Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Because Batman truly believed that he could be saved, that is, be cured from his insanity and redeem himself as a human being. If I'm not mistaken, the Killing Joke is canon in this continuity and from that you can see why Batman was so upset.

yeah, he had an excessive amount of hope if you ask me, I can't believe I didn't read that yet... I'm not much of a comics fan but I will read it
Because Batman truly believed that he could be saved, that is, be cured from his insanity and redeem himself as a human being. If I'm not mistaken, the Killing Joke is canon in this continuity and from that you can see why Batman was so upset.

Yeah because Barbara was paralyzed in AC.
I'm sure the Joker's going to get resurrected with the Lazarus pit or something.

Anyways dudes, we should probably take this to the Arkham thread :lol.
"So many people wanted to see the game, however, so I wanted to show everyone what we were creating, even if it was just a prologue. More than a strategic move, it was just something I wanted to do" --Kojima. Nope! It was a strategic move, since MGS is the only financially feasible franchise, for Konami to pay its employees' paychecks :rotfl.

I have to say, that the dynamic weather, and shift from day-time to night-time does seem rather interesting. I wonder how it's being implemented into the gameplay (eg. changes of soldier patrol routes, changes in terrain, etc.)
The settings and scenery are top notch. They look incredible, it will be a beautiful game to watch no doubt

Rumor: Ground Zeroes is two hours long.
Reality: Ground Zeroes has over ten hours of content.

When Game Informer pointed out that they completed Ground Zeroes in two hours, everyone was up in arms. There were a lot reader comments that read something like this: "Two hours? What a rip-off!" We've since learned, and I can confirm, that the two-hour time frame is a reasonable estimation of your first playthrough of the main mission. I completed my first run closer to the one-hour mark, but I took one of many routes to get there. Ground Zeroes isn't a linear experience, and there are a lot of paths that will lead you to your goal.

Metal Gear is traditionally a stealth-based experience, and Ground Zeroes is no different. However, it's more open ended than its predecessors. The main mission, if handled as succinctly as possible, incorporates only a quarter of the setting, Camp Omega.

Pick it quick!
There are also a handful of side missions--called side-ops--to explore. The first four give you new challenges that take you directly to new parts of the map. The weather and time of day change for these missions as well. These changes alter the need for and implementation of stealth, and give the base an entirely new feel. Though you only explore Camp Omega in Ground Zeroes, there's plenty of opportunity to explore every nook in a variety of scenarios. While playing through the side-ops, I spent about three hours during my first run of the lot, but I consistently ranked poorly. Time permitting, I would have readily and happily jumped back in to improve my rank. It's not just for pride: better ranks reward you with better bonus items that can open up new ways to play any mission in the game.

If you want to open up the platform-exclusive missions, you'll need a keen eye, a quiet step, and a lot of patience. In order to unlock them, you need to collect badges hidden throughout the base. It may be one location, but Camp Omega is full of buildings to explore and corners to pick through, making the badge hunt particularly challenging. I certainly wasn't able to find them all without a bit of help.

All told, I spent about nine hours playing Ground Zeroes, and my completion rating was only 30 percent. I beat every mission, but I failed to complete them in every way possible.

Looks like more good news :panic:

Great article by Gamespot, they do a great job separating fact from fiction about GZ.

Yes, Ground Zeroes is as short as you’ve heard. Two hours, tops -- but that’s for the main mission, “Ground Zeroes,” which leads into The Phantom Pain.

When completed, you unlock four “Side Ops,” which feel like straight-up Peace Walker 2 missions. All take place in the same Cuban base camp you’ve seen, but they each play pretty differently from another. Entry points (and methods) are different, vehicle locations are different, enemy patterns are different. Some take place in daylight. Some force you to be loud, or have fail states if you aren’t quick enough to complete your mission.

I played Ground Zeroes for eight hours. I finished each mission at least twice, and spent some extra time speed-running, trying to get my completion times under 20 minutes. I also hunted down all the secret patches, which unlock an additional, platform-specific mission.

I will do all of this again, quite happily, when Ground Zeroes releases at retail.

IGN got 8 hours out of it. Sounds like 30 dollars is more than fine for this game.

Ground Zeroes has a little bit of a funny bone in the main mission, but it really is the first time I'd say Metal Gear has "grown up." Kojima deals with some...disturbing stuff, particularly toward the end of the main mission, and any lighthearted silliness would completely compromise its tone. However, there is a mission entirely dedicated to comedy. I am not allowed to say more, and I don't want to -- it's a lovely, fun surprise to discover.

You'll also see a bathroom callback in another mission, with bits and pieces of witty dialogue throughout. But I wouldn't label this on the same level as MGS2 in terms of weird and goofy.

Looks like Kojima is keeping his promise on the tone of the game.

You'll recover some health naturally, and it takes a while, but bad wounds will keep your health down if you don't use the new first-aid spray to recover. It's a very limited resource, too, so you'll have to be careful.

About CQC

But how's CQC?
Simplified, but great. Depending on where you attack a dude, and your alert status, you'll do different things. Sneaky chokes, heavy slams, that sort of thing. Ultimately, your end game is to grab a guy and immediately knock him out, or hold your close-quarters combat button to bring up more options -- KO, kill, and interrogate. Interrogations reveal weapon, audiolog, and enemy locations. You can also force an enemy to call over nearby guards so you can combo your CQC attacks.

From another journalist

As with so many things that become controversial these days, the length of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is both not as big a deal as some people have made it out to be, and it’s a far bigger deal than others would like to admit.

It’s also not an exaggeration.

Days after the Game Informer story hit, the publisher of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Konami Digital Entertainment, hosted a group of journalists at their Work Facility in Nasu, Japan, where they were given hours to play the game. Far more than just two short hours.

As one of those journalists, I can tell you, unequivocally, that the main mission in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is really that short. Not including the opening movie or the ending cutscenes, credits, and trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain — which Ground Zeroes really is the first chapter of — it took me exactly 78 minutes to complete my mission. And those were not an easy 78 minutes, either. I died multiple times and had to restart from my previous checkpoints. If I had been a bit more patient, or just flat out better at these kinds of games, I probably would’ve finished in a little over an hour.

But here’s the first wrinkle in the whole “too short” thing. It was a damn fun 78 minutes. A far more fun 78 minutes than I’ve had in a lot of other games I’ve played recently.

Set in 1975 — right after the events of 2010’s Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and nine years before The Phantom Pain — Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes has the original Snake infiltrating Guantanamo Bay to rescue a couple kids. Using his usual mix of stealth and shooting, Snake has to locate the children and get them to a helicopter landing zone for extraction without being killed, or getting them killed, by all the highly trained soldiers who are, let’s be honest, just doing their job.

What makes Ground Zeroes different from previous Metal Gear Solid games, sort of, is that Guantanamo Bay is a wide open battlefield. Granted, it’s not a huge open world.

This isn’t 'Grand Theft Solid'.

Nor does it have the tons of mid-mission side quests of a typical open world game. But for a series built upon narrow corridors inside installations, it’s a radical departure.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is a very cerebral experience and will force players to think about what they are doing. We found this to be a very intriguing, unexpected aspect of the game.

We found the AI behavior to be ruthless and authentic. This isn't like in Assassin's Creed, where if an enemy spots you, you can run around the corner and hide in the bushes and get away.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes' enemy AI will know where you are and will not give up until they've either killed you or you've taken out all of the reinforcements sent your way. To reiterate though, it's not that simple to take out the surrounding enemies because they are effective in their aim and will take you down if you're not a lethal shot.

Cutscenes on both the PS4 and Xbox One are gorgeous, awe-inspiring cinematics for people to behold. They are a really appetizing teaser for what we will see in The Phantom Pain. Kiefer Sutherland may be a bit of an adjustment for the most hardcore Metal Gear Solid fans, but he fits in just fine.

Ground Zeroes' cinematics have been seamlessly integrated into the gameplay, which really makes us hope this is something that will carry over to The Phantom Pain. No loading times really helped us stay immersed in the experience and this is something we really hope to see in all next-gen games moving forward.

We did find the PS4 version of the game to be a bit better experience than what we experienced on the Xbox One. That said, the Xbox One is still a gorgeous experience and you'd expect the PS4 version to be slightly better since the PlayStation is the home console, if you will, for Metal Gear Solid.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is an extremely intriguing introduction to the next-generation of the series, and it will challenge you to really question your own play styles and the way you approach any given mission.

It's a cerebral, mentally-challenging prologue and it will no doubt reward the most dedicated players for the duration of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and most likely, The Phantom Pain.

A two-hour experience Ground Zeroes is not, and we easily played the game for seven hours and still had plenty more to do.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is a stellar, quality introduction to the new era of Metal Gear Solid and we can't wait to perfect this game, before The Phantom Pain arrives.

Seems like this isn’t a demo.
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It''s not like there are any new revelations in that article, to paint "Rumor vs. Reality" that haven't been stated before. Mission replayability is the main thing that has always been stressed to justify the short campaign. What really comes into question, is how much time the average player can spend playing one game and trying out the missions in different ways. I haven't even done that with MGS 4.
It''s not like there are any new revelations in that article, to paint "Rumor vs. Reality" that haven't been stated before. Mission replayability is the main thing that has always been stressed to justify the short campaign. What really comes into question, is how much time the average player can spend playing one game and trying out the missions in different ways. I haven't even done that with MGS 4.

Maybe to you, but I love doing extra missions in open world games. It’s one of my favorite features in the Arkham and GTA series.

I also edited a bunch of other good news from the journalists. With the new video and all this info released today, GZ just might be my second game of the year. I doubt it can touch Arkham Knight since it’s only a prologue.
Maybe to you, but I love doing extra missions in open world games. It’s one of my favorite features in the Arkham and GTA series.

I also edited a bunch of other good news from the journalists. With the new video and all this info released today, GZ just might be my second game of the year. I doubt it can touch Arkham Knight since it’s only a prologue.

So do I. As someone who doesn't play everything that comes out, this article has sealed it for me. One thing I really don't like is the whole tagging enemies and binoculars, those can be turned of, right? (Splinter cell blacklist on the hardest diff and marking turned off is exceptional)

If so, day one purchase.

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Thanks pturtle! I am really excited for this one. I am very excited to play this one. Wish I had a PS4 to get it on, but my PS3 will have to do.
Well the good thing about that is, all the ps3 data will transfer to the ps4 once pick it up. So all the extra content from gz will still transfer to TPP when it comes out.

So do I. As someone who doesn't play everything that comes out, this article has sealed it for me. One thing I really don't like is the whole tagging enemies and binoculars, those can be turned of, right? (Splinter cell blacklist on the hardest diff and marking turned off is exceptional)

If so, day one purchase.

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Yup, you can play the whole game without handicaps from the beginning I believe. There’s a trophy for you completing the whole game with any perks.

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Following up on previous claims, Metal Gear Solid creator worries that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain "players will start complaining that they can’t clear the game, [it’s] too big to clear."

Speaking with IGN, Kojima said, "The Phantom Pain has the risk that people won’t be able to finish the story as it will be "more than 200x bigger than Ground Zeroes."

He would not elaborate. "I cannot disclose the amount of missions [in The Phantom Pain]," said Kojima, "but we’ll have a lot of missions in there."

More great news :panic: