardless if we'll never agree on certain things.

Age absolutely plays a factor with these games. If you've been playing the series at the time of release, you'd understand why all the Hayter fans are bent out of shape. We've been playing these games with his voice over for the better part of two decades and now we need to be accustomed to someone else taking the role who honestly, isn't needed at all. Everything that has been said for the reasoning behind it is nothing but a hypocritical ruse for star appeal considering Okio is still voicing Big Boss in the Japanese version. I'd give credit to Kojima if he switched out Okio for some B list movie star in Japan.