They're not. They're pretentious and shove themes and philosophical discussions in you face which gave the movies the
impression that they have more weight than they actually do. Heck, all the characters talk mostly in speeches. Young people gravitate to that, they need that sense that the media they're consuming is relevant and has big idea. The Burton movies were far darker since they imply themes rather than shove them down your throat.
I don' t like the Nolan Batman movies for that (and other) reasons but make no mistake, I'm grateful to him for bringing back Batman back to the spotlight and there's nothing wrong with preferring the Nolan movies over Buton's. I don't think it would have worked if they rebooted it with the "superficial" Batman form the Burton, Animated Series or the comics way back in 2005.
It's just rather annoying that games and movies are taking his approach as well when it's not needed to, such as Man of Steel and Tomb Raider.
I hope MGSV will turn out for the best when I play it sometime next week.