Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Since we're going on missions to different parts of the world, I expect it to have big enough maps to be called sandbox, but not everything on a single map.
Going to be fun sneaking around at night or day looking forward to playing GZ hopefully it gets good reviews.
Does that mean the game will take around 400 hours to complete?

Ha, It's been easily a decade since I played a game that took more than 10 hours to complete, it'd be a nice change of pace.

I'd be more than pleased if the game actually has around 30hrs of gameplay for the 1st playthrough, given they've augmented my expectations greatly regarding length with those recent news.

It took me months to have 100 percent completion on Saints Row The Third :lol. Sandbox games are no joke in terms of scale.
.... i had no problem with henry, i dont think ever. ive never even argued with him to my recollection. its only been you, you always make it about you. you think you know me and you dont. in case you havent noticed, i have been taking a big dump on this game since the very beginning and i even knew who you were. if i see someone getting made fun of i jump in and just crack random jokes, i do it all the time, ask anyone who actually knows me. get off your high horse, non-contributer. its great that within the last week youve actually stepped up to the plate and gave us some videos. good job. dead man is usually the guy who pops in randomly with a peppered in something to keep this thread chugging along or theres hideo/sutherland jokes. otherwise its all about you orgasming about how good this game is going to be and carrying on misinterpreted conversations for pages on end. you constant need for self vindication and you bouts of whining have defined you here. so dont ever speak about me again and stfu. my friends here can call me jason, youre just an acquaintance of a stranger. if you dont like what i have to say then disregard it and move along. pffffft. im never going to address you again unless you start your usual bs.

We've all contributed to the this thread. But, the real problem I see, stems from: (1) the people who have never displayed an interest in discussions (eg. the dude who only pops in to curse me and others out), and (2) new guys who suddenly show up and begin to disparage the older members who have been here for much longer than them.

Either of these is a sure-fire way to get ostracized by the community, in addition to being placed on ignore lists.
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sorry, i didnt mean to leave you guys out, it was a heat of the moment comment. of course you all contribute. i just hate this nonsensical bullcrap. i edited my last post.
This is one of the most honest previews of Ground Zeroes that I've read that doesn't try to fluff things up. It appears that the story in this is excessively lacking. I'll be giving it pass until TPP hits the shelves and then I'll buy MGS V as a full game.
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is the best, most expensive demo ever made

Here are some excerpts from the article that I found interesting:

Beyond that, this new Snake - whom I like to call Kiefer Slytherin - simply sounds too human. I've always felt that part of Snake's appeal was due to him being not being a realistic character, but rather an impossibly sexy cipher. Snake was always tough, but never particularly angry or emotional, and I'm not sure there's ever been a more innocent, inquisitive growl than David Hayter's comically one-note take on the character. Snake never behaved like an actual person, but rather an emotionally distant outsider. He was the Man Who Fell To Earth: David Bowie in military scrubs. (And indeed in The Phantom Pain he'll sport a Diamond Dogs biker jacket.)

Ground Zeroes is mercifully brief on cutscenes, excluding its lengthy intro and closer. Unfortunately, many of its best bits have been shown off in trailers for The Phantom Pain, further establishing that this prologue was never conceived as a standalone release.

In a lot of ways, there's really a lot to Ground Zeroes. Its small scale is more than compensated for by its robust depth, but its conclusion is anticlimactic, despite its bombastic and lengthy denouement cutscene being exciting in and of itself. Indeed the biggest issue with Ground Zeroes isn't its length: it's a lack of closure.

Gone Home may have lasted a scant three hours, but its conclusion left the player feeling like they'd experienced a full story. Ground Zeroes, on the other hand, doesn't only end in a cliffhanger - much like MGS2's Tanker opening - it doesn't even attempt to spin a full yarn. That mysterious burned man in the opening named Skull Face piques our curiosity only to completely disappear with nary a mention (though he does inexplicably leave behind a seven-plus minute audio recording where he gives a pretentious philosophical monologue to a POW he's torturing). Ground Zeroes may be marketed as a standalone short story, but it's not even that. It's merely a stranded scene or two, floating in isolation for newcomers and lacking in the narrative nourishment series fans expect (despite its marathon hidden audio recordings).

The truth is perhaps that Ground Zeroes was never intended as a standalone release. Konami's always passed it off as an appetiser to tide us over until the main course, but despite The Phantom Pain's gargantuan publisher-backed budget, this feels like a crowdfunding effort in a disguise as obvious as a cardboard box. As Kickstarter has proven time and time again, people are willing to pay top dollar not simply for early access, but because they want to support a project - and the extra money towards the Phantom Pain's no-doubt immense development bill provided by Ground Zeroes will no doubt be appreciated by Kojima and Konami.

So Ground Zeroes is hardly essential, but it accomplishes what it set out to do in giving players a taste of how a more open-ended Metal Gear adventure might feel. Its wealth of strategies and secrets unearth plenty of tactical treasure for those willing to dig - something the premium price deviously encourages. Those expecting a full game are going to be disappointed, however - Ground Zeroes does feel like a very expensive demo. But it's also a very, very good one.
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Man, calm down :lol :slap. As much as you make me laugh.

But, yeah, my opinions haven't changed with Ground Zeroes at all. From all of the news that I've read, I've been reaffirmed that this isn't the MGS game for me to get. It's reassuring that a lot of the other fans aren't buying into it, either.
This is one of the most honest previews of Ground Zeroes that I've read that doesn't try to fluff things up. It appears that the story in this is excessively lacking. I'll be giving it pass until TPP hits the shelves and then I'll buy MGS V as a full game.
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is the best, most expensive demo ever made

Here are some excerpts from the article that I found interesting:

"The truth is perhaps that Ground Zeroes was never intended as a standalone release."

No surprise there.
How much is the premium package going for? I don't even want to think about how expensive a loose metallic Big Boss is going to be :panic:.
Thanks for the link Solidus!

Haven't read the whole thing, but I can't help notice their comparisons to Gone Home.:

Gone Home may have lasted a scant three hours, but its conclusion left the player feeling like they'd experienced a full story.

cheapest ive seen is $240.

I wonder if there's going to be a TPP Premium Package or a comprehensive "MGS V" Premium one. Man... Konami wants too much money for all this.

Thanks for the link Solidus!

Haven't read the whole thing, but I can't help notice their comparisons to Gone Home.

I knew you'd like that one, Ryan :lol. I still haven't played Gone Home as yet. At $19, it seems more worth the money than Kojima's demo.
well, ive told myself im only getting the ps4 version of whatever comes with the pak figs and only if they have a premium finish on them. im sure the their revo figure will be offered retail. im also sure that ill be able to find the peacewalker art book loose eventually, which is the the real perk (if you want to call it that, TBD) of that set.
I knew you'd like that one, Ryan :lol. I still haven't played Gone Home as yet. At $19, it seems more worth the money than Kojima's demo.

It's pretty subjective, as much as I adore Gone Home, I know some cats are gonna jump in right away and say "Oh, it sucked!", "It was stupid" etc.

I can say this though, if Kojima could write with subtlety and heart as in Gone Home, I'd die a happy man. :lol

As of now, that article just reaffirms my greatest fears. I know for a fact that Kojima could make a great game in his sleep, I just want a sense of purpose.

Btw Solidus, hasn't the price gone way, way down by now?
It's pretty subjective, as much as I adore Gone Home, I know some cats are gonna jump in right away and say "Oh, it sucked!", "It was stupid" etc.

I can say this though, if Kojima could write with subtlety and heart as in Gone Home, I'd die a happy man. :lol

As of now, that article just reaffirms my greatest fears. I know for a fact that Kojima could make a great game in his sleep, I just want a sense of purpose.

I just don't feel as if Kojima was really trying with Ground Zeroes. He's capable of doing so much more, but like you said, this just confirmed my concerns about this being done for the sake of sales and nothing else. I play MGS games primarily for the stories and intriguing themes, and if GZ is lacking in both, then I shouldn't even bother. It seems as if you've watched the trailers already, you know pretty much everything that there is to know about GZ (albeit elements from the "dark" ending) :dunno.