Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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i wish this turtle ****** would stop mentioning my name and making up false allegations. i had no problem with henry, i dont think ever. ive never even argued with him to my recollection. its only been you, you always make it about you. you think you know me and you dont. in case you havent noticed, i have been taking a big dump on this game since the very beginning and i even knew who you were. if i see someone getting made fun of i jump in and just crack random jokes, i do it all the time, ask anyone who actually knows me. get off your high horse, non-contributer. its great that within the last week youve actually stepped up to the plate and gave us some videos. good job. dead man as well as other key members usually pop in randomly with a peppered in something to keep this thread chugging along or theres hideo/sutherland jokes. otherwise its all about you orgasming about how good this game is going to be and carrying on misinterpreted conversations for pages on end. you constant need for self vindication and you bouts of whining have defined you here. so dont ever speak about me again and stfu. my friends here can call me jason, youre just an acquaintance of a stranger. if you dont like what i have to say then disregard it and move along. pffffft. im never going to address you again unless you start your usual bs.

Calm down Jason. I've been posting videos and articles here since page 300. I have contributed to this thread probably more than most the older members here. I actually talk about the game, Unlike you and OTHER MEMBERS HERE, who just come in and talk crap about Kojima, then leave. Ignore me if you don't like my optimistic view on GZ. I have also said a lot of things that worry me about the game, sorry if I don't join in on the Kojima/Kiefer bashing.

And take some Prozac.

We've all contributed to the this thread. But, the real problem I see, stems from: (1) the people who have never displayed an interest in discussions (eg. the dude who only pops in to curse me and others out), and (2) new guys who suddenly show up and begin to disparage the older members who have been here for much longer than them.

Either of these is a sure-fire way to get ostracized by the community, in addition to being placed on ignore lists.

You forgot option 3, elitist older members here who "knows" everything that they say is fact. You, Plissken and myself have had te most arguments here with other members. Don't act perfect.

Also I posted the Eurogamer link a few pages back, the clique here is strong.

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Just curious Pturtle, why are you upset when people "bash" Kojima? I've been around here long enough to know that the users here who critique Kojima so happens to be the same cats who have also spent a small fortune on the series for decades. If it was a new member, or someone with absolutely ZERO MGS collectibles to show, then it would be different.

If anything, it goes to show that everyone is genuinely upset with him, and without being vocal about it, things won't change.

I'm proud (and grateful) to admit that my personal thoughts and actions HAVE changed the course of the Metal Gar history before. With a strong voice and enough passion behind it, it could always happen to anyone else too.
If it helps, when I joined here I had a few collectibles, not a whole lot though; Jungle Fatigues Boss PAK and Blue MGRR Raiden and the Legacy Collection Artbook, though it's now slowly growing along with my other collectibles with Solid Snake and Liquid Snaeke. I played just about the whole series and talked about it with a friend though I really only think I became a true fan recently since said friend is probably one of the worst MGS fans ever and eventually he calmed down with his "PLAY MGS PLAY MGS YOU NEVER REALLY PLAYED IT BEFORE THAT DOESNT COUNT WHAT YOU DID WITH MGS1" attitude, which he basically modified into something seriously worse, and I just know you guys would hate him. I played the series long ago (2008) in parts, and only really played it fully in 2011-2012 with MGS1 and a little of MGS3. I never really liked Kojima from the onset, he came across as an arrogant, weird as hell dude and I feel this has gotten worse. My experience with the series has thankfully become decent though with multiple playthroughs of the games.
Just curious Pturtle, why are you upset when people "bash" Kojima? I've been around here long enough to know that the users here who critique Kojima so happens to be the same cats who have also spent a small fortune on the series for decades. If it was a new member, or someone with absolutely ZERO MGS collectibles to show, then it would be different.

If anything, it goes to show that everyone is genuinely upset with him, and without being vocal about it, things won't change.

I'm proud (and grateful) to admit that my personal thoughts and actions HAVE changed the course of the Metal Gar history before. With a strong voice and enough passion behind it, it could always happen to anyone else too.

I don't mind it, I repeatedly said Peace Walkers story was underwhelming, along with some parts of MGS 4, but there's seems to be only two things the majority of the members speak about here, hatred for Kojima, or Kiefer Sutherland sucking. It just becomes repetitive hearing this all the time, but when some good news comes, those same members have nothing to say.

Names are made up if you appreciate these games, how many times have I been called Kojibro? If you people hate him fine, but some opinions here seem forced on to other members. How many times can we actually talk about the Facebook crowd who defend the game? Why is it wrong to have zero problems with the series? If this series makes other people happy, why do some members here want to take that from them?

I hate almost everything Marvel Studios has put out, but I'm not in that thread just talking crap and calling the guys who actually enjoy those films names. This generation is filled with people who just cry and moan. Almost every thread you go in, it's just a bunch of cry babies.

A majority of what I post here is about the game. Others members here literally come, post a new Kojima picture, and say how bad they want to punch him. What is that contributing to? How long can the same people cry and moan about other people who think Kojima is a genius and love every Metal gear game. Why does that bother these certain members? These are the same members who go ghost when actual news about the game is posted.

We have like 5 other metal gear threads already, why can't they take that over there, and leave this thread to actually talk about the game, and give some constructive criticism other than "Big Boss is lame" and "Solid is the Best".

Millions of people are excited for this game, the gameplay looks to be the best it's ever been, why can't we talk about that, instead of Kojima's "punch-able face".

Just frustrating, and ton of subliminal messages are made with some of these clique members, when someone does come in here and say how great the game is looking.

Some people need to look at themselves, when they feel the need to ruin other's enjoyment because they don't have the same opinion about something, especially a game most of all.

I’m sure I'll get responses saying, "well all you do is praise the game", that is totally not true, and these members either can't read, or just need a good excuse to justify their childish ways on here.

I think those Metal Gear PAK figures are horrible, as I feel like at those prices people are getting ripped off horribly, but how many times have you seen me in that thread saying this repeatedly?

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By my collection you guys know I have a major soft spot for the series. I think my "opinions" are justified. I can hang on most in depth conversations. I take in consideration the stupidness that has become a norm in the franchise. I don't just blindly support something because it has the kojima productions crest on it. If I hate something I blast kojimas twitter and have altered inaccuracies in his products. If a game misses the mark I'm going to rant. Sorry if some cannot read between the lines. I cannot deny that the graphics are breathtaking, that doesn't do it for me. All it does is make me want a figure, it doesn't make me want the game. If this demo puts a damper on things it could ruin the main games appeal completely. The ending to gz being lackluster is a very anticlimactic build to a supposedly epic installment.
I think you don't like the paks because you got in late and can't justify paying the rape rates. When I buy these I see the potential of the base product. If you can customize a hot toy than why not a pak. Its a moot argument and no justification will satisfy.
I think you don't like the paks because you got in late and can't justify paying the rape rates. When I buy these I see the potential of the base product. If you can customize a hot toy than why not a pak. Its a moot argument and no justification will satisfy.

Or I think they suck, I had Solid, Solidus, and Grey Fox, all sold for way more than I paid for. They are cheap, horribly painted, awkward looking figures in my opinion, that are horribly overpriced, but you don’t see me going in the collectibles thread ranting about it.

Just because you have a nice Metal Gear Solid toy collection, doesn’t mean you have the right to start “ranting” all over this thread, trying to derail it with Liam Neeson pictures. It does nothing but make people think you’re actually younger then you probably are.

If you think the fans buying GZ are getting raped by paying 30 dollars for it, then I think whoever buys that 99 dollar PAK Big Boss figure is getting sodomized by Mandingo.
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That's not what I was saying. You are the most frustrating idiot on ssf. You have no clue ever what people are talking about. Btw, not a single liam neeson picture was posted. Cool you hated them so much that you passed the hate onto your buyers. How old am I? You haven't a clue. I'd rather pay $99 for some collectible than a 2 hour game for $30 on the hardest difficulty. The figure lasts forever, so if I own it for a day I still make out better than you.
That's not what I was saying. You are the most frustrating idiot on ssf. You have no clue ever what people are talking about. Btw, not a single liam neeson picture was posted. Cool you hated them so much that you passed the hate onto your buyers. How old am I? You haven't a clue. I'd rather pay $99 for some collectible than a 2 hour game for $30 on the hardest difficulty. The figure lasts forever, so if I own it for a day I still make out better than you.

Actually you did. People have to love everything they sell? I guess you sell crack then. I know, I have no clue how old you are, but if I had to take a guess, I’d say about 13. Once again you’re either a Hayter, or stupid, the game isn’t 2 hours, and the disc and box will last forever as well. Keep taking that Mandingo buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night.
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You're so lucky that the internet and mileage separate us because you wouldn't say that **** if I was standing in front of you, keyboard warrior.

I would say worse, now lets get back to talking about the game, if you actually care to.