Assassin's Creed jump...
Assassin's Creed jump...
Well I can tolerate the jump crap, but the tagging thing has no business in it at all. Yes I know it can be turned off, but I don't care.
Batman's Detective Vision.
Wait, that reminds me- Arkham Knight is waay bigger than City, and it's a open world-stealth-action hybrid, plus it was revealed that RS was already working on the game in secrecy for 3 years.
If anything, it might be the MGSV's main rival.
I seem to be alone in this, but I think V is going to get crushed by AK.
Batman's Detective Vision.
Wait, that reminds me- Arkham Knight is waay bigger than City, and it's a open world-stealth-action hybrid, plus it was revealed that RS was already working on the game in secrecy for 3 years.
If anything, it might be the MGSV's main rival.
I don't know Arkham Knight will be better than The Phantom Pain but I'll play both games anyway, it seems AK will be the Batman game I wanted since the Arkham Asylum
The games that truly stuck out last gen are TLOU and AC for me.
Arkham City was my favorite game last gen, and even going up against MGS4, it certainly felt like the better, more fulfilling game. I'm not trashing MGS, I'm just saying that I found myself surprised at how much a Batman game could hold it's own against a titan like MGS.
The only thing I trully hated about that game is how Batman get all sad when his biggest enemy dies...but anyway, thats the story, I have the GOTY edition and I played every single DLC, its a true gem
Because Batman truly believed that he could be saved, that is, be cured from his insanity and redeem himself as a human being. If I'm not mistaken, the Killing Joke is canon in this continuity and from that you can see why Batman was so upset.