Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Just why is Solid Snake called Solid Snake? Contrary to popular belief, series creator Hideo Kojima has said that the name didn't actually come about from Escape from New York star Snake Plissken.

Kojima wrote on Twitter to explain the code name Snake in the original Metal Gear. "The reason I used Snake as code name in MG was Snake was the most appropriate symbol of living thing that hides his presence and sneaks without any noise."

"The reason I didn't make any specific snake like cobra, anaconda, viper was because the protagonist is the player," Kojima explained. And what about Solid? "The reason I use Solid was to give opposite impression of soft image," he said.

Moving on to the other Snake characters in the series, Kojima first explained the thinking behind Solid Snake's cloned brother Liquid Snake in 1998's iconic Metal Gear Solid, created from the DNA of Big Boss--known in prequel title Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater as Naked Snake.

"Like of all endings of any series are, the appearance of strongest enemy was a must in MGS. It's Snake who can surpass the Snake. Thus I brought about 'clone'. Solid vs Liquid. That is MGS."

Kojima also went on to explain the naming behind Solidus Snake in 2001's Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.

"As to develop sequel, the 3rd snake was needed," he said. "Since both Solid & Liquid express state, means same true state. Naturally the next would be gas, but gas snake is like gas human, not handsome name."

"So I borrowed from physics terms of "solidus/liquidus". Solidus is not state but implies the boundary of liquid and solid."

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will be released on March 18. If you want to know more about Big Boss' backstory, you can check out GameSpot's primer. You can also read Peter Brown explaining some of the rumours behind the title, and the reality of the finished game.

Pretty much a review without the score

Thanks to the invisible handcuffs of the dreaded embargo, I'm not allowed to give you our score for Ground Zeroes yet. That comes in two weeks.

With that said, MGS: Ground Zeroes is one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I've had for a while. After using – and coming to rely on – the camouflage systems of MGS 3 and 4, it's interesting to get back to some old-school infiltration, and the open-ended nature of Ground Zeroes make doing so a joy.

In a lot of ways, GZ plays similarly to Far Cry 3, thanks to the prevalence of hostiles, the open nature of the stage, and your available choices within it. Your mission - well, one of them, which we'll get to in a minute - is to infiltrate a Guantanamo-style US blacksite, rescue your buddies from torture, and then get out.

To do so, you've got to navigate both the environment (there are far more options for exploiting vertical spaces, with rock faces and climbable buildings to hide on top of) and the guards themselves. There's no Soliton radar: instead, you tag enemies with binoculars. From then on you can see their movements just by looking in their direction, even through walls. There's also a 'Reflex' mode, whereupon getting spotted slows time and gives you a precious few seconds

Despite these new toys, the mission itself isn't overly simple or easy. The differences in both natural terrain and the buildings (encompassing simple tents to underground bunkers and massive control towers) need care and attention paid to them when executing your sneaking mission. You may be able to recover from being seen with Reflex, but with guards often working their (expansive) routes in pairs you'll probably not get both of them down before backup is called, especially if you're using a tranquiliser gun, an unsilenced weapon, or are seen just as you round a corner.

Besides, the actual stealth is as engaging as it always has been, made moreso by the superb engine that powers the game. The initial Ground Zeroes mission takes place at night, in the rain, and Snake is so beautifully animated, the world so well-realised - lovely weather effects tie in with exceptional sound design, superb texture work, and a solid framerate - that going loud feels rude.

It's a world that wants you to spend time working it out, and you won't need much encouragement to do so. Comparing it to earlier games in the series, it feels like the original two games' stealth via MGS3's more open play areas, navigated via an improved take on part 4's controls. Hiding in flatbed trucks, diving to cover in some bushes, calling in helicopter airvacs while hiding out from ever-advancing enemy patrol states: you’ll do all this and more, and slight fiddliness of control and frustration at getting spotted aside, you'll enjoy every minute.Which leads to the all-important question: just how many of those minutes will it take to 'finish' Ground Zeroes? Doing so took me, after a couple of fresh restarts thanks to my stupid brain, 63 of them. Which is some way short of the two-hour figure being bandied around, but Zeroes mission doesn't end there. After you've choppered out for the first time, there are five more Side Ops to plough through.

These take place at different times of day, and are presented as non-canon, 'pseudo-historical' events. One has you tracking down and assassinating two US Marines wanted by other nations for war crimes. Another has you meeting an informant before recovering a data cassette. When you're done there it's on to sabotaging gun emplacements and then an action-packed helicopter rescue of, erm, Hideo Kojima. Finally, there's a special mission on PS4 (Xbox One has a different stage) that renders parts of the world, including Snake, in sort-of '90s-o-vision.

Each of these has a different quirk to it, and each shows the flexibility of the engine and the environment. For example, the assassination variant - which feels like a Blood Money hit - is set in broad daylight, and although your enemies are still a bit dumber than they would be in reality (otherwise you'd be dead in seconds), it shows just how differently you play the game when the weather is against you.

The Side Ops aren't as in-depth as the actual prologue, but that they're there is something, and, like in Zeroes, it's just fun to **** about (if there's a king of ****-aboutable games, it's Kojima), snag the various collectibles, and try and beat your speed run.

Whether you think all of this is worth the money is, of course, up to you. But, personally, having played Ground Zeroes for some four hours or so I'm still eager to play it again.
Was this sarcasm? I don't know what you mean by that. :dunno

Yup, it was. People shouldn’t judge an entire game on just a voice actor. It might not be like the older Splinter Cells, but the games are very good, and sell good, so how is the series dead? Same thing happens here, Hayter gets the boot, and all of sudden Metal Gear is a series on the decline, even though every gaming site has just this “demo” in their most anticipated games of the year :slap
It's not as great as it use to be .

Conviction=utter shyyt.

Blacklist was great. Turn off the whole mark and execute and play it in the hardest level, that way is extremely enjoyable.

Yes, ironside is out. That's no reason to just kill a game though.

Blacklist was great, close second to chaos theory.

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This is the reason Splinter Cell is dead :lecture

To be entirely fair, SP is still good but it isn't Splinter Cell anymore. Used to love the old ones. Sam ageing backwards annoys the hell out of me.

Just because a developer throws crappy mechanics (mark and execute, one button-kill everything) doesn't mean that you have to use it. Conviction didn't give you that option, but BL does. Don't mark enemies, play on the hardest difficulty. It is great that way.

I do understand not everyone will do that, therefore they'll experience something entirely different. Conviction all over again, that is.

People play too much crap like COD, battlefield, etc nowadays. Sadly, releasing a game that appeals only up the hardcore SC fans (hell, in this case, MG) is literally not a very wise business decision (sadly, I know). At least some games still give you the option to play how you want tough, and reward you while doing so (hard to get trophies, etc)

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yeah Conviction was pretty...uh, something, honestly, it was only really hard with the White House cause the Splinter Cells and if you try to play stealthily...and not kill all the guards. Also, it's worth noting Ironside did not actually want to return for Conviction because he felt he could not add more to Sam Fisher until he saw the script, so it's not like Hayter; Hayter wanted to return, but was booted out. I don't know if Ironside was booted out but he likely had no interest and still helped the new guy out. Plus story in Splinter Cell is crap. So I don't think the loss of Ironside alone kills the game, maybe the gameplay does. But Sam aging backwards is weird.

Also did anyone remember when MGS4 made fun of COD? :lol Greatest moment in the game.
Let's all take a minute out of our day to mourn our fallen franchises.

Splinter Cell
Saints Row
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Duke Nukem

View attachment 97398

Tomb Raider. There was little wrong with the series and the ending to Underworld hits an emotional chord but since it didn't do well financially and thanks to the popularity of COD and Uncharted (plus the Square Enix takeover), they had to make the game that's almost a shot-for-shot clone of Uncharted but with a serious tone.

People who say the new Lara is more relatable than the (Trilogy) Lara reminds me of the people who say Big Boss is more relatable than Solid Snake. If you take it at face value then sure. Big Boss and the new Lara sure have lots of melodrama shoved in their and the audiences' faces, but Solid Snake and trilogy Lara tend to keep to themselves.

And this is coming from me who hated the Trilogy games during their time.
Tomb Raider dead?



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Tomb Raider dead?


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The spirit is dead. What made the games special are dead. Sales are up to appease the masses. Gamers are getting younger, and a thinking mans' slow-paced game probably has no place in gaming today.

You could say the same thing about the Resident Evil games. The all catered themselves to COD crowd in order to garner more sales, which is fine and all but they all had to shed their identities to become something their not. What's laughable about that?
Tomb Raider dead?



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Exactly, I enjoyed the originals more but Tomb Raider is far from dead. The reboot has a fan base and sold well. I don't see how someone can consider putting it on the list of decline.

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The spirit is dead. What made the games special are dead. Sales are up to appease the masses. Gamers are getting younger, and a thinking mans' slow-paced game probably has no place in gaming today.

You could say the same thing about the Resident Evil games. The all catered themselves to COD crowd in order to garner more sales, which is fine and all but they all had to shed their identities to become something their not. What's laughable about that?

That's your opinion though, probably based more on nostalgic bias than fact. Why do we speak on here as if our opinions are fact? I wasn't even a fan of the reboot, it wasn't a bad game, but I just didn't care for the story. Whoever did enjoy, good for them, people have different taste.

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I gotta disagree with Tomb Raider. The spirit is there, they reinvented the franchise taking clues from other games (who doesn't do that?-read "steal like an artist") and it turned out great. You might not like it (and, at the end of the day, your opinion is the only one that matters, to you, that is) but it had a very tremendous success level(both financially and overall praise) More so than any other game in the franchise.
RE? I stopped playing until 4 really. As great as it was, they completely destroyed the franchise with 5,6,7,8, house of the dead clones, etc. no argument there whatsoever. Their willingness to appeal to the brainless Gears Of Wars crowd (sorry if I'm offending anyone.. Actually, I'm not) just put an end to the greatness. There's no soul, no essence, nada. Just a plain abomination.

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Yup, it was. People shouldn’t judge an entire game on just a voice actor. It might not be like the older Splinter Cells, but the games are very good, and sell good, so how is the series dead? Same thing happens here, Hayter gets the boot, and all of sudden Metal Gear is a series on the decline, even though every gaming site has just this “demo” in their most anticipated games of the year :slap

Well, conviction was/is/will always be crap. No matter how you put it. I'm sorry. I know opinions can never be facts, but it certainly seems unanimous with that game. How it sold well is beyond me.

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That's your opinion though, probably based more on nostalgic bias than fact. Why do we speak on here as if our opinions are fact? I wasn't even a fan of the reboot, it wasn't a bad game, but I just didn't care for the story. Whoever did enjoy, good for them, people have different taste.

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You speak as if you've never read my posts and demeneour on the threads.. I never spoke as if my opinions ARE fact. I express it, I offer to share it. And bow can I based it on nostalgia when I beat the Trilogy games after I beat the reboot?

I gotta disagree with Tomb Raider. The spirit is there, they reinvented the franchise taking clues from other games (who doesn't do that?-read "steal like an artist") and it turned out great. You might not like it (and, at the end of the day, your opinion is the only one that matters, to you, that is) but it had a very tremendous success level. More so than any other game in the franchise.
RE? I stopped playing until 4 really. As great as it was, they completely destroyed the franchise with 5,6,7,8, house of the dead clones, etc. no argument there whatsoever. Their willingness to appeal to the brainless Gears Of Wars crowd (sorry if I'm offending anyone.. Actually, I'm not) just put an end to the greatness. There's no soul, no essence, nada. Just a plain abomination.

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I'd like to know the omnipresent tone and spirit you speak of. I was enthusiastic about the remake, but I never found a moment when I needed to use my brain for puzzle solving, I didn't found any majestic and serene vistas, nor did I found any challenging platforms and beautiful music.
Well, conviction was/is/will always be crap. No matter how you put it. I'm sorry. I know opinions can never be facts, but it certainly seems unanimous with that game. How it sold well is beyond me.

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I never played it, but I'm sure there's someone out there who thinks its the greatest game ever. Doesn't it have like an over an 85 on metacritic?

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